Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98735 total results. Showing results 38941 to 38960 «194419451946194719481949195019511952Next ›Last » All the areas in Wales where police have used dispersal orders to crack down on antisocial behaviour Police have used dispersal orders in at least 13 places across Wales this year. The crackdowns dealt with issues ranging from drunkenness at the beach to troublemakers at McDonald's. The Section 35 powers mean officers can exclude people from an area for up to 48 hours if they are considered to pose a risk of antisocial behaviour causing people harassment, alarm or distress. The orders also allow officers to take under-16s away from the dispersal area and to a safe place. Wales Online 7/8/2022 News Alabama city disbands police force after racist text messages revealed USA: City council in small community of Vincent votes to terminate police chief, assistant and then whole department The Guardian 7/8/2022 News Garda told Bailey he would be contacted by cold case unit REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Former Assistant Garda Commissioner John O’Driscoll wrote to Ian Bailey on his last day in the job, confirming the garda review of Sophie Toscan du Plantier’s murder and his expectation that the “investigation team will make contact with you in early course”. The letter, dated June 28, was the last act of the former senior officer, who retired on age grounds the same day. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 7/8/2022 News Kidnappings in Greater Manchester rise by 70 per cent in just one year to highest figure in a decade Child abductions in the region have also increased Manchester Evening News 7/8/2022 News Senior police officer who harassed five female staff sent to work at abuse unit West Mercia Police received a string of complaints about Detective Inspector Craig Smith for “acting inappropriately” towards female staff but he was transferred to a unit that handles sexual abuse cases Mirror 7/8/2022 News Watchdog launches investigation after Metropolitan Police officers shoot armed suspect Scotland Yard confronted a suspected gunman during a "serious incident" in Creek Road, Greenwich, southeast London on Friday afternoon - which is not believed to be terror related. Sky News 7/8/2022 News Millions living in areas where police not trained in handling domestic violence Only one force in England and Wales says all its officers have received the recommended training and nine forces have not trained any The Guardian 7/8/2022 News ‘I transitioned after 15 years as a Met police officer — and everything changed’ Natalie Ashton says she never faced discrimination in the force as a man but was ostracised by colleagues and passed over for promotions as a woman The Times - Subscription at source 6/8/2022 News Met denies racism after black man ‘choked’ in illegal stop and search Metropolitan police apology and £30,000 payout for ‘incident’ on Chiswick Common that left Zac Sharif-Ali ‘gasping for breath’ The Guardian 6/8/2022 News Lack of police training could stymie success of coercive control laws: experts AUSTRALIA: Comprehensive training and development across NSW Police is needed to underpin the state government’s push to make coercive control a crime, legal and domestic violence experts warn. The Perrottet government introduced a draft bill in July that would enshrine coercive control as a crime by creating an offence to carry out repeated abusive behaviours towards a current or former intimate partner. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 6/8/2022 News Policing and social media: The framing of technological use by Canadian newspapers (2005–2020) As digital platforms that expand opportunities to create, distribute, and access content online, social media are transforming the policing landscape. While scholars have considered social media’s contradictory effects on police services’ public image and operational capacity, less is known about how patterns of technological use are reported within the mainstream press. Employing a mixed-methods content analysis, this article assesses how Canadian newspapers framed the policing-social media relationship over a 15-year period, and how such representations can affect public opinion and policy. It finds, despite minor fluctuations over time and across outlets, news organizations prioritized police perspectives and offered overwhelmingly favourable assessments with social media being constructed as a valuable tool of crime prevention and control. The broader implications of these findings for perceptions of law enforcement and relations between the news media and institutional power are provided. Criminology and Criminal Justice 6/8/2022 Research article More police promised for Chicago trains after fatal shooting USA: Officials are pledging to reinforce security on Chicago Transit Authority trains after the shooting death of a passenger The Independent 6/8/2022 News Gloucestershire’s electric police cars ran out of power twice in three years Electric police cars have run out of power just twice while on duty over the last three years, a freedom of information request has revealed. The Gloucestershire Police and Crime Commissioner raised concerns about the capability of the vehicles last month. BBC 6/8/2022 News 280 characters of hate: Exploring Shiaphobic tweets posted amid the Eid al-Ghadīr celebrations 2022 Shiaphobic hate crimes were highlighted in the wake of the recent Lady of Heaven film controversy, and came to the fore gain last month with the religious celebration of Eid al-Ghadīr; Michael Dhanoya of the University of Leicester’s School of Criminology explores the context and background to Shiaphobia, and the importance of recording and investigating it as an Islamic sectarian hate crime, rather than as examples of Islamaphobia. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/8/2022 Analysis, Feature Child sex offender caught with abuse images, despite being monitored NEW ZEALAND: A convicted child sex offender was caught downloading and sharing images of children being sexually abused, despite being monitored by authorities. Stuff (New Zealand) 6/8/2022 News Family and domestic violence is the ‘wicked social problem’ a university course is aiming to address AUSTRALIA: Grace* did not know, or perhaps did not want to admit, she was in an abusive relationship until her husband became physically violent. ABC News (Australia) 6/8/2022 News The ‘crucial’ tool police haven’t yet used that could help solve the tragic case of Sydney’s Saudi sisters AUSTRALIA: Mystery continues to surround the deaths of two Saudi-born sisters in Sydney. Information about the case translated into Arabic could be "crucial" to solving it, a local interpreter says. SBS News (Australia) 6/8/2022 News Sextortion boom coincides with pandemic’s online shift, as experts raise alarm CANADA: The mass shift online brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic coincided with a boom of so-called "sextortion scams," new data from Statistics Canada suggests. CTV News (Canada) 6/8/2022 News 2021 National Crime Statistics show improvements, areas of concern as EPS continues work on key challenges CANADA: “The 2021 Statistics Canada report shows that we’re closing gaps between the national. provincial and even regional rates across crime categories in 2021,” says Edmonton Police Chief, Dale McFee. “We can see that many of our crime suppression and diversion initiatives are making a difference. Our people are working hard to apply innovative solutions, while working closely with community partners to enhance safety throughout the city. “While we are pleased that we are closing key gaps, we are also paying attention to the fact that 2022 is showing some increasing trends in violent crime categories, such as assault. “Many of the challenges we have seen so far in 2022 have been associated to neighbourhoods in and around the downtown core. We will continue to concentrate efforts in these areas of need, while adjusting our police resources where we can to stay on top of the trends we see continuing to evolve into 2022.” Edmonton Police Service (Canada) 6/8/2022 News Canada to ban import of handguns pending total freeze Canada is to ban imports of handguns - part of a move that could see a total freeze on their purchase and sale. BBC 6/8/2022 News «194419451946194719481949195019511952Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events