Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98793 total results. Showing results 36041 to 36060 «179918001801180218031804180518061807Next ›Last » When Ben first joined the police, he went back in the closet. Now, he’s out and proud at work, but ‘more needs to happen’ AUSTRALIA: When Ben Bjarnesen became a police officer 15 years ago, he only knew of one other openly gay member of the Queensland Police Service (QPS). So he decided to go back in the closet. "I didn't think I'd be accepted, and I thought [hiding my sexuality] was probably the best thing to do for my career," Ben says. Since then, he was one of the founding members of a Pride Network for LGBTQIA+ staff, successfully lobbied for a place for the QPS in the Brisbane Pride Festival and started countless initiatives to improve police services for LGBTQIA+ people. ABC News (Australia) 19/10/2022 Feature Vulnerability self-assessment: Predicting the pathways to cybercrime The EU’s European Cybersecurity Month is now underway, with awareness-raising events and learning opportunities scheduled throughout October; in the latest in a series of articles, Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at the work of the new Cyber Crime Driver project, a collaboration by European law enforcement agencies to understand the factors that determine cybercrime behaviours, especially in young people. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/10/2022 Analysis, Feature Police using new AI cameras to catch drivers using their phones – ‘you will get caught’. Police forces in Devon and Cornwall are trialling a "ground-breaking" camera system which uses AI to catch drivers using their mobile phones behind the wheel. Express 19/10/2022 News Met chief: Barristers are adding to sex case backlog. Britain’s most senior police officer has accused defence lawyers of adding to the courts backlog by encouraging suspected sex offenders to plead not guilty. The Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2022 News Noise camera trials take off. 'Noise camera' trials go live in Bradford to detect rowdy drivers and crack down on ‘boy racers’ revving engines and using illegal exhausts. 19/10/2022 News Only 90 of 13,000 partners at England and Wales law firms are Black – report. The 1% Study says more must be done to address representation at major law firms. The Guardian 19/10/2022 News Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Annual Report 2021–22 AUSTRALIA: I am pleased to present the annual report of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) for the year ending 30 June 2022, prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act). Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) 19/10/2022 Report Families of knife crime victims back tougher laws on sale of blades to children Tougher new guidelines for sentencing business operators convicted of selling blades to children are being backed by two families devastated by knife crime Yahoo! 19/10/2022 News Met Police officer charged with possession of indecent images of children PC Darren Hourigan was arrested in March 2020 before being released under investigation. He was charged last month and will appear before magistrates. Sky News 18/10/2022 News A socio-economic duty for police We are facing the worst cost of living crisis for a generation, rising inflation and inevitable cuts to already under-funded services. Police Professional - Subscription at source 18/10/2022 News Home Secretary criticises Leicestershire Police over hate crime awareness campaign The force ran the campaign to coincide with National Hate Crime Awareness Week but has now deleted all related posts Leicester Mercury 18/10/2022 News Operationalising policing by consent This issue the Research Inspector looks at the ongoing research of Charles Crichlow, which is exploring policing by consent. Police Professional - Subscription at source 18/10/2022 Feature Leicestershire Police apology after criticism over hate crime tweet. Police have apologised after using a stock image and fictitious quote on a tweet aimed at encouraging transgender people to report hate crime. BBC 18/10/2022 News Construction begins on brand new flagship London court in the Square Mile The construction of a state-of-the-art combined court is underway in the heart of London’s legal centre as part of Salisbury Square, a new development on Fleet Street. Home Office 18/10/2022 News Systems alert: the evolution of intelligent alarms Commercial alarms have moved from the days of door triggers, to motion sensors and pressure plates and can now be monitored with a live video feed into a control centre. Police Oracle speaks to the NPCC security systems lead. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/10/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion Oakland police want to arm bomb-defusing robots with lethal shotguns USA: Police in Oakland, California, are seeking permission from city officials to load lethal shotgun rounds into their bomb-defusing robots, raising concerns from civil rights and technology activists. The Independent 18/10/2022 News Assaults on police soar by staggering 70 per cent as record numbers quit New stats show that in the last 12 months there were just over 41,000 attacks on police constables in England and Wales - up from 24,000 in the year to March 2017. The Sun 18/10/2022 News Noise camera trial begins to police loud exhausts and anti-social engines The Government is testing new tech to tackle noise pollution on UK roads as part of £300,000 trial scheme Auto Express 18/10/2022 News Police can’t allow eco-extremists to disrupt daily life. The antics of Just Stop Oil climate protesters have caused chaos in London by blocking roads and holding up traffic in support of their demand that the government end the use of fossil fuels. The Times - Subscription at source 18/10/2022 Feature, Opinion Over 600 driving offences detected in UK-first trial with Warwickshire Police. The 'sensor test vehicle', which uses AI detection equipment to ascertain whether drivers are distracted at the wheel or not wearing a seatbeat, has already detected 664 offences this month. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/10/2022 News «179918001801180218031804180518061807Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events