Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98800 total results. Showing results 38441 to 38460 «191919201921192219231924192519261927Next ›Last » Lancashire police aim to tackle soaring demand for police and arrests Serious and organised crime charges have increased by more than 100 per cent in Lancashire over the summer months. During this time, demand in the force control room has continued to rise at unprecedented levels with nearly 1,500 calls to 999 alone last Saturday. Despite this, Lancashire's Police and Crime Commissioner Andrew Snowden has praised officers following several successful operations delivering his fighting crime plan priorities, despite rising demands. Lancashire Telegraph 22/8/2022 News Two thirds of Derbyshire police stop and searches come to nothing. 1,816 stop and searches were carried out over 12 months. Derbyshire Live 22/8/2022 News UK police force slammed after officers filmed doing Macarena during Pride celebrations: ‘What a joke!’ A video posted online showed four uniformed officers performing the dance during the festival. GB News 22/8/2022 News How can we help frontline investigators to solve more crime using technology? Among the many reasons given for the ‘unacceptable’ levels of police detections of acquisitive crime in England and Wales, effective investigative technology (or the lack of it) has a key part to play; Iain Donnelly, a former digital investigations and intelligence force lead and now advisor to technology companies working with policing, believes a lack of understanding among senior leaders, a default of dealing with large corporates, and the overfocus on digital forensics are among the key issues. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/8/2022 Feature, Opinion Alberta government’s plans for a provincial police force remain muddled CANADA: Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro says he repeatedly gets asked why his government is looking at creating a provincial police service. It should be no surprise he faces the question. The ruling United Conservative Party continues to be far from upfront about the costs, small-town mayors are coming out of the woodwork to cast doubt on the plan and nobody seems to really understand why it’s such a big priority for outgoing Premier Jason Kenney’s government. The Globe and Mail (Canada) 22/8/2022 Feature, Opinion Eye in the sky: Hoons in the crosshairs of police drones AUSTRALIA: Drones are being increasingly used in Australia to target hoons, with night-vision technology leaving nowhere to hide. Drive (Australia) 22/8/2022 News ‘We were absolutely shocked’: Federal police stunned by size of drug haul AUSTRALIA: Federal Police have revealed they seized the largest shipment of opioid fentanyl in Australian history at the Port of Melbourne. In a media conference on Monday, AFP acting commander Anthony Hall said officers stopped 5 million potentially lethal doses of fentanyl from hitting the streets. WA Today (Australia) 22/8/2022 News Lessons NZ can learn from Britain’s deradicalisation strategy NEW ZEALAND: Would it surprise you to learn that public officials in Britain, including teachers and health workers, have a legal responsibility to report on individuals showing radical tendencies? Known as the 'Prevent duty', the requirement came into force around July 2015, largely in response to the gruesome murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby by two British Muslim converts outside an army barracks in southeast London. The murder was met by a huge outpouring of public grief and changed the terrorist threat picture in the UK and around the world. Stuff (New Zealand) 22/8/2022 Feature, Opinion Met police take ex-officer who made claims of sexism and racism to court. Case claims breach of gagging order relating to book by Parm Sandhu, which alleges she faced discrimination while an officer. The Guardian 21/8/2022 News Police and crime commissioner ‘gobsmacked’ by support for cycling challenge. The UK Police Unity Tour is an annual cycle which aims to raise funds for charity Care of Police Survivors (COPS). Belfast Telegraph 21/8/2022 News ‘We want owners and yards to get involved’: police forces come to together to tackle equine crime. Collaboration and building relationships with horse owners are high on the agenda as police forces come together to tackle equine and rural crime. Horse and hound 21/8/2022 News Owami Davies: Met police pours ‘huge resources’ into search for missing nurse. Six weeks on from her disappearance, police say they are carefully studying 40,000 hours of CCTV footage. The Guardian 21/8/2022 News Police take DNA swabs from dogs to tackle rising pet crime Your pet's DNA will go on a national database Wales Online 21/8/2022 News Entire police force in Alabama disbanded because officer who sent racist text could not be fired USA: The city of Vincent was forced to abolish its own police department due to a policy that left it with no active officers while still paying salaries The Independent 21/8/2022 News UK police record 1m burglaries since 2017 as experts warn cost of living crisis could lead to more break-ins Figures obtained from 39 police forces under Freedom of Information (FoI) laws show officers logged at least 1,002,228 residential burglaries between April 2017 and March 2022 i News 21/8/2022 News The Low Threshold for Face Recognition in New Delhi INDIA: Police in India’s capital say they only require an 80 percent accuracy rate for matches, raising new alarm bells for civil liberty advocates. Wired 21/8/2022 News Call for UK police to work with Albania to beat gangs A top Albanian criminologist has called for the British police to work more closely with his country's counterparts to tackle organised crime. Professor Ervin Karamuco spoke after it emerged a large number of migrants crossing the Channel in small boats are from Albania. Express 21/8/2022 News Most councils employing private police forces pay them per fine Despite a government ban on companies earning more by dishing out more fines, nearly 90 per cent of councils agreed to pay in this way The Telegraph - Subscription at source 21/8/2022 News Examining Individual and Aggregate Correlates of Police Killings of People with Mental Illness: A Special Gaze at Race and Ethnicity This study assesses the influences of race and ethnicity on the presence of resistant behavior during deadly police contacts with people experiencing mental illness. Drawing upon information mainly from the Mapping Police Violence Database, regression analysis showed that race/ethnicity is not a consistent predictor of resistance among people with mental illness. Hispanics with mental illness were less likely than White counterparts to attack the police before being killed. Counties with a higher percentage of the Black population have a higher likelihood of people with mental illness attacking the police. Homicide Studies - Subscription at source 21/8/2022 Research article Government and opposition back Carroll to reform QPS AUSTRALIA: Queensland’s police commissioner has been backed by both sides of politics in the state to reform the embattled police service after a week of damaging revelations that have led to at least one high-ranking departure. Brisbane Times (Australia) 21/8/2022 News «191919201921192219231924192519261927Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events