Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 39761 to 39780 «198519861987198819891990199119921993Next ›Last » Saskatoon police target drug traffickers, not users, police chief says CANADA: Saskatoon Police Chief Troy Cooper says the city has "de facto decriminalization" of simple possession of illicit drugs. CTV News (Canada) 15/7/2022 News New research on algorithmic transparency standard highlights benefits for policing and the public The Government is currently piloting an algorithmic transparency standard across the public sector, with the aim of improving openness and public trust in the use of technology; a new research study has highlighted the potential benefits for policing of adhering to the standard, including greater public confidence, the sharing of best practice and reduced costs, as Policing Insight’s Keith Potter reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/7/2022 Feature, Innovation Formerly incarcerated Indigenous people ‘less likely to call police’: community expert CANADA: An Indigenous organization and police are concerned that people who fear police and find themselves in vulnerable situations might not reach out. CTV News (Canada) 15/7/2022 News, Video Annual Report 2021 CANADA: The past couple of years have been incredibly challenging for the Calgary Police Service. [pdf] Calgary Police Commission 15/7/2022 Report CAB targets data backs up belief that Longford criminals were hiding in plain sight up to this REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda efforts to crack down on organised crime in the region came under the spotlight as the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) 2021 annual report was published by Justice Minister Helen McEntee. Longford Leader (Republic of Ireland) 15/7/2022 News Policing Authority commissions research on the experience of policing in Ireland by diverse and minority communities REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Policing Authority has commissioned research to explore the experience and perceptions of policing within diverse and minority communities in Ireland. Following a competitive tender process, the contract has been awarded to Dr Vicky Conway. Policing Authority (Republic of Ireland) 15/7/2022 News ‘Large-scale’ Ontario drug trafficking network dismantled, police say CANADA: Twenty-five people have been charged as part of the dismantling of a “large-scale” Ontario drug trafficking network, police say. Global News (Canada) 15/7/2022 News South Yorkshire Police trial new policing tactic in Sheffield city centre Project Servator – a policing tactic used to disrupt a range of criminality, including terrorism – will be trialled in Sheffield city centre from today (Friday 15 July). South Yorkshire Police 15/7/2022 News Police Scotland reminds public on correct use of 999 as summer demand set to increase Police Scotland is urging people to only dial 999 for emergencies after revealing a member of the public called the emergency line to report the bus they were waiting on had driven past them. Police Professional 15/7/2022 News Met Police is forced to ditch ‘racist and misogynistic’ detective degree course after lecturers and students said it ‘stereotyped immigrants as drug dealers, rapists and child abusers’ A course taught to trainee detectives in the Metropolitan Police has been dropped after university lecturers said it was 'racist, misogynistic and discriminatory' and refused to teach it. Mail Online 15/7/2022 News Advancing Representation Theory to Reflect the Police Reform Process in Post-Troubles West Belfast Policing institutions throughout the world face a legitimacy crisis. This crisis’ immediacy necessitates the exploration of theories that provide answers regarding effective reforms. The representation theory of policing offers one such answer; it holds that accountability mechanisms are an avenue for public input that increases confidence in police and affords them democratic legitimacy. This article applies and evaluates representation theory by examining one such reform attempt: post-Troubles policing restructuring and its impact on relations between police and the militant nationalist community within West Belfast. It assesses print media coverage of accountability reforms throughout the peace negotiation period and the early years of reform implementation and ultimately affirms the association between police legitimacy and accountability; however, it also suggests that this association is more complex than a simple positive correlation. Rather, legitimacy is correlated with public debate regarding accountability that encompasses both positive and negative evaluations of policing. This indicates that the predominance of police accountability as a subject of public discourse may serve as an essential component of efforts to instill policing with democratic legitimacy. The article presents an original model of representation theory that more accurately reflects the dynamics of legitimacy-building efforts in West Belfast and proposes applications of this advancement to the contemporary, global movement advocating for police reform. International Criminal Justice Review 15/7/2022 Research article Assessing the Effects of Covid-19-Related Stay-At-Home Orders on Homicide Rates in Selected U.S. Cities Most U.S. states issued stay-at-home orders (SAHOs) to limit the spread of COVID-19 in 2020. These orders required people to remain in their residences except when undertaking essential activities. While SAHOs are a powerful public health tool against infectious diseases, they can have significant social and economic consequences. Grounded in general strain and routine activities theories and using interrupted time series analyses, this study assesses the effects of SAHOs on homicide rates in 10 U.S. cities. Substantive results suggest SAHOs were associated with changes in homicide rates in theoretically identifiable ways. Homicide Studies 15/7/2022 Research article Safeguarding experts condemn putting online safety Bill on hold Policing leaders and campaigners have rounded on officials and ministers for dropping internet safety legislation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/7/2022 News Garda chiefs issue strict rules for gardaí on cancelling of District Court cases REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda chiefs have issued strict new rules on how gardaí cancel or strike out minor court cases at District Court level. Sources have told The Journal that the new rules have ordered that individual gardaí will now have to complete a report to the Director of Public Prosecutions or a senior officer before they can cease a prosecution. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 15/7/2022 News ‘Racist’ Met police course for detectives ditched after protests by attendees The Metropolitan Police has been forced to drop a “racist, misogynistic and discriminatory” training programme for its next generation of detectives after university lecturers refused to deliver it, The Times has learnt. The Times - Subscription at source 15/7/2022 News Off-duty policeman stabbed chasing wanted murderer named Britain’s bravest officer Steven Denniss, 44, was honoured for his courage after being stabbed in the leg while pursuing wanted killer Daniel Boulton in Lincolnshire. He tops the list of 76 officers nominated in the annual Police Bravery Awards. Sky News 15/7/2022 News Review and reform: Learning lessons from critical threats Seventeen years ago this month the UK faced its first ‘critical’ threat level following a series of terrorist attacks in London that prompted significant changes to the country’s counter-terrorism operations; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks back at the events of July 2005, and considers whether the appointment of former counter-terror chief Sir Mark Rowley as Metropolitan Police Commissioner could improve collaboration and co-operation between the security services and police. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/7/2022 Analysis, Feature WA man charged with five online child abuse related offences AUSTRALIA: A man, 20, is expected to face a Perth court today (15 July, 2022) after being charged by the Western Australia Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team (WA JACET). Australian Federal Police (AFP) 15/7/2022 News Innovation matters to address challenges, say public sector workers Just under two-thirds (61 per cent) of public sector workers believe that service delivery could be improved by the introduction of technology, according to a new report. Police Professional 14/7/2022 News JCC Circular 28 of 2022 Police Pay – Update on Negotiations and Action – Information Police Pay 2022 - Update on negotiations and actions. Scottish Police Federation (SPF) 14/7/2022 Report «198519861987198819891990199119921993Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events