Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 39641 to 39660 «197919801981198219831984198519861987Next ›Last » Gaia Pope death: ‘I’m sickened by police’s amateurish mistakes’ The disappearance of 19-year-old Gaia Pope in 2017 prompted a high-profile search and rescue operation on the Dorset coast. But ever since the discovery of her body in undergrowth 11 days later, Gaia's family has been scrutinising the actions of the authorities charged with protecting her. BBC 19/7/2022 News Push us to push them! In June 2020, after the murder of George Floyd and the global anti-racist protests that followed, the National Police Chief’s Council (“the NPCC”) and the College of Policing announced the launch of a race action plan to create an anti-racist police service that better serves Black people in Britain due to the starkness of the racial disparities present in policing’s interactions with Black communities. The Voice 19/7/2022 News Police culture, wellbeing and the near enemies of leadership Policing is well aware of the performance and procedural justice scrutiny it faces in its external relationships; but Detective Chief Inspector Alisa Wilson of Lancashire Constabulary, who retires from policing this week after 21 years in the service, believes that a stronger leadership commitment to wellbeing and internal procedural justice, reinforced by the new Police Covenant, could truly change policing culture. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/7/2022 Feature, Opinion Home Office targets drug drivers with tougher penalties Drug drivers will have their licences seized as part of tougher proposed penalties. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/7/2022 News Race is a crucial part of grooming scandals An inquiry report published last week tells an appalling story. Over the past 30 years, more than a thousand young girls in Telford, Shropshire, were sexually abused by grooming gangs. Blind eyes were turned to this by police, social services and other welfare agencies. The Times - Subscription at source 19/7/2022 Feature, Opinion Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/7/2022 News Non-custodial sentence an ‘investment’ in addict’s future NEW ZEALAND: A Cromwell woman has been given a chance to turn her life around after she was caught dealing methamphetamine and helping an associate manufacture the drug. Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) 19/7/2022 News Garda Inspectorate launches consultation on transnational organised crime REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Inspectorate is seeking views and experiences of how the Garda Síochána tackles transnational organised crime, both nationally and in local communities. [pdf] Garda Síochána Inspectorate (GSI) (Republic of Ireland) 18/7/2022 News Police stop and search powers: draft revised code of practice POLICY PAPER: Outlines changes in the draft revised code of practice covering the exercise of stop and search powers by police officers under the Terrorism Act 2000. Home Office 18/7/2022 Report Caroline Henry: Driving ban for police boss caught speeding five times A police and crime commissioner who had pledged to crack down on speeding has been given a six-month driving ban after being caught breaking the limit five times in 12 weeks. BBC 18/7/2022 News Reflections Roundtable: Oversight of policing during the pandemic The Scottish Police Authority will be hosting a virtual Roundtable event on Thursday 4 August 2022 (10am to midday) on the theme of Oversight of Policing during the Pandemic. Scottish Police Authority (SPA) 18/7/2022 News Gangland victims asked for views on how Gardaí can tackle organised crime REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Inspectorate is conducting its first ever national online public consultation to get the views of individuals and communities impacted by organised crime gangs. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 18/7/2022 News Chief constables must ensure officers are protected from the sun and heat With the Met Office issuing its first Red Extreme heat warning for Monday and Tuesday, and temperatures in some places reaching 40°C, the Police Federation of England and Wales is calling on chief constables to make sure their officers and staff are protected from the sun and the heat. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 18/7/2022 News Met Police officer filmed punching black man after he was forced to the ground This is the disturbing moment a Metropolitan Police officer was filmed repeatedly punching a young black man in south-east London. Metro 18/7/2022 News Why do police need Lord Edmund-Davies now more than before? “The police cannot properly be compared to any other single group of workers,” said the Right Honourable Lord Edmund-Davies PC headed Committee of Inquiry on the Police in its report to the Government of the day in July 1978. The Committee recommended a major revaluation of police pay – between 30 per cent to 45 per cent – while concluding that the police cannot be compared with any other group of public sector workers for the purpose of calculating pay because of “the unique nature of the police service and the work they do makes this impossible.” Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 18/7/2022 News Illicit drug users to face tougher consequences PRESS RELEASE: 'Recreational' drug users to face tougher penalties under new proposals subject to consultation. Home Office 18/7/2022 News Caroline Henry: Driving ban for police boss caught speeding five times A police and crime commissioner who had pledged to crack down on speeding has been given a six-month driving ban after being caught breaking the limit five times in 12 weeks. BBC 18/7/2022 News FOI response further proves why we can’t trust police liaison officers Copwatching groups often warn that protesters shouldn’t speak to PLOs. Now, with the benefit of this FOI response, we can take a closer look at just why that is. The Canary 18/7/2022 News Errors made during MISPER inquiry ‘did not contribute’ to victim’s death Force had 63 live missing persons cases at time mistakes were made during search for Gaia Pope-Sutherland. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/7/2022 News Priti Patel ‘silent on scandal’ of adviser role for accused ex-police chief Mike Veale has been living ‘the life of Riley on £100,000 a year’, Parliament has been told. Shropshire Star 18/7/2022 News «197919801981198219831984198519861987Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events