Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98659 total results. Showing results 39941 to 39960 «199419951996199719981999200020012002Next ›Last » Car theft ‘effectively decriminalised’ because police solve so few break-ins Thieves get away scot free as officers prioritise other offences, leaving ‘no deterrence’ for stealing vehicles The Telegraph - Subscription at source 10/7/2022 News Police social media team face backlash for “victim blaming” posts reminding cyclists to wear helmets The West Oxfordshire branch of Thames Valley Police said its officers attended a collision between a "cyclist and a car", and urged cyclists to remember to wear a helmet. 10/7/2022 News Weymouth: Children and police officers injured in 999 call crash Six people, including two children, have been injured in a crash involving a police car that was answering a 999 call, a force has said. BBC 10/7/2022 News NSW Police Rescue and Bomb Disposal Unit celebrates 80th anniversary AUSTRALIA: There is no such thing as the word "can't" for members of the elite NSW Police Rescue and Bomb Disposal Unit who have been wearing their can-do bravery as a badge of honour for 80 years. Port News (Australia) 10/7/2022 News Sex offender caught after Irish forensic scientists use European DNA database to link him to crime scene evidence REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Irish scientists were able to nail a sex offender after DNA taken from a victim swab matched that in an Austrian database. The Irish Sun (Republic of Ireland) 10/7/2022 News Half of UK police forces failing on basic duties, report finds More than half of Britain's inspected police forces fail to meet basic requirements such as answering 999 calls and investigating crimes. Express 10/7/2022 News Prisoners denied access to forensic evidence in bid to prove their innocence Campaigners call for reforms to allow those who claim to be wrongly convicted – such as Kevin Nunn, jailed for murdering his ex-girlfriend – to obtain information to appeal The Guardian 10/7/2022 News Why does the police force attract so many sex abusers? Growing up, I didn’t really think about the police until I got caught shoplifting at the age of 14. Separated from my comrades in the five-finger-discount crusade, I was stuck in a cell for half an hour but the earache only started when my furious parents came to collect me. I almost asked the kind policeman if I might stay overnight until they’d calmed down. The Spectator 10/7/2022 Feature, Opinion Growing ‘culture of extremism’ among UK and European police forces, report warns Officers are sharing racist content online, with some wearing the ‘thin blue line’ avatar, associated with white nationalism among US police The Guardian 10/7/2022 News Surveillance Does Not Equal Safety: Police, Data and Consent on Dating Apps As dating apps continue to receive pressure from civil society, media and governments to address a range of safety concerns, technology companies have developed and deployed a spate of new safety features. Taken together, these features rely upon increased surveillance and partnerships with both technology start-up companies and law enforcement agencies proposed as responses to sexual harassment and abuse. In this article, we draw on empirical accounts of app use – and popular media reporting – to problematise commonsense assumptions about dating apps, safety, technology, policing and surveillance. Where so-called safety features involve increased surveillance and techno-carceral solutionism, there is potential to make users less safe – particularly for app users who are marginalised or stigmatised on the basis of their race, sexuality, gender, health status, employment or disability. Instead of the impetus to ‘datafy’ consent by documenting evidence of sexual transactions, or to monitor users by sharing data with police, we argue that a more effective approach to safety must extend the notion of ‘consent culture’ to encompass a consent-based approach to collecting, storing, and sharing user data – including seeking consent from users about how and whether their data is sold, monetised or shared with third parties or law enforcement. Crime Media Culture: An International Journal - Registration at source 10/7/2022 Research article Privileged young are Ireland’s new drug dealers REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: As the son of TV chef Rachel Allen is jailed, experts warn many middle-class children ‘see nothing wrong’ in selling illegal substances The Times - Subscription at source 10/7/2022 News Garda union secretary brings defamation case REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Antoinette Cunningham, the general secretary of the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (Agsi), has begun defamation proceedings in the High Court against Christy Morrison, a serving garda sergeant and former force representative. The Times - Subscription at source 10/7/2022 News Lawyers fear being sued over police misconduct hearings Senior lawyers are refusing to rule on new police misconduct cases because of the failure to protect them from legal action by officers The Telegraph 10/7/2022 News Man jailed for shooting at police officer A man has been jailed for 22-years after he fired gunshots at a police officer in Scunthorpe last year. Police Professional 9/7/2022 News Advocates hope for accountability as Nelson PD officers investigated for alleged racist messages CANADA: Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner says 8 former and current officers under investigation CBC News (Canada) 9/7/2022 News Sir Mark Rowley named as new Met Police chief Former counter-terrorism policing chief Sir Mark Rowley has been named the next commissioner of the Met. Express 9/7/2022 News Racism, radicalisation and Europe’s ‘Thin Blue Line’ In a double-length lead article of the July issue of Race & Class, IRR director Liz Fekete warns of a deepening ‘culture of extremism’ amongst police officers across Europe, highlighting numerous cases of racist and misogynistic attitudes and far right entryism amongst police officers. Institute of Race Relations 9/7/2022 News Police commissioner tackled over ‘out of control’ hate crime Increase Hate crime in Devon and Cornwall has been described as ‘out of control’ and efforts to tackle it ‘ad hoc and reactionary’. Teignmouth Post & Gazette 9/7/2022 News I’ll put more bobbies on the beat, vows new Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley Dame Cressida Dick’s successor promises a new era of community policing and pledges to turn around scandal-hit force The Telegraph - Subscription at source 9/7/2022 News ‘They call him the tunneller’: Meet the new head of the Met police Mark Rowley says his mission is to renew the principle of policing by consent. Is he up to the task? The Spectator 9/7/2022 Feature, Opinion «199419951996199719981999200020012002Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events