Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 40501 to 40520 «202220232024202520262027202820292030Next ›Last » ROCU starts training academy to help fill specialist roles The Yorkshire and Humberside ROCU has also replaced the traditional application form and interview process with a deductive reasoning test. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/6/2022 News Staffordshire Police: New model ‘to boost emergency response’ A new policing model has launched in the hope of enabling officers to respond quicker to emergencies. BBC 27/6/2022 News Northamptonshire Police raid unlicensed event at ex-military base About 200 people were asked to leave an unlicensed music event at a former military base, police have said. BBC 26/6/2022 News Schoolboy, 14, forced to ground in mistaken stop and search in Croydon De-Shaun Joseph, 14, said he feared he might die in the incident described by his mother as ‘every parent’s worst nightmare’ The Standard 26/6/2022 News Maintaining Police-Citizen Relations on Social Media During the Covid-19 Pandemic Despite a growing body of recent literature that has examined the role of the police during the COVID-19 pandemic, little is known about police approaches to citizen-engagement on social media in England. Accordingly, this paper draws on robust qualitative research conducted with police officers and staff across England who utilised either official, semi-official, or unofficial police social media accounts. The paper illustrates how they understood their role on social media during the pandemic, and the opportunities and lessons that can be learned. Above all, officers and staff in the study reported that the police transitioned between three distinct stages on social media during the first year of the pandemic. First, they discussed the need to move police engagement with citizens entirely online when the first lockdown started in March 2020 to maintain contact, albeit under very restricted circumstances. Second, during the initial stages of lockdown, they believed it was important that the police shared content on social media on how to keep safe, although they also acknowledged specific challenges in relation to sharing visual content, details of coronavirus legislation, and government guidance. Policing and Society 26/6/2022 Research article Policemen, Covid-19, and Police Culture: Navigating the Pandemic With Colleagues, the Public, and Family Scholars have long identified the culture of policing as resisting change and impeding reform (Campeau, 2019. Institutional myths and generational boundaries: cultural inertia in the police organisation. Policing and society, 29 (1), 69–84. doi:10.1080/10439463.2017.1371718; Chan, 1996. Changing police culture. British journal of criminology, 36 (1), 109–134. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.bjc.a014061), and the advent of COVID-19 has been optimal for studying this culture. Early research on the pandemic identified some temporary cultural shifts within policing or at least the potential for these (e.g. Alcadipani, 2020. Pandemic and macho organizations: wake-up call or business as usual? Gender, work and organization, 27 (5), 734–746). Our research analyzes data from 18 qualitative interviews with Canadian police officers who identified as men about their experiences at work and home, approximately five months into the pandemic. Drawing on Campeau’s (2015. “Police culture” at work: making sense of police oversight. Policing and Society - Registration at source 26/6/2022 Research article Hipkins pledges to tackle rising violent crime NEW ZEALAND: Chris Hipkins, who stepped down as Covid-19 Response Minister to take over the police portfolio from Poto Williams in the recent cabinet reshuffle, says he will ensure police have what they need to do their job. 1 News (New Zealand) 26/6/2022 News Crime scene clean-up: a victim’s family wants Queenslanders to be spared the trauma AUSTRALIA: Calls for state to follow SA and WA, where families aren’t responsible for organising forensic cleaning after loved ones die The Guardian 26/6/2022 News Alberta judges criticize police for watching, recording detainees using toilet CANADA: Edmonton police and RCMP make policy changes after court decisions CBC News (Canada) 26/6/2022 News Social welfare officers joining garda checkpoints and checking for five different offences REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The presence of Social Welfare officers is to detect people working while also claiming unemployment payments Mirror 26/6/2022 News Flying squad bobbies jump in to tackle local crime surges Suffolk police teams are deployed to communities plagued by drug dealers, car crime, shoplifting and other anti social behaviour. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 26/6/2022 News ‘Blinkered’ French police failed on Alps murders case FRANCE: In a new documentary, a British detective says the 2012 case is still unsolved because of blunders made by his counterparts The Times - Subscription at source 26/6/2022 News ‘I’m a Met police officer from the Romani community, I used to hide it but now I want to inspire others’ Christopher Baughurst says he's in a position where "people from my community don't trust me, and people in the police force don't either due to my heritage, I'm stuck in the middle" My London 26/6/2022 Feature, Opinion Three police officers disciplined over WhatsApp pictures of two black sisters Three metropolitan police officers who received pictures of two dead black women in a group chat have faced disciplinary measures after failing to report the disturbing images to senior officers. The Voice 26/6/2022 News Police force in Cumbria set for restructure, Chief Constable Michelle Skeer says Cumbria Constabulary chief constable Michelle Skeer has said the police force in the county is to restructure prior to local government reorganisation. The Mail (North West) 26/6/2022 News Woman, 25, who spat at police during Kill the Bill protest jailed for nearly six years A woman who spat at police and attacked them with a stick during a Kill the Bill protest sobbed yesterday as she was jailed for nearly six years. Express 26/6/2022 News Lincolnshire Police defends emergency leave policy after national criticism Lincolnshire Police has defended its policy for forms of compassionate and emergency leave, amid Police Federation accusations time off for workers is being denied. The Lincolnite 26/6/2022 News Dyfed-Powys Police record dramatic increase rise in hate crime Dyfed-Powys Police recorded a 24 per cent increase in hate crime year-on-year, according to the latest figures. South Wales Guardian 26/6/2022 News Why did they wait? Uvalde anger grows over bungled police response USA: Searing public testimony illustrates extreme reluctance of police chief to let his officers put a stop to the carnage The Guardian 26/6/2022 News The impact of video evidence on modern policing CANADA: Over the past decade, in-car camera technology for police vehicles has proliferated. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 26/6/2022 Report «202220232024202520262027202820292030Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events