Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 38781 to 38800 «193619371938193919401941194219431944Next ›Last » Thunder Bay police oversight board to bring community perspectives into expanded governance committee CANADA: Province has appointed an administrator to take control of the board. CBC News (Canada) 11/8/2022 News Over 1,800 official reports of child sex abuse in Ireland this year REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Reports are made to Tusla by gardaí, teachers, social workers and other experts. Sunday World (Republic of Ireland) 11/8/2022 News The RCMP has an important role to play — one that shouldn’t include functioning as a provincial police force CANADA: The RCMP’s contract policing model is highly centralized, difficult to reform and often preoccupied with the needs of an Ottawa-based bureaucracy. The Star (Canada) 11/8/2022 Feature, Opinion Move against antisocial acts on public transport sees only 65 charges this year REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Vast majority of incidents logged under Operation Saul are classed as ‘non-crimes’ The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) - Subscription at source 11/8/2022 News Transport police would put Ireland ‘in line with rest of the world’. REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A dedicated Garda unit to police public transport would put Ireland in line with other countries around the world. newstalk (Republic of Ireland) 11/8/2022 News Restructure of FCN completed to deliver new forensic science remit A restructure of the Forensic Capability Network has been completed, enabling the organisation to deliver to its new remit set by an independent NPCC strategic review last year. Forensic Capability Network 11/8/2022 News Calls to prioritise retail crime In an open letter addressed to all PCCs across England and Wales, the British Retail Consortium expressed their concern for rising reports of violence, abuse and anti-social behaviour partly linked to shoplifting. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 11/8/2022 News Firearms incident in Skye leaves one dead and three injured A 47-year-old man has died following a series of incidents on Skye and in Wester Ross yesterday. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/8/2022 News ‘Odious’ police officer made up fake girlfriend’s death to get days off Harry Sarkar resigned from West Midlands force after lying about fictional girlfriend who he said had cancer. The Guardian 11/8/2022 News I was a senior officer – and even I struggle to get the police to investigate crimes A new and damning inspectorate report reflects what many of us have been saying about deficiencies The Guardian 11/8/2022 Feature, Opinion @#%$!: The Impact of Officer Profanity on Civilians’ Perception of What Constitutes Reasonable Use of Force The current study was conducted to test how the presence of profane officer language during a use of force incident impacts how civilians perceive the reasonableness of the applied force. The study followed a 1 × 4 independent groups design with random assignment to one of four test conditions. Two dashcam use of force videos were stripped of audio and subsequently transcribed with a clean and profane-laden depiction of the officer’s language. Participants (n = 234) answered a short questionnaire after watching their randomly assigned video. Measures include a 5-item reasonableness index, demographics, and test conditions. Two-way ANOVA and OLS regression were performed. Overall, participants considered videos with profane language to be less reasonable than the same video with clean language. While significant, most differences also correspond with medium and large effect sizes. This research found that profane officer language impacts how civilians perceive force reasonableness. Practical and policy implications are presented to move policing forward. Police Quarterly 11/8/2022 Research article AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw: The value of bringing together law enforcement leaders at PC22 Hear from Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw, APM, on the value of bringing together law enforcement leaders from Australia and New Zealand at this year’s ANZPAA Police Conference #PC22. PolicingTV 11/8/2022 Video AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw: The value of bringing together law enforcement leaders at PC22 Hear from Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw, APM, on the value of bringing together law enforcement leaders from Australia and New Zealand at this year’s ANZPAA Police Conference #PC22. PolicingTV 11/8/2022 Video Extinction Rebellion protests have cost police £60million since 2019 XR members are expected to take to the streets of London again for three days from September 10. The Standard 11/8/2022 News Why does common sense in UK policing now appear to be so uncommon? With policing seemingly under continuous pressure – financial, political and public – it’s clear that to deliver the best possible service, parts of the job need rethinking, and others a radical overhaul; Iain Donnelly, a former officer and now author, podcaster and policing technical consultant, suggests 10 “relatively quick” fixes which also highlight the need for more common sense in UK policing, especially among senior leaders. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/8/2022 Feature, Opinion PSPOs: car cruising While Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) are typically imposed for nuisances such as dog fouling, some are in place to combat ‘car cruising’, usually by young men. Examples of such PSPOs are at Milton Keynes, Basildon, Peterborough and Birmingham and in the Home Counties Thurrock and Crawley. Professional Security Magazine Online 11/8/2022 News Burglary and theft cases impacted by high demand and more, leaders warn Increasing demand and limited resources have impacted on theft and burglary clear-up rates, policing leaders have warned. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/8/2022 News Numbers don’t lie – Government’s claims and the reality of police pay On 19 July the Government announced the police pay award for 2022-23 and the Home Office was quick to issue an upbeat statement stating that the Government recognised concerns around the rising cost-of-living pressures. It also claimed that “the Government has targeted wider support for the cost of living to those most in need”. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 11/8/2022 News Lack of experienced detectives impacting on theft and burglary cases, says HMI Screening processes for burglary and theft reports are missing critical intelligence. And the detective shortage is impacting on arrests, HMI has warned. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/8/2022 News Police response to burglary, robbery and theft ‘not consistently good enough’, says HMICFRS Too many victims of burglary, robbery and theft “aren’t getting the justice they deserve” with forces missing opportunities to identify and catch offenders, according to a new report. Police Professional 11/8/2022 News «193619371938193919401941194219431944Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events