Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98843 total results. Showing results 38401 to 38420 «191719181919192019211922192319241925Next ›Last » SOAC Conference – update from Deputy Chief Constable Amanda Blakeman The first National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Serious Organised Acquisitive Crime Conference (SOAC) will be held in Cardiff on 12 & 13 September this year. It will be bringing together policing professionals from strategic leaders to analytical colleagues to understand the evolving picture of SOAC across UK policing. As well as colleagues from policing, SOAC will be joined by important partners in the fight against these types of crime from the Home Office to Ministry of Justice to the National Crime Agency (NCA) and crucially, stakeholders from the world of business. Speakers include Sir Rob Wainwright & hosted by Deputy Chief Constable Amanda Blakeman PolicingTV 23/8/2022 Video SOAC Conference – update from Deputy Chief Constable Amanda Blakeman The first National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Serious Organised Acquisitive Crime Conference (SOAC) will be held in Cardiff on 12 & 13 September this year. It will be bringing together policing professionals from strategic leaders to analytical colleagues to understand the evolving picture of SOAC across UK policing. As well as colleagues from policing, SOAC will be joined by important partners in the fight against these types of crime from the Home Office to Ministry of Justice to the National Crime Agency (NCA) and crucially, stakeholders from the world of business. Speakers include Sir Rob Wainwright & hosted by Deputy Chief Constable Amanda Blakeman PolicingTV 23/8/2022 Video Detective ‘not blinkered’ over police sex assault claim. A detective investigating a colleague who had sex with a woman while on duty has denied being too "blinkered" to consider the officer's claims fairly. BBC 23/8/2022 News Open And Transparent? Then What Are The Figures On Ram Raids? NEW ZEALAND: “The Prime Minister has no idea what is going on with the biggest crime problem hammering business owners across the country, and she doesn’t appear to even want to know,” says ACT Leader David Seymour. Scoop (New Zealand) 23/8/2022 News Release of police dog on young people unjustified – IPCA NEW ZEALAND: Setting a police dog on two young people, which resulted in serious dog bite injuries to one, was unjustified, an investigation by the Independent Police Conduct Authority has found. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 23/8/2022 News Missing nurse Owami Davies found safe and well, say police. Student nurse found in Hampshire after being last seen on 7 July in Croydon, south London. The Guardian 23/8/2022 News West Mids launch ‘focused deterrence’ scheme for gang crime. The Violence Reduction Partnership has successfully bid for £2 million for the project which will be based across two sites- Wolverhampton and Coventry. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/8/2022 News Unjustified use of Police dog NEW ZEALAND: The Independent Police Conduct Authority has found that Police were not justified in using a Police dog to detain one of two youths arrested on 3 August 2021. Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) (New Zealand) 23/8/2022 Report UK to remove police registration requirement The UK Home Office announced the removal of the police registration requirement for relevant nationals. It has also reinstated priority processing services for overseas work and study visa applicants. Morgan Lewis 23/8/2022 News Kamloops’ outgoing top cop says police face ‘limitations’ in handling chronic offenders CANADA: A high-ranking B.C. RCMP officer says the legal “landscape has changed” in recent years, affecting officers’ abilities to deal with repeat and chronic offenders. [VIDEO] Global News (Canada) 23/8/2022 News Alberta RCMP members demoralized over provincial police proposal, commissioner says CANADA: The head of Alberta's RCMP says a proposal by the provincial government to form its own police service has been a distraction and harmful to its members. CBC News (Canada) 23/8/2022 News Lancashire to replace baseball caps with traditional headwear It comes as a move to reinforce professionalism and authority within the force. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/8/2022 News N.S. shooting inquiry: Senior RCMP member says police need more resources CANADA: The former RCMP commanding officer in Nova Scotia told the inquiry into the April 2020 mass shooting on Monday that the officers who responded to the rampage did the best they could, but she admitted not everything went smoothly. Blue Line (Canada) 23/8/2022 News Met senior crash investigator killed in collision on his motorbike PC Dan Golding had joined the Met with ambition to join Special Escort Group. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/8/2022 News ‘Better to be in prison than on the streets’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Sir, – Shauna Bowers’s article “It was better to be in prison than on the streets” (News, August 20th) included quotes from people in the field, backed up by statistics. Working for almost half a century with people who are homeless, we can verify that her account is accurate. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 23/8/2022 Feature, Opinion Louth gardai put new look uniform into service REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Louth gardai brought their new look uniform into service this week, with a more casual style introduced to the every day policing wear. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 23/8/2022 News The Strategic Review of Policing: An opportunity to critically evaluate its recommendations The launch in March of the Police Foundation’s influential Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales was heralded by many as an opportunity to rethink and reset some of the key policing parameters, aims and approaches; ahead of next month’s conference focusing on the Review, Canterbury Centre for Policing Research Director Dr Martin O’Neill revisits some of those recommendations, and considers a few of the important questions that will be debated over the two days. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/8/2022 Feature Circular 006/2022: The Terrorism Act 2000 (Places of Detention) (England and Wales and Scotland) Designation 2022 CORRESPONDENCE: 1. The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 (“the 2022 Act”) established three new counter-terrorism policing powers: personal and premises search powers, and a power of urgent arrest. These powers were taken in response to recommendations made by Jonathan Hall QC, the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, following his independent review of the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) used to supervise terrorist and terrorist-risk offenders on licence. Mr Hall QC’s review was commissioned by the Home Secretary following the terrorist attack at Fishmongers’ Hall in November 2019. Home Office 23/8/2022 News Hampshire Constabulary leaps into the digital age with NICE Investigate In the first two months of 2022, Hampshire Constabulary collected over 11,000 pieces of digital evidence from businesses and citizens, each typically consuming an hour of an officer’s time. To address these challenges, Hampshire Constabulary and other SERIP forces have deployed the NICE Investigate Digital Evidence Management solution. Policing Insight 23/8/2022 Advertisement, Feature Testing the Evidentiary Value of Police Body-Worn Cameras in Misdemeanor Court We test whether the presence of police body-worn camera (BWC) evidence impacts case filing, processing, and outcomes, using data from over 50,000 misdemeanor cases charged in the Tempe, Arizona municipal city court (2014–2017). BWCs did not affect case flow but did affect processing and outcomes for most cases. Traffic and drug/alcohol cases involving a BWC were processed more quickly, while traffic and person offense cases with a BWC were less likely to be adjudicated guilty. Defendant and officer demographics were correlated with case processing time and outcomes, but BWCs did not reduce racial/ethnic disparities for any outcomes. BWCs appear to affect case processing and outcomes for some case types, but effects are not straightforward and warrant further research. Crime and Delinquency 23/8/2022 Research article «191719181919192019211922192319241925Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events