Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98891 total results. Showing results 38281 to 38300 «191119121913191419151916191719181919Next ›Last » Emotions evident at one-year anniversary of historic Dawn Raids apology NEW ZEALAND: The first official celebration of the New Zealand government's apology for the Dawn Raids was an emotional affair at the Orakei Marae complex in Auckland. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 27/8/2022 News, Video Peel Regional Police releases Annual Use of Force Report CANADA: On Aug. 26, 2022, Peel Regional Police released results of the 2021 Use of Force Report. Peel Regional Police (Canada) 27/8/2022 News Peel police used force on Black people 3.2 times more than their share of population last year: new data CANADA: Peel Regional Police used less force on Black people last year compared to 2020, but still did so 3.2 times more than Black people's share of the population, new data shows. CBC News (Canada) 27/8/2022 News Three arrested at Waterford home after major seizure of a ‘combination of illegal substances’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Three people have been arrested as part of a garda operation in Co. Waterford after more than €122,000 worth of drugs was found. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 27/8/2022 News ‘Savage and sustained’ cuts to policing slammed as crime rises across Merseyside Conor McGinn, the Labour MP for St Helens North, has slammed what he describes as "savage and sustained" cuts to policing on Merseyside, as new statistics show crime is up almost a third in the region. St Helens Star 27/8/2022 News What does it take to police rural Scotland? We find out from three serving officers As one of Scotland’s favourite fictional bobbies, we sadly bade farewell to Hamish Macbeth 25 years ago as the rural crime fighter departed the shores of Lochdubh – and our screens – forever. Hamish Macbeth depicted a colourful policing life as he investigated theft from the grocery store, locals keen to boost tourism by any means necessary, unruly visitors and shinty rivalries, all the while wrangling with amateur dramatics and a tangled love life. But in the 25 years since the series last aired, rural policing in Scotland has changed considerably as technology moved apace and new criminal enterprises emerged. The Press and Journal 27/8/2022 Feature Westlaw criminal cases update Westlaw provides coverage of case decisions, including those from the High Court, Courts of Appeal and the Supreme Court, with analytical digests written by a team of legally qualified editors. Police Professional - Subscription at source 26/8/2022 News Intelligent evidence Simon Imbert explores how Crimestoppers and others, including the West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit and a number of police forces, are using digital mapping tools not just to interpret data, but to turn information into knowledge, understanding and actionable insight Police Professional - Subscription at source 26/8/2022 Feature Forward thinking Future Policing returns to The Emergency Services Show this September. Police Professional - Subscription at source 26/8/2022 Feature Research recommends safer approach to removing casualties from car accidents A revised approach to how the emergency services respond to patients in motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) could help to save lives, according to new research. Police Professional - Subscription at source 26/8/2022 Feature North Wales PCC sees how new vehicle is bringing policing closer to rural communities North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Andy Dunbobbin, visited Dolgellau yesterday (August 25) to see how a new mobile policing service is ensuring rural communities in North Wales have better support access and know where to turn if they are victims of crime. North Wales Chronicle 26/8/2022 News It’s frightening when police give up on crime Residents in leafy suburbs and red wall estates are in despair as burglary and car theft are all but ignored by local forces The Times - Subscription at source 26/8/2022 Feature, Opinion Cleveland mull “legal options” over officer who urinated in shop. Cleveland has said they are considering legal options after gross misconduct was found proven against the officer, but the independent panel said she could keep her job. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/8/2022 News DNA tagging spray to be used by Cleveland Police to catch suspects who evade officers The substance can be sprayed from a distance to mark the bikes, clothing and skin of any riders and passengers with a uniquely-coded but invisible DNA that will provide forensic evidence to link them to a specific crime. Teesside Live 26/8/2022 News Wiltshire police officer sacked for domestic abuse case ‘dishonesty’. A Wiltshire police officer has been sacked after he lied about the way he handled a domestic abuse case. BBC 26/8/2022 News Women equipped to protect themselves in self-defence classes Women from ethnic minorities are being given the opportunity to learn self defence through classes arranged by Northamptonshire Police neighbourhood teams. Thanks to funding provided by the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, a series of sessions are being held at the BST Academy and Kettering Mosque until October. Northamptonshire Police 26/8/2022 News Row as report claims Sadiq Khan wrongly ousted Cressida Dick as Met chief Exclusive: London mayor claims ‘bias’ behind Tom Winsor inquiry finding ex-commissioner treated unfairly The Guardian 26/8/2022 News Hampshire Constabulary must not be ‘heavy-handed’ with travellers, says police and crime commissioner Donna Jones Hampshire Constabulary must not be "heavy-handed" when dealing with unauthorised encampments under strengthened powers to disperse them, the county's police and crime commissioner (PCC) has said. Advertiser & Times (Hampshire) 26/8/2022 News Thames Valley Police Journal – Volume 7 TVP Journal Volume 7 - 7th edition Summer 2022 sharing Thames Valley Police Research and Practice [PDF] Thames Valley Police 26/8/2022 Report Leadership plays a part in preventing misconduct, says PCC. PCC Philip Wilkinson has told Police Oracle that the College's updated guidance on misconduct outcomes is welcome, but that there are further considerations that need to be taken around misconduct. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/8/2022 News «191119121913191419151916191719181919Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events