Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 39841 to 39860 «198919901991199219931994199519961997Next ›Last » CPS Defendants: Fairness for All Strategy 2025 Our commitment to ensuring that the right person is prosecuted for the right offence and protecting the rights of suspects and defendants underpins our CPS Defendants: Fairness for All Strategy 2025. This strategy represents a clear articulation of the role that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) plays in contributing to a fair and just system that prosecutes criminal investigations whilst enabling those who may face additional barriers or with additional needs to participate fully in the criminal justice process. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 13/7/2022 Report 20 years on, the International Criminal Court is doing more good than its critics claim The International Criminal Court (ICC) was set up during a unique period of global co-operation, but has faced criticism for its failure to hold the US and other major powers to account; however, Dr Matt Killingsworth, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Tasmania, believes the ICC has played a valuable role in creating expectations that global justice can be realised. Policing Insight 13/7/2022 Feature, Opinion CPS launches Defendants strategy with pledge to focus on mental health, youth justice and disproportionality A commitment to fairness for all parties is at the heart of a new Defendants Strategy, launched today by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 13/7/2022 News Police want to encourage more women to join the force Police Scotland want to encourage more women to consider becoming a police officer. Border Telegraph 13/7/2022 News Gardaí seize €7 million worth of cannabis from business premises REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí have seized almost €7 million worth of cannabis from a business premises in Co Kilkenny. Laos Live (Republic of Ireland) 13/7/2022 News Telford scandal: Over 1,000 girls abused and raped by Asian gangs while police looked the other way Plus, survivor Samantha Smith waives her anonymity to speak to The Telegraph about her years of 'silence and shame and victim blaming' The Telegraph - Subscription at source 13/7/2022 News Wicklow pharmacies join initiative to support domestic abuse victims REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A new initiative to enable people experiencing domestic abuse and coercive control to receive support in their local pharmacy has been launched in pharmacies in Wicklow. Department of Justice (Republic of Ireland) 13/7/2022 News South Africa’s many illegal guns a factor in bar shootings SOUTH AFRICA: South African police are patrolling the streets of Johannesburg’s Soweto township, following a spate of bar shootings that have rocked the nation The Independent 13/7/2022 News New Met Police chief Sir Mark Rowley slammed by Muslim groups after saying Islamophobia was ‘not racism’ Fears over new Met Police boss after he gave his backing to think tanks sharply criticised by anti-racism groups My London 13/7/2022 News Minister McEntee to update new Hate Crime legislation to make it easier to secure prosecutions and convictions REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, has today announced that she is amending her approach to the forthcoming Incitement to Hatred and Hate Crime Bill - the Hate Speech and Hate Crime Bill - to make it easier to secure prosecutions and convictions for crimes motivated by hate. Department of Justice (Republic of Ireland) 13/7/2022 News Police Chief Culture: A View From the Top Prior research on police culture has focused primarily on line officers. This study examined culture at the upper administrative level by identifying a taxonomy of police chiefs based on their role orientations. Relevant predictors of culture types based on chief, department, and jurisdiction characteristics were also tested. Data come from a survey of 460 local police chiefs in Texas and 2013–2017 census estimates from the American Community Survey. Five groups of chiefs were observed in the data: service-oriented, peace-keeper, law and order professionals, lay-lows, and traditionalists. Having a graduate education, being an internal hire, total years of experience in law enforcement, department size, and residential instability levels significantly differentiated the groups. This study sheds insight into occupational culture from the upper administrative level of police organizations Police Quarterly - Registration at source 13/7/2022 Research article One in three young women abused by partners More than a third of young women and girls in Scotland have been abused by someone with whom they were in an intimate relationship, a new report suggests. In May it was revealed the police received a call every nine minutes on average about domestic abuse. Statistics also showed Police Scotland officers responded to 63,093 calls about domestic abuse last year — more than 40,000 resulted in a crime being recorded. The new survey of 400 women aged up to 25 found that 36 per cent had been physically or emotionally harmed by a partner. The Times - Subscription at source 13/7/2022 News Surveillance footage of the Uvalde school shooting shows failed police response USA: Surveillance footage from a Texas school where 19 children and two teachers were killed in a mass shooting has shown publicly for the first time the chaos and dysfunction of the police response. Published amid community uproar over the lack of information and accountability provided to victims’ families in the seven weeks since the massacre in Uvalde, the 82-minute video chronicles the terror that unfolded and how officers lingered for 77 minutes before taking down the gunman. The Times - Subscription at source 13/7/2022 News Hundreds of girls sexually abused in Telford More than a thousand children were sexually exploited over at least 30 years in Telford amid “shocking” police and council failings, an inquiry has found. Unnecessary suffering and child deaths might have been avoided had West Mercia police “done its most basic job”, according to findings published yesterday. The Times - Subscription at source 13/7/2022 News Trauma-informed leadership: How understanding and sharing experiences can improve mental health and wellbeing Trauma-informed leadership (TIL) builds on a foundation of recognizing and understanding the mental and emotional scars and challenges that officers may be experiencing; Policing Insight’s Christine Townsend spoke to law enforcement psychologist Dr David Black about the potential benefits of TIL, the risks of generational trauma, and how giving leaders the opportunity to share stories can have a positive impact on them and their staff. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/7/2022 Feature, Interview Met Police should not offer rape victims support, expert says Rape victims should no longer be offered support by Met Police officers, London's victims' commissioner says. BBC 13/7/2022 News UK Police Commissioner Says Their Electric Cars Are Running Out Of Power Before Reaching Emergencies UK Police Commissioner says their electric car fleet are running out of power before reaching emergencies. Auto Josh 12/7/2022 News Over 1,000 children abused in town where police ‘were scared of racial tensions’ ‘Countless’ children were sexually exploited over at least a 30 year period after police missed chances to stop it as they were worried about ‘inflaming racial tensions. Metro 12/7/2022 News Durham PCC: “I want everyone to become a victim champion” Victims' champions were first recommended by Victims' Commissioner Dame Vera Baird in February last year. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/7/2022 News Military police ask BBC for details ahead of Panorama’s SAS death squad claims Afghanistan: Request comes despite MoD saying BBC ‘irresponsible’ and ‘incorrect’ to broadcast reports Afghan civilians shot in cold blood The Guardian 12/7/2022 News «198919901991199219931994199519961997Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events