Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98748 total results. Showing results 38881 to 38900 «194119421943194419451946194719481949Next ›Last » Image-based abuse: Gender differences in bystander experiences and responses AUSTRALIA: Image-based abuse (IBA) refers to the non-consensual taking, sharing or threat to share nude or sexual images. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 9/8/2022 Research article CPS sets out the law on street-based sexual harassment Street harassment such as cyber-flashing, up-skirting or the exposure of genitals in a public place are crimes which can and will be prosecuted the CPS has stressed, as new legal guidance is published today. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 8/8/2022 News IOPC investigation into OP Augusta officers discontinued The investigation had concerned three former officers and their involvement in investigating child sexual exploitation in South Manchester. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/8/2022 News Met’s new Commissioner starts briefings – and a search for new top team Sir Mark Rowley has started briefing politicians on his plans - and is reshuffling the top team after a series of resignations. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/8/2022 News Acting Met Commissioner to step down and lead review into police productivity The Home Secretary has asked the National Police Chiefs’ Council to lead a review of productivity in policing. Emergency Services Times 8/8/2022 News NPCC to oversee a review of productivity in policing The Home Secretary has asked the National Police Chiefs’ Council to lead a review of productivity in policing. It will review effectiveness and productivity in policing, identifying the barriers and the most efficient operating models. The review will also look at the scope for using new technology or streamlining processes to drive efficiency and better outcomes. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 8/8/2022 News CPS “can and will” prosecute street harassment with new guidance New legal guidance published today sets out a specific chapter on charges relating to public sexual abuse. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/8/2022 News The use of self-disclosure to build rapport with mock covert human intelligence sources (CHIS) The use of covert human intelligence sources for the protection of national security is an important but under-researched area. In light of increased globalisation, and technological developments, examining covert intelligence gathering online may have operational relevance. This study examined the use of similarities in self-disclosure to develop rapport with mock covert human intelligence sources online. A sample of 66 participants were asked to assume the role of a CHIS, listen to an audio recording of a meeting of the criminal network they are part of, and strike a balance between being forthcoming to their handler while at the same time not revealing all information they possessed. They were then interviewed online by a mock handler who opened the conversation in one of three ways: self-disclosing information that highlighted similarities between herself and the CHIS, self-disclosing information that highlighted dissimilarities, or control (no disclosure). Participants completed a follow-up rapport questionnaire based on their interaction with the handler. The study found that mock sources rated rapport higher in the similarities condition in comparison with other conditions; however, it did not translate into a significant difference in the intelligence reported. The findings of this research and its policy and practice implications are discussed. Journal of Policing Intelligence and Counter Terrorism - Subscription at source 8/8/2022 Research article Shifting From Warriors to Guardians: Officer Reflections on Law Enforcement Training in Washington State Contemporary law enforcement methods are largely defined by crime control and militarization in the “warrior” policing model. In 2013, the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (WSCJTC) adopted an alternative “guardian” training model for the Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA) focused on procedural justice, community partnerships, de-escalation, and crisis intervention. The current study investigates BLEA graduates’ perceptions of guardian policing and training elements. Researchers interviewed new officers who completed BLEA training with the guardian curriculum (n = 17) and officers trained in a warrior-based curriculum (n = 11). Themes are analyzed from interview data, including officer perceptions of BLEA guardian training and related programs. The paper concludes with discussion of limitations, themes, and policy implications of the research. Crime and Delinquency 8/8/2022 Research article Manitoba Government provides funding, additional support to target cyber criminals CANADA: The Manitoba government is supporting law enforcement by providing new funding to provide equipment and training for the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) that will proactively combat cybercrime, Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced last week. Blue Line (Canada) 8/8/2022 News Parliamentary committee to begin study of RCMP’s use of cellphone spyware A parliamentary committee will begin exploring the RCMP’s use of spyware on Monday, diving deeper into an issue that’s sounded alarms for privacy and civil liberties groups across the country. The House of Commons ethics and privacy committee called for a summer study after the RCMP revealed its use of tools that covertly obtain data from devices like phones and computers. In response to a written question tabled in the House of Commons in June, the RCMP disclosed it had obtained warrants to use tools that collect text messages and emails and can remotely turn on cameras and microphones in 10 investigations. “We are talking about the most intrusive thing that exists,” said privacy and technology lawyer David Fraser. Blue Line (Canada) 8/8/2022 News Quebec police watchdog begins probe into alleged beating of Senegalese diplomat CANADA: Quebec’s independent police watchdog is investigating allegations that a Senegalese diplomat was detained and beaten by police in an Ottawa suburb last week. Guy Lapointe of the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes says the watchdog started its probe by requesting copies of the reports made in the wake the incident. The Senegalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said the diplomat, who works at the West African nation’s embassy in Ottawa, had to be hospitalized after being handcuffed and beaten by police on Aug. 2 at her Gatineau, Que., home. Global News (Canada) 8/8/2022 News Hate awareness course scrapped by Hampshire police chief Sessions to educate people accused of committing hate crimes have been cancelled after an intervention from a police and crime commissioner (PCC). Donna Jones, PCC for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, scrapped the course after a man was arrested for sharing an anti-LGBT post on social media. BBC 8/8/2022 News ‘Increasing the stigma’: Advocates call out Edmonton police chief for comments on meth CANADA: The Edmonton Police Service confirmed last week that crime is on the rise in 2022, and the city’s police chief pointed at methamphetamines as a contributing factor. “The bigger concern in relation to violence for us is meth,” Dale McFee said on Aug. 4. “Meth keeps you awake; you’re violent. Normal people do not normal things.” But advocates are pushing back, saying blaming drug users only helps the stigma to thrive. CTV News (Canada) 8/8/2022 News City needs more preventative approach to address violent crime, says acting police chief CANADA: According to Statistics Canada, the city saw increases in violent crimes in 2021, including the second highest national homicide rate, and acting police chief Dan Taddeo says more preventative supports are needed to address the societal issues leading to criminal activity TB News Watch (Canada) 8/8/2022 News Acusensus AI software detects drivers who use mobile phones while on the road Traffic management solutions Acusensus has developed an AI software to catch dangerous drivers who are using their mobile phones while on the road and identifies those who are not wearing seatbelts in the United Kingdom. IT Wire 8/8/2022 News Former union boss ‘hung out to dry’ by Victoria Police, appeals court told AUSTRALIA: Former Police Association boss Paul Mullett was “hung out to dry” by Victoria Police and denied the chance to prove he was the victim of a plot to oust him after the failure to provide him with documents from the Lawyer X scandal, an appeals court has heard. In 2016, a Supreme Court judge rejected Mullett’s claim he was the victim of a malicious prosecution over his suspension from Victoria Police in 2007, after allegations at the time he tipped off a detective who was the subject of a murder investigation. The Age (Australia) 8/8/2022 News Calls for ‘significant reforms’ around Queensland police’s handling of domestic violence as explosive inquiry wraps up AUSTRALIA: Betty Taylor has been fighting the scourge of domestic violence in Queensland for more than three decades and even she was shocked by the explosive testimonies she heard at an inquiry into police culture. ABC News (Australia) 8/8/2022 News North West Regional Organised Crime Unit opens new office at Saltney police station A multi-force police unit that provides specialist capabilities to tackle the most serious and organised crime has opened an office on the Flintshire border. North West Regional Organised Crime Unit’s (NWROCU) Operations Team officially opened a new satellite office at Saltney Police Station today, Monday, August 8. Established in 2009, the unit is a collaboration between North Wales Police and six North West Police Forces in Cheshire, Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Cumbria. It’s made up of officers and staff from across the force areas who offer specialist skills and additional resources. 8/8/2022 News Strip-search children only in life-or-death situations, police told Police should strip-search children only in “life or death” situations, the children’s commissioner for England said as she highlighted incidents involving the Metropolitan Police that had left her “deeply concerned”. Dame Rachel de Souza said she wanted information from all police forces after Met figures showed that 650 children had been strip-searched in two years. In 23 per cent of cases the searches were done without an appropriate adult present, which is required by law. The Times - Subscription at source 8/8/2022 News «194119421943194419451946194719481949Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events