Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 40381 to 40400 «201620172018201920202021202220232024Next ›Last » New police powers to crack down on unauthorised encampments Trespassers who set up camp illegally on other people’s land or in local communities could face up to three months in prison from after a new criminal offence became law. Police Professional 29/6/2022 News 999 caller hangs up after waiting 10 minutes for Staffordshire Police to answer One 999 caller hung up after waiting 10 minutes for an answer, a meeting has been told Stoke on Trent Live 29/6/2022 News Changes to legislation for policing protests The Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Act (2022) will result in changes to protests and events College of Policing 28/6/2022 News How smart doorbells became the latest weapon in fighting crime They may not look especially high tech but, last week, smart doorbells again proved their potential for solving serious crimes. Footage from a doorbell in Fitzwarren, Somerset, was crucial to the murder conviction of Collin Reeves, sentenced to a minimum of 38 years in prison last Tuesday for killing his neighbours Jennifer and Stephen Chapple. 28/6/2022 Feature Met Police put in special measures by watchdog Scotland Yard criticised for scandals and failures The Times - Subscription at source 28/6/2022 News Transnational crime threats faced by Africa focus of Interpol meeting AFRICA: Human trafficking, terrorism and cybercrime high on agenda for police chiefs across the region INTERPOL 28/6/2022 News Metropolitan Police placed under special measures by watchdog after series of scandals ‘It’s amazing it took this long,’ say Sarah Everard vigil campaigners The Independent 28/6/2022 News Met police placed in special measures due to litany of new ‘systemic’ failings Watchdog’s decision follows nearly 70,000 unrecorded crimes and errors in stop and search The Guardian 28/6/2022 News Funds announced to better support those in mental health crisis The Government has announced a £150 million investment to ensure better mental health support for people in crisis, including £7 million for specialised mental health ambulances. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 28/6/2022 News Criminal justice leads welcome new laws to make streets safer The Government has announced a raft of new laws which come into effect today, Tuesday 28 June, in a bid to better protect the public and make our streets safer. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 28/6/2022 News New garda register for those convicted of domestic violence to be rolled out REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Anyone convicted of domestic violence charges will be placed on a new garda register under measures contained in a €363m zero-tolerance strategy on domestic, sexual, and gender-based violence. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 28/6/2022 News Minister McEntee pays tribute to Assistant Garda Commissioner John O’Driscoll on his retirement REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has paid tribute, on behalf of the government and the State, to Assistant Garda Commissioner John O’Driscoll as he retires today following 41 years of service in An Garda SÃochána. Government of Ireland 28/6/2022 News Children’s commissioner sees police queries increase Cases about police and youth justice for Jersey's children's commissioner doubled in a year, a report says. The Children's Commissioner for Jersey's report said contacts doubled to 14 in 2021 from 2020, among a total of 127 inquiries and cases. BBC 28/6/2022 News New police powers to crack down on unauthorised encampments come into force New powers are amongst other measures in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act coming into force today. Home Office 28/6/2022 News Racism, radicalisation and Europe’s ‘Thin Blue Line’ Following analyses in the US of the reaction to Black Lives Matter in the Blue Lives Matter movement and the recasting of the police as victims, the author explores similar tendencies in Europe, in the context of changes in territorial policing, new technology and enhanced police powers under neoliberalism. She examines how racism has become entrenched in policing as the rank and file are resituating themselves as society’s victims and organising on an ever more extremist agenda. Police excesses are explained away and impunity extended to officers. At the same time, police are assuming the right to a special role and status in society that is not allowed to other agencies or public servants. In some instances, this has spilled over into collusion and collaboration with militarised far-right groups. The penetration of the far Right into policing is compounded by the dehumanisation within policing culture which stigmatises the ‘undeserving poor’ and emphasises threats to social order and governance as arising from marginalised black and ethnic minority communities. Institute of Race Relations 28/6/2022 Research article London mayor and Met police launch new victim voice survey The survey, which has been set up by London’s Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and the Met, will capture the views and experiences of victims of crimes in London to improve the level of support and care for them. Eastern Eye 28/6/2022 News New police powers to target organised crime AUSTRALIA: The Premier has announced that what he calls the State’s toughest ever laws against organised crime have been proposed, with new powers for police and tougher penalties targeting money laundering and unexplained wealth. PS News (Australia) 28/6/2022 News Hervey Bay to benefit from record police budget AUSTRALIA: Planning for the new Hervey Bay Police station will begin this financial year reinforcing the Palaszczuk Government’s commitment to community safety with a record $3 billion police budget. Queensland Government (Australia) 28/6/2022 News After three random attacks, are New Zealand’s streets becoming more violent? NEW ZEALAND: A spate of three random attacks in the last month has further raised concerns about the safety of New Zealand's streets. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 28/6/2022 News NZ police consider EVs, while their dogs get new rides too NEW ZEALAND: While discussing the imminent arrival of Skoda’s Enyaq iV in New Zealand, local boss Rodney Gillard has also confirmed that the police are considering adding the EV to the fleet. Stuff (New Zealand) 28/6/2022 News, Video «201620172018201920202021202220232024Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events