Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 39621 to 39640 «197819791980198119821983198419851986Next ›Last » Auckland still at the mercy of violent gangs NEW ZEALAND: “The Government’s gun buyback has utterly failed to curb firearms violence, with shootings in Auckland spiking to three a day in the month of May,” says ACT’s Justice spokesperson Nicole McKee. Scoop (New Zealand) 19/7/2022 News ‘Callous unprovoked attack’: Police officer targeted in ‘atrocious’ assault NEW ZEALAND: A female police officer being knocked out on the streets of Auckland shows the "atrocious and unacceptable level of violence" cops face on a daily basis, the Police Association says. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 19/7/2022 News, Video Police union calls for added protection after assault on officer NEW ZEALAND: A police union president says courts need to send a clear message to anyone who attacks officers. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 19/7/2022 News Ex-chief accused of “raking in public money” while facing misconduct Peer says Home Office has remained silent over controversial police advisor role. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/7/2022 News New consequences for drug posession APCC Leads respond to Government’s White Paper entitled ‘Swift, Certain, Tough. New Consequences for Drug Possession’. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 19/7/2022 News Toronto woman set on fire: Violence against women and girls should be treated as a hate crime The death of a female passenger on a Toronto bus who died from severe burns after being set on fire by her killer is the latest example of violence and hate experienced by women and girls in Canada; Professor Myrna Dawson of the University of Guelph believes that, with ‘sex’ already an identifiable group within the Canadian Criminal Code, it’s time for such attacks to be treated as hate crimes. Policing Insight 19/7/2022 Feature, Opinion NPCC response to Police Foundation report on tackling online child sexual abuse The Police Foundation have released a new report looking at what can be done to help “turn the tide” on online Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). The report also includes recommendations for law enforcement agencies. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 19/7/2022 News Police on track for one of its busiest years CANADA: The Moose Jaw Police Service has answered over 9,000 calls for service in 2022, as of June 30, and is on track for one of its busiest years ever according to Police Chief Rick Bourassa. Discover Moose Jaw (Canada) 19/7/2022 News ‘Keep our people safe’: Alberta First Nation wants to move ahead with police force CANADA: The Alberta government and a southern Alberta First Nation are calling on Ottawa to eliminate a roadblock preventing the creation of a new Indigenous police force. Blue Line (Canada) 19/7/2022 News Police investigations into the deaths of several Indigenous youth in Prince Rupert found inadequate CANADA: Between 2004 and 2013, three young Indigenous people died under mysterious circumstances in Prince Rupert, B.C., and the investigations into their deaths were inadequate. Blue Line (Canada) 19/7/2022 News Second stage of Angiolini Inquiry to be brought forward Part 2 of the Angiolini Inquiry to commence. Home Office 19/7/2022 News Concerns aired over garda manpower and response times REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Concerns about the response times and lack of resources such as vehicles currently being experienced by gardaí in Donegal have prompted Donegal County Council to ask Garda Commissioner Drew Harris to come to the county at his earliest possible opportunity. Donegal Live (Republic of Ireland) 19/7/2022 News Turning the tide on online child sexual abuse A new report from the Police Foundation highlights the growing tide of online child sexual abuse, with a 400% increase in victims reporting offences over the past four years; but report authors Michael Skidmore and Beth Aitkenhead believe that with a greater focus on prevention, prioritisation on serious harm and investment in people and technology, that tide can be turned around. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/7/2022 Analysis, Feature Shooting and Holding Fire in Police Work: Insights From a Study Informed by the Binder and Scharf Model of Deadly Force Decision-Making How police officers exercise their unique power to use deadly force continues to be a topic of interest among academics and has recently become arguably the most visible public policy issue related to the criminal justice system in the United States. Academic interest in officers’ use of deadly force includes attention to how officers make the decision to discharge their firearms during encounters with citizens. Binder and Scharf posited that actions and decisions made by officers early in a high-risk police-citizen encounter can impact their decision to use deadly force at the conclusion of the encounter. This decision-making model, however, has been subject to very little empirical scrutiny in the decades since it was proposed (see Fridell & Binder; Scharf & Binder for notable exceptions). To bring their comprehensive framework back to the forefront and provide additional empirical assessment, the authors used the Binder and Scharf model as a framework to examine 82 officers’ decisions to shoot or hold fire in incidents that involved multiple officers who ultimately made different decisions regarding lethal force. Results from the qualitative analysis suggest that the presence and actions of other officers on scene can have a notable impact on officers’ decision-making during a high-risk police-citizen encounter. Furthermore, findings from this study extend the Binder-Scharf model by highlighting the role of conscious and unconscious decision-making and the impact of social roles on officers’ choices during an officer-involved shooting. Homicide Studies - Subscription at source 19/7/2022 Research article PCC invests more than £2m in new digital evidence system Derbyshire’s police and crime commissioner (PCC) has agreed a five-year £2.2 million contract for a new digital evidence management system (DEMS). Police Professional 19/7/2022 News PCC facing calls to resign after speeding offences lead to driving ban A police and crime commissioner (PCC) who pledged a road safety crackdown is facing calls to resign after she was handed a driving ban for speeding five times within a 12-week period. Police Professional 19/7/2022 News Turning the tide against online child sexual abuse The internet has enabled the production and consumption of child sexual abuse material on an industrial scale. It has also created new opportunities for adults to sexually abuse and exploit children. The volume of online child sexual abuse offences is now so great that it has simply overwhelmed the ability of law enforcement agencies, internationally, to respond. However, there is nothing pre-determined about this situation. Public policy can make a difference. This report looks at what can be done to help “turn the tide” on online Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). It does this by first describing the scale and nature of online CSA, second, assessing the ability of the police and law enforcement to investigate these crimes, third, by examining the service provided to victims of online CSA and, finally by looking at what more can be done to prevent online CSA in the first place. This includes a focus on prevention, better targeting of the most serious forms of harm and investing in better police resources. The Police Foundation 19/7/2022 Report Stressful Factors, Experiences of Compassion Fatigue and Self-care Strategies in Police Officers Police officers routinely face stressful and possibly traumatic events in their work which may result in them experiencing compassion fatigue. The aim of this study was to explore compassion fatigue experiences in police officers, along with the stressful factors that may lead to compassion fatigue and the coping strategies they use in combating compassion fatigue. The convenience sample of 41 police officers was recruited via social media focused on police work. Data were collected using an online battery of questionnaires with open-ended questions prompting them to share their experiences of compassion fatigue, stress factors and self-care strategies. The data were analysed using deductive (theoretical) thematic analysis. After identifying recurring statements, statements were coded using pre-existing individual codes, and each statement was categorized into the emerging domains, subdomains, categories and subcategories. The results described the stressful factors and experiences of compassion fatigue as well as coping strategies in the 7 domains described by Figley in Front Psychol 9:2793, 2002b: emotional, behavioural, personal relations, somatic, spiritual, cognitive and work performance. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 19/7/2022 Research article Tackle street crime not Twitter jokes, Rishi Sunak tells police forces Tory leadership contender also pledges ‘tougher response to child sexual exploitation’ in law and order plans The Telegraph - Subscription at source 19/7/2022 News Theft victim turns to Twitter after Met Police ‘did nothing’ A woman who had £10,000 of camera equipment stolen in a cafe has accused the police of failing to investigate her case, despite providing officers with CCTV footage of the theft. BBC 19/7/2022 News «197819791980198119821983198419851986Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events