Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98891 total results. Showing results 36221 to 36240 «180818091810181118121813181418151816Next ›Last » Police consider using US taser maker to capture and store sensitive criminal data NEW ZEALAND: This is the first of two stories about police working more and more with US taser-maker, Axon, to gather, analyse and store evidence, interviews and other footage offshore. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 17/10/2022 News Better outcomes for mental health NEW ZEALAND: The Co-Response Team (CRT) initiative devised and piloted in Wellington over 2020 and 2021, has been a transformational change for frontline police who were struggling with the rise in mental health-related calls for service. New Zealand Police 17/10/2022 News MPS Commissioner promises to ‘radically overhaul’ culture and standards after review highlights ‘shameful’ misconduct failings. The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) pledged to “set a new direction” after an independent review found its misconduct system was failing Londoners and police. Police Professional 17/10/2022 News Campaign urges men to challenge harassment of women by friends. Police Scotland is urging men to “step in” and challenge friends about harassment and abusive behaviours towards women. Police Professional 17/10/2022 News Met chief tells officers who joke about attacks on women to expect sack Sir Mark Rowley says humour cannot be ‘used as an excuse’ after Casey review highlights misogyny and racism The Guardian 17/10/2022 News NPCC responds to Baroness Casey Review into the Metropolitan Police The National Police Chiefs' Council has issued the following statement following the publication of the interim findings of the Baroness Casey Review into culture and standards at the Metropolitan Police Service. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 17/10/2022 News Hexagon adds AI capabilities to power real-time crime and operations centers Hexagon’s Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial division today announced the addition of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to HxGN Connect, Hexagon’s real-time incident center as a service solution. With assistive AI, the collaboration platform can mine operational data from different systems to deliver real-time alerts, insights and results. Hexagon 17/10/2022 Press release Theorizing globally, but analyzing locally: the importance of geographically weighted regression in crime analysis Theoretical relationships with crime across cities are explicitly or implicitly assumed to be the same in all places: a one-unit change in X leads to a β change in Y. But why would we assume the impact of unemployment, for example, is the same in wealthy and impoverished neighborhoods? We use a local statistical technique, geographically weighted regression, to identify local relationships with property crime. We find that theoretical relationships vary across the city, most often only being statistically significant in less than half of the city. This is important for the development of criminal justice policy and crime prevention, because these initiatives most often work in particular places potentially leading to a misallocation of scarce public resources. Crime Science Journal 17/10/2022 Research article N.B. opposes using Police resources to confiscate firearms CANADA: New Brunswick is among several provinces opposing the federal use of police resources to confiscate banned assault-style firearms. Country 94 (Canada) 17/10/2022 News Alberta provincial police question deserves a referendum, rural municipalities say CANADA: The head of a group representing Alberta’s rural municipalities says Premier Danielle Smith should hold a referendum if she wants to go forward with the establishment of a provincial police service. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 17/10/2022 News Surrey Police Board confident police transition continues despite pro RCMP mayor CANADA: The Surrey Police Board is expressing confidence the city’s police transition process from the RCMP to a municipal force will continue despite the election of a pro-Mountie mayor. Blue Line (Canada) 17/10/2022 News Chair of garda medical insurance society stepped down over governance concerns REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The chairperson of the gardaí’s medical insurance society stepped down last year because of concerns over how the society was being governed, the Irish Examiner has learned. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 17/10/2022 News Family still in the dark 26 years after son’s death after Garda refusal to release file REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí have refused to hand over a file on the 1996 disappearance and subsequent discovery of the partial body of Denis Walsh Jnr. Breaking News (Republic of Ireland) 17/10/2022 News Minister McEntee announces €2 million in grants to reinvest proceeds of crime in community safety REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has today announced the allocation of grants totalling €2 million to successful applicants to the Community Safety Innovation Fund. 17/10/2022 News A Decade of Police Use of Deadly Force Research (2011–2020) The current study provides findings from a systematic review of the police use of deadly force literature over the most recently completed decade (2011–2020). After an exhaustive search of four scientific databases, 1,190 peer-reviewed articles related to the use of force were identified. Of these, 181 articles specifically examined deadly force, with 86 of them drawing on such force as the dependent variable. We found that the number of articles examining police use of deadly force increased dramatically over the course of the study period and encompassed a wide range of determinants of behavior. Citizen possession of a weapon continues to be the most consistent risk factor of police use of deadly force across decades of policing literature. Additionally, while many studies have attempted to examine the link between race and lethal force, a determination of such a relationship is difficult given both mixed findings and a lack of available national data. Homicide Studies - Subscription at source 17/10/2022 Research article I cried over the state of the Met Police, reveals Sir Mark Rowley 'Combination over last few weeks of seeing advanced drafts of the report and talking to officers in the organisation - I have shed a tear' The Telegraph - Subscription at source 17/10/2022 News Met Police report: Officers getting away with breaking law Hundreds of Met Police officers have been getting away with breaking the law and misconduct, a damning report has found. Baroness Louise Casey found many claims of sexual misconduct, misogyny, racism and homophobia were badly mishandled. BBC 17/10/2022 News The Casey review: PSUs are under-resourced and a ‘dumping ground’ Police Oracle examines the fine detail of Baroness Casey's interim findings of the Met's ailing internal misconduct system. Police Oracle 17/10/2022 Analysis, Feature Rowley asks for power to have final say on ‘100s’ who should be sacked Officers have no faith in the system when they report misconduct according to Casey Review. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/10/2022 News Policing protests – is it effective? Recent protest activities in the UK – in particular those by the Just Stop Oil group – have prompted much debate about the effectiveness of the police response to such actions; Graham Wettone, who spent much of his policing career managing public order policing, highlights some key challenges in responding to the current protests, and why it may be time for a more robust approach to those groups unwilling to engage. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/10/2022 Feature, Opinion «180818091810181118121813181418151816Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events