Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 39661 to 39680 «198019811982198319841985198619871988Next ›Last » Garda takes action over alleged failure by commissioner to process €23k expenses claim filed in 2019 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Sergeant claims that for some unknown reason his expenses application has not been assessed or determined by the commissioner, which he claims in judicial review proceedings is unlawful Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 18/7/2022 News Anti-speeding Conservative police chief Caroline Henry banned from driving for five offences A Conservative police chief who pledged to oversee a road safety crackdown has refused to resign despite receiving a driving ban for committing five speeding offences over 12 weeks. Caroline Henry, the police and crime commissioner for Nottinghamshire, was banned from driving for six months for her repeated breaches. The Times - Subscription at source 18/7/2022 News Five bystanders shot when Denver police open fire on man holding gun in crowded street USA: Police officers shot and injured five bystanders when they opened fire into a bustling crowd early after a man pointed a gun in their direction, the Denver Police Department said. The Independent 18/7/2022 News “It’s not just ASB” – New police service standard to address ‘hidden crimes’ in anti-social behaviour This week marks Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) week – a week of raising awareness of anti-social behaviour and the vital role that the wider public can have in helping us tackle it. Here in Avon and Somerset, we are launching a new ASB Service Standard to ensure we are delivering a service that supports victims of anti-social behaviour and deals robustly with perpetrators. Avon & Somerset Constabulary 18/7/2022 News ‘Low-risk’ child porn offenders shouldn’t be prosecuted, say police Major report says conditional cautions should instead be given, while children who share naked images should be exempt The Telegraph - Subscription at source 18/7/2022 News Domestic Abuse Commissioner reappointed for a second term Nicole Jacobs, the Domestic Abuse Commissioner, will continue in her role for a further 3 years. Home Office 18/7/2022 News MoJ pilot ‘Problem-Solving’ courts to tackle drug and alcohol fuelled crime The courts are designed to help offenders tackle their addictions, preventing future drug and alcohol fuelled reoffending. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/7/2022 News Statue book must include E-scooter changes, ministers told The legal limbo of e-scooters needs to end, according to policing and private enforcement leaders. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/7/2022 News Specialist squads muscled up as part of police numbers boost AUSTRALIA: A significant boost to specialist police units to target organised crime, domestic violence and terrorism will form part of 550 new positions in the NSW Police Force this financial year. NSW Government (Australia) 18/7/2022 News Derbyshire PCC invests £2m in digital evidence system PCC Angelique Foster has awarded the £2.2m contract to Axon to deliver the system within a five-year period. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/7/2022 News First Nations woman turned away by Queensland police despite ‘clear’ domestic violence issues AUSTRALIA: A First Nations woman who was a victim of domestic violence was turned away from a Brisbane police station because she was perceived as “argumentative”, a commission of inquiry has heard. The Guardian 18/7/2022 News Fraud investigation leads to child abuse material charges AUSTRALIA: A Sydney man has been charged for allegedly possessing more than 3,500 images and videos of child abuse material. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 18/7/2022 News Notts PCC banned from driving and fined for speeding The Police and Crime Commissioner caught for speeding five times has been banned from driving for six months. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/7/2022 News West Midlands first force to livestream body worn video footage As of today, updated body worn cameras will enable frontline West Midlands officers to livestream footage from incidents they attend. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/7/2022 News Strangulation law: Eight factors that will count towards a stiffer jail sentence for domestic abusers NEW ZEALAND: A man who choked his ex-partner on a bed until she nearly passed out has complained that his sentence of two years and three months in prison is unfair. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 18/7/2022 News New ‘Problem-Solving Courts’ to combat drug and alcohol-fuelled crime Ground-breaking new courts will trial “a tougher approach to community sentences” to make drug and alcohol abusers tackle their addiction head-on or face harsher consequences. Police Professional 18/7/2022 News Auckland gang warfare – city sees 109 reported gun crimes in a single month NEW ZEALAND: Open gang warfare and brazen shootings in Auckland saw recorded gun crimes spike during a single month in the Super City with an average of more than three per day. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 18/7/2022 News, Video ‘Swift, Certain, Tough: New Consequences for Drug Possession’ white paper CONSULTATION: The results of this consultation will inform the government’s approach to reforming the way the criminal justice system deals with adult drug possession offences and to changing drug testing on arrest powers. Home Office 18/7/2022 Report North Wales Police relies on NICE Investigate for digital transformation and pandemic protection Today, digital transformation is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in policing and this includes transforming how police forces collect, analyze and share evidence. One digital evidence management trailblazer is North Wales Police. Using NICE Investigate, North Wales Police was able to digitally transform work processes around evidence collection and sharing, to help minimize risk of contact during the recent pandemic, while still continuing to provide the utmost service to the community and justice partners. Policing Insight 18/7/2022 Advertisement, Feature ASB not a problem but a partnership problem APCC Local Policing Leads reinforce the collective responsibility that we all have in tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) as part of ASB Awareness Week. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 18/7/2022 News «198019811982198319841985198619871988Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events