Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98717 total results. Showing results 39381 to 39400 «196619671968196919701971197219731974Next ›Last » Outdated funding formula costs force £40m per year says PCC West Midlands PCC Simon Foster has called for a "levelling up" of West Midlands Police. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/7/2022 News Fourth round of safer streets funding announced The Home Office has awarded £50million through the Safer Streets Fund to tackle violence against women and girls and prevent crime and harm in our communities. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 26/7/2022 News Met lose PAT challenge over reinstatement of Supt Williams Mrs Justice Heather Williams has today rejected two bids from the Met to overturn the PAT's decisions. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/7/2022 News Better Sleep tool kit Oscar Kilo, the National Police Wellbeing Service (NPWS), is there to provide support and guidance for all police forces to improve and build upon wellbeing within their organisation. Their services have been developed for policing by policing and they are designed to meet the unique needs of officers and staff. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 26/7/2022 News Craig Guildford confirmed new Chief Constable of West Midlands Police The new police chief for the West Midlands has been confirmed, pledging to boost neighbourhood policing. BBC 26/7/2022 News Robyn Williams: Met must keep officer sacked over abuse video The Metropolitan Police has been told to reinstate a senior officer it sacked for possessing a child abuse video. BBC 26/7/2022 News ‘We need to trust each other’: Why UK police must collaborate to fight cybercrime A reluctance among UK police forces to collaborate is blighting the fight against cybercrime, say two former officers. Tech Monitor 26/7/2022 News Robyn Williams: Met Police must reinstate senior officer sacked over abuse video The Metropolitan Police has been told to reinstate a senior officer convicted of possessing a child abuse video. The Standard 26/7/2022 News Lucki says tense meeting with N.S. RCMP after shooting spree ‘needed to happen’ CANADA: RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki says there was poor communication between her office and Nova Scotia Mounties in the days following the shooting spree that left 23 people, including the gunman, dead in April 2020. Blue Line (Canada) 26/7/2022 News Q&A: Rylan Simpson CANADA: In a recent episode of Blue Line, The Podcast, editor Brittani Schroeder was joined by Dr. Rylan Simpson, an assistant professor in the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University, to speak about the importance of police vehicle designs and the public perception of police based on those designs. Blue Line (Canada) 26/7/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion Sharing information critical in fight against human trafficking CANADA: Between 2009 and 2019, police in Canada reported more than 2,400 incidents of human trafficking to Statistics Canada, with the vast majority of victims being young women and girls. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 26/7/2022 News, Video Mission critical: Using technology to sift the ‘data tsunami’ With an increasing array of contact channels and growing complexity of calls, emergency service control rooms are facing a “data tsunami”; the solution, says David Jackson, Director of Business Engagement at the Police Digital Service, is the increased use of technology to identify relevant and useful data, and to monitor the impact of potentially traumatic contact on call handlers, as Policing Insight Contributing Editor Tina Orr-Munro reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 26/7/2022 Analysis, Feature Calls for public transport Garda unit after weekend of chaos on rail services REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Pressure is mounting on Government to introduce a dedicated Garda unit to police public transport after a weekend of chaos on rail services. (Republic of Ireland) 26/7/2022 News Garda jailed for coercive control of terminally ill partner over four-year period REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Paul Moody (42) is given sentence of three years and three months and is one of the first people to be convicted of the offence. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 26/7/2022 News Garda jailed for coercive control and making woman’s life ‘hell’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A serving garda who tortured and terrorised a woman ill with cancer has been sentenced to three-and-a-quarter-years in prison. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 26/7/2022 News Effect of rail transit on crime: Evidence from new São Paulo stations Objective: This study analyses the effects of the openings of new metro and urban train stations on crime rates in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo during the period from 2007 to 2016. Methods: We conducted a Difference-in-Differences with Propensity Score Matching in quarterly geocoded data of crimes reports, aggregated in census tracts. We also investigate whether the effect varies with neighborhood income and overtime. Results: The results were subdivided by the census tract’s income. Regarding all the treated census tracts, the count of crime reports increased 17.1% since 2007 in areas within 250m from the stations. For the wealthiest census tracts, we found a 30.4% impact. The effects on census tracts below the median income were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Specific security policies should be near new metro and urban train stations, especially in the wealthiest districts. Journal of Experimental Criminology - Subscription at source 26/7/2022 Research article New West Midlands Police chief constable will ‘rebuild neighbourhood policing’ The new chief constable of the country’s second largest force has vowed to “rebuild neighbourhood policing” after being confirmed in the top role. Craig Guildford has been selected to become West Midlands Police chief constable, after a confirmation hearing on Monday. The Independent 26/7/2022 News Emotional States Encountered by Law Enforcement Officers: an Initial Test of the Schema Mode Concept in Police Actions Working with extreme mood states is a regular challenge for law enforcement officers. In their encounters during police actions, they very often face manifestations of anger and aggression, as well as vulnerable states such as ones involving fear, helplessness, or humiliation. In this study, we investigated whether officers could reliably identify emotional states in the persons they encountered, using the Schema Therapy concept of “schema modes.” Although the mode concept has been extensively validated in the field of forensic mental health, this is its first application to police work. Twenty-seven police officers working for two different German police headquarters were asked to report about a recent operation involving a person showing intense emotional states. After receiving a short training in using the iModes, cards that facilitate working with modes, they retrospectively rated the presence and intensity of the schema modes of the persons whom they encountered. Two experts in Schema Therapy independently rated the same scenarios, using the Mode Observation Scale (MOS). Intraclass correlations showed moderate to excellent levels of agreement between the officers’ and experts’ mode-ratings. Modes involving anger (70%), aggression (70%), indirect hostility (44%), and arrogance/grandiosity (41%) were the most prevalent, while modes involving vulnerable emotions were less common. It can be concluded that police officers can reliably assess different modes in encountered persons, even without extensive training. This initial study suggests that the mode concept has applicability to police work and merits additional study for its potential for de-escalation and conflict management in police contexts. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 26/7/2022 Research article Organisationally induced trauma among rape and other serious sexual offence investigators; early insights from Soteria-Bluestone The ground-breaking Operation Soteria-Bluestone initiative seeks to improve the investigation of rape and serious sexual offences, and has highlighted the impact on those investigating such cases; Research Fellows Richard Harding and Dr Arun Sondhi, and Dr Emma Williams (Director of Research and Strategic Partnerships), of the Open University’s Centre for Policing Research and Learning, look at the early findings in relation to learning, wellbeing and officer burnout, and the important role of the organisational environment. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 26/7/2022 Analysis, Feature Semi-naked Tinder snap of 34-year-old ‘cop’ posing in force stab vest sparks probe by police standards department A semi-naked photo of an apparent police officer wearing a force stab vest has sparked a standards investigation. Mail Online 26/7/2022 News «196619671968196919701971197219731974Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events