Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98773 total results. Showing results 35801 to 35820 «178717881789179017911792179317941795Next ›Last » Addictions lead warns of loot boxes Addictions and Substance Misuse Lead is calling for better regulations of in-app features in video games following serious concerns that they normalise gambling for children. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 24/10/2022 News The rise in “honour-based” abuse offences. Last week, for just the third time, the Home Office published information on the number of police recorded offences which were identified as being 'honour-based' abuse (HBA). Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/10/2022 News Specialist training provided to support frontline officers starts today. West Yorkshire Police is starting a new specialist training for frontline officers and leaders within Force as part of the Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy (VAWG). West Yorkshire Police 24/10/2022 News Scotland could see “fundamental reduction” in policing. The Resource Spending Review published in May indicated that the SPA and Police Scotland should plan for a flat-cash settlement. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/10/2022 News PTSD and policing: the former officer sharing his story to help others Since being medically retired from the police in October 2020, Ben Pearson has written two books, started a podcast and a YouTube channel, and is working to set up a PTSD awareness charity. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/10/2022 Feature Equality data in criminal justice Equality Data in Criminal Justice provides an analysis of the methodology and findings of a pilot study implemented in Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania. The EU is actively encouraging and supporting Member States to collect equality data across different policies including in the area of criminal justice Partners piloted a methodology intended to support NGOs to collect equality data in relation to pre-trial criminal proceedings – namely, to evidence how unequal access to EU-protected procedural rights from arrest to sentencing results in people being disparately impacted by criminal justice outcomes based on their ethnicity, race, or other ‘foreign’ perceived status. The results confirm that justice does not apply neutrally and equally, and that criminal justice systems carry the biases of the wider society, exacerbated by the weight and authority of policing and criminal law in enforcing social control. The study also brings to light some of the many challenges in relation to equality data collection in criminal justice, which this report seeks to identify and analyse. It ultimately opens up the conversation to the importance of amplifying the voices of people impacted by injustice and reimagining our systems in ways that respond to the need of all people to be free from injustice. Fair Trials 24/10/2022 Report EU: Report supports evidence of pervasive police violence disparately targeting racialised people Equality Data in criminal justice, a new report by criminal justice watchdog Fair Trials, has found evidence of pervasive police violence that disparately targets racialised people in criminal justice systems across Europe. The research into the collection of equality data in Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece and Romania, also found that people experienced negative interactions with the criminal justice system, from arrest through to sentencing, based on their ethnicity, race or other ‘foreign’ perceived status. Fair Trials 24/10/2022 News Criminals are starting to exploit the metaverse, says Interpol. So police are heading there too An international police organization is using the metaverse and wants to understand how crime could evolve. ZDNet 24/10/2022 News Spate of scandals drags public trust in Victoria Police to record low AUSTRALIA: Public trust in Victoria Police has hit a new low after a succession of corruption, sexual abuse and misconduct scandals, with more than one in five Victorians reporting they no longer have confidence in its integrity. The Age (Australia) 24/10/2022 News AFP operational successes highlighted in 2021-22 Annual Report AUSTRALIA: The AFP seized more than 21 tonnes of illicit substances and was involved in more than 300 disruptions across 22 countries in the past financial year, as part of the ongoing efforts to protect Australians and deliver maximum damage to the criminal environment. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 24/10/2022 News AFP Annual Report 2021–22 AUSTRALIA: In 2021–22, the work of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) continued to be shaped by an evolving criminal landscape, ongoing impacts of COVID-19, and social, economic and geopolitical change. [pdf] Australian Federal Police (AFP) 24/10/2022 Report Drumbeat for police action grows louder as ‘daily menace’ of brawls and theft leaves Christchurch with a ‘rotten core’ NEW ZEALAND: Anywhere, anytime. There’s a lot to be said about high-visibility policing. Stuff (New Zealand) 24/10/2022 Feature, Opinion, Video Ten arrested after long-distance efforts to flee police NEW ZEALAND: Auckland's police helicopter has been instrumental in the arrest of 10 people, in early morning incidents spanning a combined 180 kilometres, police say. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 24/10/2022 News Police want to change the laws they’ve broken NEW ZEALAND: First the police denied it was a problem. Then they minimised the problem. Now they want the law changed so they can do it all the time after it was exposed that they were doing it all the time. newsroom (New Zealand) 24/10/2022 News High violent crime rate force gets funding for range of schemes. The recipient organisations are to be announced publically this week after the fund was launched in July through the Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence (CURV). Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/10/2022 News Police staff pay increase revised to £1,900 flat rate. Following a re-negotiation of the earlier pay award of 2.1%, police staff have now received a revised increase more in line with the officer pay offer. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/10/2022 News Officer waiting for IOPC investigator seven months after NFA appeal. A Bedfordshire officer with an open complaint against him has still not been appointed an IOPC investigator over seven months after the appeal was made. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/10/2022 News Former Devon and Cornwall Police officer barred from serving again. A former police constable would have been dismissed if he was still serving after an alleged sexual relationship with a crime victim, a panel has found. BBC 24/10/2022 News ‘Shameful’ culture undermining policing is a matter of ‘organisational justice’, says Police Now. The culture and standards of professional behaviour undermining policing is “not a re-run of the police corruption of the 1970s” but a matter of “organisational justice”, according to Police Now. Police Professional 24/10/2022 News IWF says IICSA report highlights ‘incalculable’ damage from online child sexual abuse The internet is “magnifying” risks of sexual abuse for children, according to the final report from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) published last wee Police Professional 24/10/2022 News «178717881789179017911792179317941795Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events