Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98786 total results. Showing results 38641 to 38660 «192919301931193219331934193519361937Next ›Last » Police stations across Scotland given electric vehicles despite having no charging points Police Scotland has invested almost £20 million in electric vehicles but the number of charging points at stations has not matched the number of vehicles. Daily Record 16/8/2022 News Going back to the future to fight cybercrime AUSTRALIA: Over the past decade, Australia’s law enforcement community has increasingly taken the driver’s seat in developing new thinking for policing. While that’s likely to be challenged by officials from Dubai to London, Australia’s law enforcement agencies have invested heavily in research and futures thinking. While doing so, they’ve committed to a strict focus on leveraging new technology to protect and serve communities. The Strategist 16/8/2022 Feature, Opinion YJB Chair Keith Fraser: ‘If a volcano erupts, you know the volcano’s erupted. But you don’t necessarily know where the lava has come from. And it’s the same thing on the streets.’ In the latest edition of ‘Talking Crime’, Policing TV’s Chief Presenter Danny Shaw spoke to Youth Justice Board for England & Wales Chair Keith Fraser about youth violence, discrimination in the justice system - and how he got into policing. PolicingTV - Subscription at source 16/8/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video YJB Chair Keith Fraser: ‘If a volcano erupts, you know the volcano’s erupted. But you don’t necessarily know where the lava has come from. And it’s the same thing on the streets.’ In the latest edition of ‘Talking Crime’, Policing TV’s Chief Presenter Danny Shaw spoke to Youth Justice Board for England & Wales Chair Keith Fraser about youth violence, discrimination in the justice system - and how he got into policing. PolicingTV 16/8/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video South Wales Police clamps down on drink and drug driving in national campaign South Wales Police will be highlighting the dangers and consequences of drink and drug driving by supporting the NPCC national campaign this week until Sunday 28th August 2022. Wales 24/7 16/8/2022 News UNODC Drugs Report highlights ‘booming’ cocaine market and growing impact of the narcotics trade The market for cocaine is booming, with production and consumption at their highest ever levels, according to the latest United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) report: Policing Insight’s Chris Allen takes a look at the state of the cocaine industry and the possible impact of measures designed to counteract it. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/8/2022 Analysis, Feature Exploring the role of opportunity in recidivist child sexual offending AUSTRALIA: Using data from four states—New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia— we explore the characteristics of contact child sexual offences involving an alleged offender who has a prior recorded history of alleged child sexual offences of any kind. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 16/8/2022 Report SNP humiliation as they invest £20m in electric police vehicles but not chargers to use them. The Scottish Government were accused of failing to tackle climate change by not investing in all the equipment needed for environmentally-friendly police vehicles. Scottish Daily Express 16/8/2022 News Proposed Westmanstown working time agreement 2022 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The purpose of this Working Time Agreement (WTA) is to set out the principles that underpin the rosters in An Garda SÃochána to ensure their efficient and effective implementation and to ensure the operation of rosters complies fully with the European Working Time Directive (EWTD). Garda Representative Association (GRA) 16/8/2022 Report More visible policing is needed to improve ‘dire’ performance My neighbour’s CCTV caught somebody sneaking down both our driveways at 2am one day a couple of weeks ago and trying the house doors, thankfully without success, before skulking away into the night. The Yorkshire Post 16/8/2022 Feature, Opinion Better outcomes for high-stake police investigations in the UK The role of the Interview Manager is critical to the success of high-stake crime investigations but research shows that there is little understanding of the role both outside and even inside U.K. police forces. Phys Org 15/8/2022 News New Chair elected at British Transport Police Federation. Response officer takes over from previous chair who retires after six-year tenure. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/8/2022 News Wellbeing good practice celebrated through the Oscar Kilo Awards. Oscar Kilo, the National Police Wellbeing Service has announced the winners of their 2022 Awards. Emergency Services Times 15/8/2022 News Anti-LGBTQ+ hate crime reports explode across UK, damning police figures confirm Anti-LGBTQ+ violence in the UK is rising at a record-breaking rate, alarming police figures have shown. Pink News 15/8/2022 News Ricardo Dos Santos: ‘Police stop happened so quickly’ An athlete who was allegedly racially profiled during a stop and search has said he was pulled over for a second time by armed police officers. BBC 15/8/2022 News Officer on barred list after flouting Covid rules and lying The former West Midlands officer had resigned from the force in June. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/8/2022 News Finding savings to tackle inflation is becoming harder for police forces Charlotte Radford, Police Advisor for CIPFA (Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy), explains the impact of escalating prices on police force budgets. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/8/2022 Feature Pay deal agreed for police officers in Scotland. A pay increase has been agreed for police officers in Scotland which will be backdated to 1 April 2022. Police Scotland 15/8/2022 News More live links and BSL interpreters in court. New rules around courts have come into effect from today. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/8/2022 News PCCs fund first aid equipment in dog section vehicles. The TVP and Hampshire PCCs have collectively awarded more than £48,000 for the initiative. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/8/2022 News «192919301931193219331934193519361937Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events