Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98748 total results. Showing results 38901 to 38920 «194219431944194519461947194819491950Next ›Last » Police must seek victims’ views when releasing criminal suspects on bail A victim’s views, as well as their perception of their ‘future risk of harm’, will be weighed against the rights of uncharged suspects. The Independent 8/8/2022 News Our failing police forces are being torn down by wokery It is vital that the next Prime Minister makes the police get back to basics, dealing with burglaries rather than politics The Telegraph - Subscription at source 8/8/2022 Feature, Opinion New Met Police chief to lead overhaul of top ranks as Cressida Dick’s allies quit Sir Mark Rowley aims to revive the force after it was placed in special measures following misconduct and racism scandals The Telegraph - Subscription at source 8/8/2022 News Limiting police search powers could leave children more vulnerable, says former police chief constable We spoke to the former chief constable of Greater Manchester Police, Sir Peter Fahy, and began by asking him how shocked he was by the figures. Channel 4 News 8/8/2022 Feature, Interview, Video Remove Met Police powers to carry out ‘dehumanising’ child strip searches, campaigners say “The only way to ensure our communities are safe from these abuses of power is to roll back the powers of the police, including ending the use of strip search.” The Independent 8/8/2022 News Three top Met officers to depart as new boss prepares to take over Stephen House, Helen Ball and Nick Ephgrave were key lieutenants of ex-commissioner Dame Cressida Dick The Guardian 8/8/2022 News Research helping to safeguard children across the world Researchers from the University of Liverpool are working with the National Crime Agency (NCA) to develop online child protection tools that support law enforcement agencies in the UK and internationally to safeguard children. University of Liverpool 8/8/2022 News NPCC led review: operational productivity of policing The Home Secretary has asked the National Police Chiefs’ Council to lead a review of productivity in policing. Home Office 8/8/2022 News NPCC to oversee a review of productivity in policing The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) is to lead a review of productivity in policing. It will review effectiveness and productivity in policing, identifying the barriers and the most efficient operating models. The review will also look at the scope for using new technology or streamlining processes to drive efficiency and better outcomes. Police Professional 8/8/2022 News Bike thefts left unsolved in nearly 90pc of neighbourhoods Cycling charity warns stealing could act as a ‘gateway’ crime that sees offenders graduate to more serious offences The Telegraph - Subscription at source 8/8/2022 News CNC assist at Commonwealth Games 2022 CNC officers and specialist search dogs have been hard at work supporting West Midlands Police to bring safety and security to the Commonwealth Games. Home Office 8/8/2022 News The Effects of Saturation Enforcement on Speed(ing) Along a Highway Corridor: Results from a Police-Directed Field Study Speed is a well-documented predictor of traffic collisions. The present research evaluates the effects of saturation enforcement by police on speed(ing) along a highway corridor in Western Canada. As part of the field study, six radar-recording devices were installed at three different locations along the intervention site (i.e., before, at, and after enforcement). During the pre-test period, vehicle speeds were passively recorded without any saturation enforcement. During the enforcement period, uniformed police officers in marked police vehicles conducted saturation enforcement at the enforcement site while vehicle speeds continued to be recorded. The analyses revealed that the average speed of vehicles was lower during the enforcement period than the pre-test period as well as lower at the enforcement site than before or after such site. The analyses also revealed a similar pattern in findings when the proportion of speeding vehicles was used as the dependent variable. Saturation enforcement by police can thus exhibit at least some effect on speed(ing) along a highway corridor. Given contemporary policing’s emphasis on road safety, this research contributes to both scholarly and practical discussions regarding police and their effectiveness. Justice Evaluation Journal - Subscription at source 8/8/2022 Research article Social, health and ethnicity correlates of complaints of excessive police force Following several high-profile police shootings of Black Americans, renewed debate has focused on race as a predictor of police violence. Past research has been inconsistent on this score. Some scholars argue that socioeconomic issues are better predictors of police-related violence than are race and ethnicity. Aims To test relationships between complaints of excessive use of police violence and racial/ethnic population demographics, allowing for social and mental health variables. Methods We examined records from all 195 municipal police departments in California to identify complaints of excessive force by police and tested for associations between such complaints and health, socio-economic and demographic data from county records, using multivariate analyses. Results There was no difference in reporting between communities according to Black or White American residency proportions; communities with more Latino Americans were less likely to complain formally of excessive use of police force. The strongest associate of complaints to police departments that their employees had used excessive force was experiencing mental distress in the community. Conclusions Our findings are limited by reliance on complaints to police authorities rather than actual incidence of police use of excessive force and by having to map municipal data on to county data, but the finding that factors other than or in addition to any inherent police problems may contribute to excessive use of force by the police offers new lines for remedying the problem. In particular, our findings suggest that more training for police in recognising and managing mental distress and more provision of mental health experts to work alongside police would be worth evaluating as a next step. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 8/8/2022 Research article Turning the key: Can leaders unlock the transformational power of volunteers? With public services under increasing pressure, leaders need to refresh their thinking on harnessing the considerable untapped resources in every community; in the second in a series of articles, Intensive Engagement’s Richard James (a former police territorial commander), Citizens in Policing specialist Dr Iain Britton, and Jayne Pascoe (Neighbourhood Watch Network) suggest there is no shortage of support available – but can leaders turn the key to unlock this resource? Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/8/2022 Analysis, Feature ‘Sorry is not good enough’ on Met Police strip-searching hundreds of children, says children’s commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza The case of Child Q, a black teenager who was strip-searched at her school after being wrongly accused of carrying cannabis, has been wrongly described as a "one-off", the children's commissioner said. Of the hundreds of children searched, most were black boys. Sky News 8/8/2022 News Forensic science: draft statutory code of practice OPEN CONSULTATION: The draft code sets quality standard requirements for forensic science activities related to the investigation of crime and the criminal justice system in England and Wales. Home Office 8/8/2022 Report NHS is sending police officers to heart attack callouts due to paramedic shortages The NHS is staring down the barrel of one of its worst winters on record with a triple whammy of Covid, flu and the cost of living crisis set to batter understaffed hospitals, the new Health Secretary has warned as it emerged police officers are being sent to ambulance callouts amid a paramedic shortage. Mail Online 8/8/2022 News Police scrap hate-crime ‘re-education’ courses after storm over army veteran arrested for a tweet A hate crime awareness course which gave alleged offenders the chance to avoid prosecution has been scrapped by a police chief. Mail Online 8/8/2022 News CGI to support Home Office police technology portfolio The UK wing of CGI has been selected as the strategic delivery partner to the Home Office’s Police & Public Protection Technology portfolio. The consulting firm will now work to support the development of technology solutions for of the Home Office digital transformation agenda. 8/8/2022 News Hundreds of children strip-searched by Met Police over two years The Metropolitan Police strip-searched nearly 700 children, some as young as 10, between 2018 and 2020, it has been revealed. Metro 8/8/2022 News «194219431944194519461947194819491950Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events