Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 39081 to 39100 «195119521953195419551956195719581959Next ›Last » Indigenous group offers recommendations to Hamilton police after alleged assault by officer CANADA: The Hamilton Regional Indian Centre (HRIC) is making recommendations to the Hamilton Police Service (HPS) to help address the "harm done by law enforcement agencies" against Indigenous peoples, after an officer allegedly assaulted an Indigenous man during an arrest. CBC News (Canada) 3/8/2022 News Policing while pregnant: examining the need for standardized pregnancy-related work accommodations for women in policing This study used a survey to gather information regarding workplace accommodations for pregnant police officers and the experiences of women who have worked under these policies. Thirty-six current and former female police officers from Canada and the United States were included in this analysis (including 24 who had been pregnant, and one who was currently pregnant at the time of participation). Eleven respondents who had never been pregnant were also included to control for work-related pain scores (rather than pregnancy-related pain scores) and to gather more entries with respect to departmental pregnancy policies. Experience with on-the-job pregnancy accommodations varied, with some expressing satisfaction with their accommodations, while others were deeply dissatisfied. Results suggest that blanket policies requiring pregnancy-related reassignment to light-duty does not consistently relieve pregnancy-related discomfort and may not always benefit the female officer. Officers indicated that improved policies may be a solution to retain and recruit female officers. Police Practice and Research 3/8/2022 Research article ‘A wake up call’: Online crimes see stark increase during COVID 19 pandemic CANADA: New statistics show that police-reported extortion cases in Canada rose by nearly 300 per cent in the last decade, as the crime swelled online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Blue Line (Canada) 3/8/2022 News Gardaà use of force up 13.5% – in just a month REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Use of batons, incapacitant spray, tasers and firearms by the gardaà has risen by 13.5% in the space of a month to 118 recorded incidents in June. (Republic of Ireland) 3/8/2022 News Canada’s shadow pandemic: Femicide As the London Police Services Board in Ontario prepares to call on Canada’s federal government to add femicide to the criminal code – and with other police boards indicating their support for the move – Professor Myrna Dawson of the University of Guelph says introducing femicide-specific legislation would be a crucial first step in reducing the crisis of violence against women and girls. Policing Insight 3/8/2022 Feature, Opinion ‘Significant rise’ in number of assaults in many counties despite fall in Dublin REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Assaults have increased beyond pre-pandemic levels in more than a dozen counties with Dublin reporting a drop in attacks across the city. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 3/8/2022 News Over 400 drivers caught speeding in one day as new Garda speed vans track motorists REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Over 400 drivers were caught speeding by Garda GoSafe speed vans yesterday - just weeks after the introduction of the vans on 61 new routes across the country. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 3/8/2022 News Lethality of Police Shootings and Proximity to Trauma Centers Studies of police shootings have typically focused upon demographic characteristics, police departmental characteristics, or more traditionally criminological characteristics such as crime rate. We use police shooting incidents to examine what role a less examined factor—proximity to a trauma center—has on whether the injured civilian dies or survives. We improve on previous work by estimating both distances and drive times along road networks. Findings from this study underscore the importance of prevention of police shootings, compared to after the fact responses, for reducing the numbers of homicides by police. Homicide Studies 3/8/2022 Research article Abusers using cost of living crisis as ‘a tool for coercive control’, says Women’s Aid Abusers are using the cost of living crisis and concerns over financial hardship as a tool for coercive control, according to new research. Police Professional 3/8/2022 News Almost 300 people injured during Garda ‘use of force’ incidents in 2022 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Need to ‘effect an arrest’ most common reason by gardaà for use of force followed by need to protect a garda The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 3/8/2022 News Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner to take control of fire service Approval has been given for Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner’s bid to take control of the fire service from April 2023. PCC Peter McCall submitted a bid to the Home Office to take over governance of Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service earlier this year. Cumbria County Council had responsibility for the fire service but is set to be abolished in April 2023 with the existing city and borough councils, making way for two new unitary authorities of Cumberland and Westmorland & Furness. Times & Star 3/8/2022 News Report on an inspection visit to police custody suites in Lincolnshire Today we published a report on our findings following an inspection of Lincolnshire Police custody facilities. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 3/8/2022 Report Surrey Police unveil new tool for catching offending motorists… a Brompton folding bicycle Surrey Police have unveiled their latest tool for catching drivers who are flouting the rules of the road - an iconic fold-up bicycle. Brompton bicycles have become a much-loved mode of transport for "hipsters" and urban commuters. Now, the long arm of the law is using the tiny bike with even tinier wheels to access all areas. The force has even kitted their Brompton with a flashing blue light. Officers from the Roads Policing Unit took theirs for a spin around Guildford on Tuesday night. Surrey Live 3/8/2022 News West Midlands Police numbers on the rise – but senior officers ‘spread more thinly than ever’ West Midlands Police has seen officer numbers boosted by nearly 900 since a government recruitment drive was launched. Express & Star 3/8/2022 News Lincolnshire Police criticised for ‘forcibly removing clothing’ of detainees Inspectors have called for improvements after several concerns were raised about scrutiny of the use of force and how clothing has sometimes been forcibly removed from detainees at police stations in Lincolnshire. Their conclusions were drawn following visits to custody suites in Boston, Lincoln (South Park), Skegness and Spalding in May this year. Lincolnshire Live 3/8/2022 News Chief Constable Lucy D’Orsi: ‘The future for me is about how we can dare to share data and information’ In the latest in his 'Talking Crime' series, Danny Shaw interviews British Transport Police Chief Constable Lucy D'Orsi. PolicingTV - Subscription at source 3/8/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Chief Constable Lucy D’Orsi: ‘The future for me is about how we can dare to share data and information’ In the latest in his 'Talking Crime' series, Danny Shaw interviews British Transport Police Chief Constable Lucy D'Orsi. PolicingTV 3/8/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Economic challenges will drive greater opportunities for police and private sector partnerships With police budgets under pressure as countries around the world face the prospect of recession, and the worsening economic situation likely to drive an increase in crime, the relationship between policing and the private sector will be more important than ever; Policing Insight’s Michael Hardiman, a former economist with Australia’s Victoria Police, looks at the challenges posed by the economic pressures, and opportunities arising from them. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/8/2022 Analysis, Feature Police Scotland apologises for not warning murdered actor Bradley Welsh of gangland plot The family of a film actor and gym owner have received an apology from Police Scotland after the force admitted failings that could have saved his life. The Times - Subscription at source 3/8/2022 News Police Scotland numbers fall to record low Almost 700 officers have left in the past year alone The Times - Subscription at source 3/8/2022 News «195119521953195419551956195719581959Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events