Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98790 total results. Showing results 35961 to 35980 «179517961797179817991800180118021803Next ›Last » WA police launch action over pay claim AUSTRALIA: West Australian police will launch a month of industrial action over a pay and conditions claim, saying officers have been let down after doing their part to protect the state during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Singleton Argus (Australia) 20/10/2022 News Zachary Rolfe was warned his fellow officers were ‘snakes’ and to watch his back, inquest hears AUSTRALIA: After a Northern Territory policeman shot an Indigenous teenager dead, a colleague warned him their fellow officers were snakes and to protect his back, an inquest has been told. The Guardian 20/10/2022 News Cumbria trials tactical dog cameras. The force has said the specialist device will help with its firearms operations. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/10/2022 News New chief constable chosen to lead Isle of Man police force. A successor to the longest-serving chief constable in the British Isles has been chosen to lead the Isle of Man's police force from next year. BBC 20/10/2022 News IICSA final report declares child sexual abuse a ‘national epidemic’. Policing failures were identified in the concluding report of the IICSA, which heard from 725 witnesses and engaged with over 7,300 survivors during a seven-year period. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/10/2022 News AFP members recognised for improving opportunities for women in law enforcement AUSTRALIA: Two AFP members have been recognised in this year’s Australasian Council of Women and Policing (ACWAP) Excellence in Policing Awards for their commitment to improving opportunities and services provided to women in law enforcement. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 20/10/2022 News Operation Cobalt: Police issue 15,000 traffic tickets to gang members in disruption tactic NEW ZEALAND: More than 15,000 traffic tickets have been issued to gang members in the last three months as police reach the halfway mark of a nationwide crackdown. NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Subscription at source 20/10/2022 News Axon evidence-storing system full of flaws, lawyer says, as police consider expansion NEW ZEALAND: A defence lawyer says police's private American-provided evidence storing system is derailing criminal trials and letting in the wrong people. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 20/10/2022 News Hundreds of arrests over ram raids, smash and grab robberies – police data NEW ZEALAND: Hundreds of arrests have been made over ram raids and youth offences in Auckland and Waikato in recent months. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 20/10/2022 News Sex offender who stabbed two officers sent down for 20 years. The officers managed to taser their attacker and restrain him despite both suffering serious injuries. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/10/2022 News Surrey Police safer canal towpath project wins Tilley Award. A project to improve the safety of women and girls along a stretch of canal has been has been named as the overall 2021/22 Tilley Award winner. Police Professional 20/10/2022 News The Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. This report is the final statutory report published by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (the Inquiry). In accordance with the Terms of Reference, it sets out the main findings about the extent to which State and non-State institutions failed in their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation and makes recommendations for reform. It draws on the Inquiry’s 15 investigations and 19 related investigation reports, the Interim Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse and 41 other Inquiry reports and publications. The Inquiry has made 20 recommendations in this report. These final recommendations complement the 87 recommendations contained in the previously published investigation reports (including six which have been restated). Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse 20/10/2022 Report Inquiry’s concluding report highlights ‘devastating scale’ of child sexual abuse. The new Home Secretary has pledged a “new chapter” to end the “devastating scale of child sexual abuse” following the conclusion of seven-year inquiry into institutional failings in England and Wales. Police Professional 20/10/2022 News NPCC responds to IICSA report on ‘epidemic’ of child sexual abuse. The National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for child protection says the final report from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has “implications for policing at a national and local level”. Police Professional 20/10/2022 News The Rock beat: The challenges facing Royal Gibraltar Police’s Marine Unit The Straits of Gibraltar are a potential gateway for drug traffickers between Europe and Morocco, with smugglers able to cross the 14km between Gibraltar and Africa by fast boat in just 15 minutes; narcotics and human trafficking are among the demanding and complex challenges faced every week by Royal Gibraltar Police’s Marine Unit, as Chief Inspector Sean Perera explained to Policing Insight’s Martin Buhagiar in this first of two articles. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/10/2022 Feature, Interview ‘Enough is enough’: Violence against police officers a concerning trend in Canada CANADA: Experts are disturbed about the recent violence against police officers after an active shooter incident in Scarborough on Tuesday that resulted in one man facing an attempted murder charge. City News (Canada) 20/10/2022 News, Video The impact of leadership on employee presenteeism: A comparison between police and non-police samples Leader support is an essential factor influencing worker health and stress. Police officers are part of a class of workers who must deal with a high level of stress. Significant stress can lead to the onset of symptoms of psychological distress, which can lead to presenteeism (employees are present but suffer from mental health symptoms). However, we note that few studies focus on police leadership and job-related-stress presenteeism. Therefore, the current research is relevant and aims to demonstrate the link between the leadership style (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire) on presenteeism (Job-Stress-Related Presenteeism measure) for police and non-police samples. A total of 252 employees, police officers (municipal organization) and blue-collar workers (public organization) completed the questionnaires. The results indicated that, for both samples, transformational leadership did not significantly influence job-stress presenteeism. Laissez-faire leadership had a strong negative effect on police and non-police employees’ job-related stress presenteeism scores. Finally, a transactional leadership style predicted higher levels of job-related-stress presenteeism for our non-police (blue-collar) sample; it did not significantly influence job-stress-related presenteeism for our police sample. These results highlight the importance of leadership style on employee well-being, and the implications of these results are discussed. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Subscription at source 20/10/2022 Research article Africa Centre, Black community group, call for end to police DNA phenotyping CANADA: Members of Edmonton’s Black community want police to stop using DNA phenotyping, a practice they say “demonizes and alienates” vulnerable people. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 20/10/2022 News Saskatoon police to double number of officers wearing body cams in 2023 CANADA: Saskatoon police plan to double the number of officers wearing body cameras as part of a pilot program that began six month ago, according to a report going to the Board of Police Commissioners Thursday afternoon. CBC News (Canada) 20/10/2022 News Watchdog orders ‘victimised’ female garda to be given senior role after gender discrimination case REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A state workplace watchdog has ordered the Garda Representative Association (GRA) to appoint a twice-failed female job applicant for a senior role in the organisation to the role. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 20/10/2022 News «179517961797179817991800180118021803Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events