Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 39821 to 39840 «198819891990199119921993199419951996Next ›Last » Police argue drinking at football matches could make game ‘safer’ An officer suggested that the sale of alcohol in football stadiums could avert sudden 'rushes' of fans arriving late. STV News 13/7/2022 News Met police deploy facial-recognition technology in Oxford Circus Police facial-recognition deployment results in three arrests, despite sustained calls from Parliament and civil society to limit the technology’s use until a specific legal framework for biometrics is in place Computer Weekly 13/7/2022 News MI5 needs more funds to tackle rightwing terror threat, says watchdog Committee says lack of resources affecting other areas of agency’s work and calls situation ‘untenable’ The Guardian 13/7/2022 News Garda pursuit of Kinahan gang will be ‘relentless’ – Drew Harris REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Commissioner has said authorities are "absolutely 100% committed" to targeting organised crime and recent seizures of drugs and weapons reflect this. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 13/7/2022 News Two Met Police officers charged with assault after stopping man Two Metropolitan Police officers have been charged with common assault by beating after they stopped a man in north-west London. BBC 13/7/2022 News Cheshire deploys facial recognition to target cross border OCGs Facial recognition has been deployed by a force in a joint operation to target OCGs using the motorway network. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/7/2022 News ACT government rejects Australian Federal Police Association’s call for sentencing review after man who crashed into cop car issued corrections order AUSTRALIA: ACT Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury says the government will not conduct a review into sentencing in the ACT, despite calls from Canberra's police union. ABC News (Australia) 13/7/2022 News Australian Police Turned Away, Mocked Domestic Violence Victims AUSTRALIA:An inquiry into Queensland police responses to domestic and family violence has discovered a pattern in the department of survivors being turned away. In addition, officers claimed some victims “deserved to be raped,” and “domestic violence is just foreplay,” reports The Guardian. Additionally, the inquiry heard that some survivors reporting allegations of violence encountered officers reluctant to take further action unless they had other evidence. The Crime Report 13/7/2022 News Nervousness about race “led to a reluctance to police parts of Wellington” An independent inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Telford has found West Mercia Police allowed a nervousness about race to become prevalent among officers. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/7/2022 News Four arrested in NCA investigation targeting ‘key members’ of a people smuggling crime group Four people have been arrested as part of a National Crime Agency (NCA) operation targeting a crime group linked to the “prolific smuggling” of migrants to the UK by lorry. Police Professional 13/7/2022 News Police bullying report: Year on from review new info reveals whether numbers have changed NEW ZEALAND: A year on from a review that found pockets of toxic culture at New Zealand Police, new data shows just how many bullying and sexual harassment complaints have been filed since. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 13/7/2022 News Inclusion of child to parent abuse in new Domestic Abuse Act guidance welcomed by campaigners A leading campaigner on child to parent abuse has welcomed its inclusion in new statutory guidance on the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 published by the Home Office. Police Professional 13/7/2022 News Police Minister announces new measures to help tackle gangs NEW ZEALAND: Police will have expanded powers for dealing with gang violence including a new intimidation offence, but stronger search and seize powers will still need a warrant. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 13/7/2022 News Maintaining Confidence in Police Use of Force in Western Liberal Democracies In a liberal democracy, the police cannot have the power to use force without accountability and transparency. Operational independence to make hard policing decisions should be matched by operational responsibility and willingness to account for that decision. Political and societal pressure can result in over- or under-reaction in the use of hard police tactics. We are not making decisions based on rigorous evidence and research, so we cannot explain why we use certain tactics and whether they are disproportionate. The evidence concerning our need for more self-protection and greater force is poor and may affect our judgement. Public confidence requires both better evidence and better communication of that evidence to communities in which police use force with greatest consequence. Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing 13/7/2022 Research article Ontario police called in to probe leak of Nova Scotia mass shooting material CANADA: The Ontario Provincial Police is investigating how 911 call recordings from the 2020 Nova Scotia mass shooting were leaked, the force said Tuesday. Toronto Star (Canada) 13/7/2022 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/7/2022 News More police CCTV cameras to be installed in downtown Winnipeg CANADA: Winnipeg police is adding 16 cameras in downtown Winnipeg as part of its closed circuit television program. Global News (Canada) 13/7/2022 News, Video Police CyberAlarm monitoring tool goes live with major upgrade An enhanced version of the Police CyberAlarm has gone live this week with “additional functionality” to help businesses and organisations better understand the cyber threats they face. Police Professional 13/7/2022 News Another added cost of Surrey pilfering Delta Police officers CANADA: The Delta Police Department (DPD) last week celebrated the graduation of nine police officers from the Justice Institute of BC (JIBC). Delta Optimist (Canada) 13/7/2022 News Helen McEntee to strengthen law against hate crimes and hate speech REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The new measures will reportedly be announced later today, with legislation being introduced in the Oireachtas in the autumn. Hotpress 13/7/2022 News «198819891990199119921993199419951996Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events