Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 39801 to 39820 «198719881989199019911992199319941995Next ›Last » Meeting Dr Victoria Herrington, Director Knowledge for the Australian Institute of Police Management (AIPM) On a blustery day in June, PolicingTV publisher Bernard Rix met Dr Victoria Herrington, Director Knowledge for the Australian Institute of Police Management (AIPM) and International Advisory Committee Member for the Scottish Institute for Police Research (SIPR). Plenty covered on this Policing Friendship Tour walk-talk-and-film around Portsmouth Harbour, including leadership in policing; the impact of silos across policing and elsewhere; law enforcement and public health. With policing related papers in publications as diverse as The Lancet and Police Practice & Research, and a professional career that crosses (at least) three continents, Vicky shares some fascinating insights during the walk. PolicingTV 14/7/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Warnings over ‘inconsistent’ monitoring of criminals after release from prison Serious violent criminals and registered sex offenders are subject to Mappa (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements) to ensure their risk to the public is monitored once they are released from prison. Sky News 14/7/2022 News PSNI knew Glenn Quinn was under threat, says family The brother of a man found murdered in his Carrickfergus home in 2020 has said police failed to inform him that his life was under threat. BBC 14/7/2022 News Deported criminals are sneaking back into UK in small boats: Chief inspector of prisons warns dangerous convicts are among the 14,100 migrants who have crossed Channel so far this year Dangerous criminals who have been deported after being released from prison are among the thousands of migrants who have travelled to the UK in small boats this year, a report has found. Mail Online 14/7/2022 News ‘Concerning police vetting process’ risks ‘insider threat’ from extremism, warns report The Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) has warned there is risk to policing from the ‘insider threat’ of right-wing extremism because of a “concerning lack of thorough background checks”. Police Professional 14/7/2022 News Youth Endowment Fund highlights hot spots policing as latest tool in tackling youth violence With the UK Government’s levelling-up plans and goals to reduce homicide, serious violence and neighbourhood crime by 2030, police and crime commissioners and policy makers will be looking to evidence-based solutions to tackle crime; Jon Yates, Executive Director of the Youth Endowment Fund, believes the Fund’s toolkit could provide valuable resources for successfully targeting youth violence. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/7/2022 Feature, Opinion Mo Farah: Police investigate trafficking revelations The Metropolitan Police say they have opened an investigation into Sir Mo Farah's revelation that he was trafficked to the UK as a child. BBC 14/7/2022 News Hot spot policing works, research reveals with 74% drop in offending 'Hot spot' patrols significantly reduce offending by up to 74%, according to new research. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/7/2022 News MAPPA arrangements are under-used Work with offenders examines a new joint inspection report into the management of high risk offenders. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/7/2022 News Warnings over ‘inconsistent’ monitoring of criminals after release from jail Dangerous criminals are being downgraded to the lowest level of monitoring from police and other bodies too quickly after being freed from jail, the Chief Inspector of Probation has warned. Police Professional 14/7/2022 News Twenty years on, is MAPPA achieving its objectives? This joint inspection examined the work of prisons, police, and probation in delivering MAPPA. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, much of the inspection work was completed remotely, with interviews and focus groups conducted via online platforms. In total, 107 cases were inspected jointly by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation and HMICFRS, selected from six MAPPA areas. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 14/7/2022 Report Twenty years on, is MAPPA achieving its objectives? Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) aim to bring together criminal justice agencies and other services to manage the risks that people convicted of violent or sexual offences pose to the public. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 14/7/2022 News Corporate plan 2022-23 AUSTRALIA: This corporate plan outlines how the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) intends to deliver its purpose over the next 4 years, including our key activities and the measures by which we will be held to account in 2022–23. [pdf] Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) 14/7/2022 Report Met police launches investigation into Mo Farah trafficking claims Scotland Yard is likely to question a married couple Farah accused of forcing him into domestic servitude The Guardian 13/7/2022 News UK town police failed to protect more than 1,000 children from sexual exploitation over last 40 years: report Jurist (Canada) 13/7/2022 GPs get digital marker on gun holders with medical problems The Home Office has unveiled a digital marker system to alert police of any medical issue for a licensed gun owner. 13/7/2022 News Europol report: latest situational analysis on terrorism in the EU Europol’s flagship TE-SAT 2022 report is based on quantitative data provided to Europol by EU Member States on terrorist attacks, arrests and court decisions issued for terrorist offences. Europol’s partners also provided valuable qualitative information and assessments that enrich the findings of the report. Europol 13/7/2022 News Schools in England advised to assess risk of strip-search before calling police Guidance issued after 15-year-old black girl known as Child Q was strip-searched by female police officers in 2020 The Guardian 13/7/2022 News European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend report 2022 (TE-SAT) EUROPE: The annual EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) presents figures, major developments and trends pertaining to the terrorism situation in the EU in 2021. It is based on verified qualitative and quantitative data provided by Member States on terrorist attacks, arrests and court decisions issued for terrorist offences. It also includes valuable qualitative information and assessments from Europol’s partners that enrich the findings of the report, in order to reflect on developments beyond the EU that affect the security of the EU and its citizens. Although the primary scope of the TE-SAT is terrorism, the report also presents specific violent extremist incidents, acts and activities where relevant and available, as reported by Member States. Europol 13/7/2022 Report ‘Too ugly to be raped’: Queensland inquiry hears police were dismissive of domestic violence victims AUSTRALIA: Officer gives evidence of colleagues describing rapes in intimate relationships as ‘surprise sex’, and saying they ‘deserved to be raped’ The Guardian 13/7/2022 News «198719881989199019911992199319941995Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events