Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98679 total results. Showing results 39781 to 39800 «198619871988198919901991199219931994Next ›Last » 228 people have died in or following Garda custody since 2007 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has confirmed that 228 people have died in or following Garda custody since 2007. The statistics were released via a letter addressed to People Before Profit TD Paul Murphy on Thursday (14 July), which Murphy subsequently published on his Twitter account. The Minister for Justice said that An Garda Síochána themselves must determine if the threshold has been reached to refer an incident to GSOC under section 102, as referred to in the Garda Síochána Act 2005. 14/7/2022 News Amazon gave police departments Ring footage without permission USA: Amazon’s Ring doorbell unit has admitted to providing police forces with data without users' consent 11 times so far this year, according to a prominent US politician. Democratic senator Edward Markey released the findings from his probe into Ring, which highlighted the close relationship between the company and law enforcement, according to a letter the senator received from the company. IT PRO 14/7/2022 News Police union calls for judiciary sentencing review as services ‘hamstrung by poor funding’ AUSTRALIA: The federal police union has called on the ACT Government to review criminal sentencing in the Territory following the sentencing of a drug driver in the Supreme Court. RiotACT! 14/7/2022 News Queensland police officer minimised domestic violence despite ‘punch-sized’ bruises, inquiry hears AUSTRALIA: A domestic violence victim was “failed” by a Queensland police officer who minimised her assault, despite clear evidence of a “punch-sized” bruise on her ribcage and allegations her partner threatened to decapitate a dog, a commission of inquiry has heard. The Guardian 14/7/2022 News Police Association welcomes gang law changes as a “solid start” NEW ZEALAND: Association President Chris Cahill says the government is obviously listening to Police and has picked up on several key concerns around gang intimidation and illegal gang accumulation of wealth. New Zealand Police Association 14/7/2022 News Officer improperly influenced prosecution in Northland NEW ZEALAND: The Independent Police Conduct Authority has found that a senior officer improperly involved himself in the prosecution outcome for a man who had been charged with assault in Northland on 14 June 2020. [pdf] Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) (New Zealand) 14/7/2022 Report Police recruitment community event in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland follows Puhikura launch NEW ZEALAND: In June, police launched Puhikura, a campaign which has been created to attract more wāhine Māori to join police. New Zealand Police 14/7/2022 News Hertfordshire is first force to go to maximum South East Allowance Hertfordshire Fed Chair, Luke Mitchell, has said he hopes that officers will be receiving the money in a lump sum before Christmas Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/7/2022 News NPCC look at technological solutions for vetting online activity It comes as a report on Extreme Right Wing Terrorism highlighted concerns over the police vetting processes. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/7/2022 News Inspection calls on forces to review sex offender management workloads A joint thematic inspection into MAPPA has identified high and sometimes "excessive" MOSOVO workloads. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/7/2022 News Transport police unit ‘should be set up’ in An Garda Siochana – O’Callaghan REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: One TD says a specific transport police unit should be set up within An Garda Síochána. newstalk (Republic of Ireland) 14/7/2022 News Targeted policing in high-crime areas reduces youth violence, research finds Targeting police resources and high-visibility patrols on high-crime areas can help prevent children from becoming involved in violence, according to a new analysis of UK and international evidence. Police Professional 14/7/2022 News ‘Children will suffer most’, warns IWF as Online Safety Bill delayed The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) has warned “momentum must not be lost” in the fight to protect children from predators and abusers online as the new Online Safety Bill suffers a “worrying” delay in Parliament. Police Professional 14/7/2022 News Two police officers in court over indecent image of child Two Greater Manchester Police officers will go on trial accused of making and sending an indecent image of a child. BBC 14/7/2022 News Suffolk Constabulary launches pioneering live chat support for domestic abuse victims Suffolk Constabulary has successfully piloted online live chat in a revolutionary way to communicate safely with victims of domestic abuse. Police Professional 14/7/2022 News Chief constables pledge support for Police Covenant Chief Constables from all 43 Home Office forces in England and Wales have pledged their support for the Police Covenant today (July 14) after it was recently enshrined in law as one of the new measures in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act. Police Professional 14/7/2022 News Police Covenant published to support policing community 'Policing is a challenging but immensely rewarding career and we must look after our people so they are best able to look after the public' College of Policing 14/7/2022 News Unauthorised encampments: guidance for police GUIDANCE: Sets out the suite of powers available for police to respond to unauthorised encampments and to tackle a range of harms proportionately. Home Office 14/7/2022 Report Chief Constables pledge support for Police Covenant Chief Constables from all 43 Home Office forces in England and Wales have today (14th July) pledged their support for the Police Covenant which was recently enshrined in law as one of the new measures of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 14/7/2022 News Winnipeg Police Service: A culture of safety for all 2021 Statistical report CANADA: The Winnipeg Police Service 2021 Statistical Report is by its nature a collection of crimes reported to police that occurred in Winnipeg. While the statistics are informative, what’s missing is the context and stories behind the crime reports. [pdf] Winnipeg Police Service 14/7/2022 Report «198619871988198919901991199219931994Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events