Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98790 total results. Showing results 35941 to 35960 «179417951796179717981799180018011802Next ›Last » Charity Commission reports increase in cybercrime Charities have seen an increase in cybercrime in the last 12 months, the Charity Commission reports. Ahead of a major awareness campaign, the non-ministerial department said 12% of UK charities had reported experience of cybercrime. 20/10/2022 News NCA responds to final report by Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) Today, the IICSA published its final statutory report and recommendations to conclude the seven-year Inquiry. National Crime Agency (NCA) 20/10/2022 News Charge rates show steady increase across all crime types as CPS publishes latest statistics Today the CPS has published Q1 performance data which covers the three-month period from 1 April to 30 June 2022. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 20/10/2022 News CPS introduces new chapter to their prosecution guidance dealing with public sexual abuse Street harassment included in prosecution guidance College of Policing 20/10/2022 News “It was quite empowering”, says Britain’s first hijab-wearing police officer. Khadeejah Mansur is sharing her story on BBC series Fresh Cops. Eastern Eye 20/10/2022 News NPCC responds to Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse report The final report of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (IICSA) in England and Wales has been published today. National Police Chiefs' Council lead for Child Protection, Deputy Chief Constable Ian Critchley, reflects on its significance and what this means for policing. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 20/10/2022 News Police officer recognised one of London’s most wanted men by only his chin Pc Arron Lewars' photographic memory has helped him arrest some of the UK’s highest-ranking gang members The Telegraph - Subscription at source 20/10/2022 News Home Secretary pledges new chapter to end child sexual abuse The Home Secretary responds to the publication of the final report from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. Home Office 20/10/2022 News CPS introduces new chapter to their prosecution guidance dealing with public sexual abuse Street harassment included in prosecution guidance College of Policing 20/10/2022 News Federation continues to push for Protected Learning Time The Police Federation of England and Wales is continuing to press forces to allocate time during an officer’s working day for professional learning purposes. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 20/10/2022 News IICSA: report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse INDEPENDENT REPORT: Final report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), chaired by Professor Alexis Jay. Home Office 20/10/2022 Report CPS data summary Quarter 1 2022-2023 This Q1 data release covers the three-month period 1 April 2022 – 30 June 2022, with the previous three quarters provided to illustrate trends. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 20/10/2022 Report Ireland has accepted ‘stark’ domestic violence figures for too long, says Justice Minister Helen McEntee REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Helen McEntee gave a run-through of her strategy to combat gender-based violence on Thursday Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 20/10/2022 News 400 gardai quit force in five years, with ‘burnout’ and ‘pressures on the frontline’ on the rise REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The number of gardai quitting is at its highest level in at least five years with ‘burnout’ and ‘pressure on the frontline’ forcing many to resign. The Irish News 20/10/2022 News Victimised applicant to be appointed to senior Garda Representative Association role REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Representative Association (GRA) has been ordered to appoint Tara McManus to the position of assistant to the general secretary after finding that she was victimised for raising a complaint of discrimination. Irish Legal News (Republic of Ireland) 20/10/2022 News Amid controversy, police board says it will announce new police chief Friday CANADA: Amid controversy this week over the search for a new police chief, the police services board has announced it's pushing ahead with its plan to hire a new chief before a new council's determined — and will be announcing the city's new chief Friday. The board issued a press release on Thursday inviting media to register for the press conference at 2 p.m. Ottawa's last police chief Peter Sloly resigned eight months ago at the height of the convoy occupation in the city's downtown. Deputy chief Steven Bell has been acting in the position since then. CBC News (Canada) 20/10/2022 News New chief constable chosen to lead Isle of Man police force A successor to the longest-serving chief constable in the British Isles has been chosen to lead the Isle of Man's police force from next year. West Yorkshire Police's Deputy Chief Constable Russ Foster will replace Gary Roberts, who will retire in March after 10 years in the job. BBC 20/10/2022 News INTERPOL launches first global police Metaverse NEW DELHI, INDIA - The Metaverse isn’t coming soon. It’s already here. At a surprise session of the 90th INTERPOL General Assembly in New Delhi, the global police organization unveiled the first ever Metaverse specifically designed for law enforcement worldwide. Fully operational, the INTERPOL Metaverse allows registered users to tour a virtual facsimile of the INTERPOL General Secretariat headquarters in Lyon, France without any geographical or physical boundaries, interact with other officers via their avatars, and even take immersive training courses in forensic investigation and other policing capabilities. INTERPOL 20/10/2022 News The Guardian view on the child sexual abuse inquiry: unbearable truths. The findings of a seven and a half year process must lead to rapid action. The price of past mistakes has been huge suffering. The Guardian 20/10/2022 Feature, Opinion Surrey’s canal sexual exposures project wins Tilley Award. The project involved a partnership approach to tackling frequent reports of indecent exposure. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/10/2022 News «179417951796179717981799180018011802Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events