Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 35721 to 35740 «178317841785178617871788178917901791Next ›Last » Police Investigators’ Perceptions of the Challenges Associated With Interviewing Adult Sexual Assault Complainants Although police organizations have devoted considerable effort to training investigators in evidence-based witness interviewing techniques, there is some suggestion that current practices do not meet the multifaceted requirements of sexual assault cases. Here, we assessed the specific challenges inherent in conducting interviews with adult sexual assault complainants, by conducting in-depth interviews with 21 experienced investigators from both Australia and New Zealand. The challenges that investigators identified fell into three broad themes: meeting the evidential needs of sexual assault investigations, establishing credibility, and managing complainant vulnerabilities. We discuss how the investigative interview process might be modified in line with these challenges. Violence Against Women - Subscription at source 26/10/2022 Research article Mindfulness Meditation Training Reduces Aggression and Improves Well-Being in Highly Stressed Law Enforcement Officers Law enforcement officers are at risk of decreased mental and physical health due to the high demands and stressful nature of police work. Self-regulatory cognitive training may be particularly efficacious for law enforcement officers. The present study examined the feasibility and efficacy of three standardized, 8-week mindfulness-based interventions: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training (MBRT), and Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness, and Knowledge (mPEAK) to foster psychological well-being for law enforcement officers. We expected no between group differences in outcomes. Further, we hypothesized that increases in dispositional mindfulness would mediate reductions in aggression and improvements in well-being. Eighty-four law enforcement officers were recruited. All procedures were performed online. Participants completed measures of aggression, stress, depression, emotion dysregulation, anxiety, and mindfulness. Seventy-nine officers were then randomized into one of three interventions: MBSR, MBRT, or mPEAK. Participants completed study assessments, again, after 4 and 8 weeks of mindfulness training. Fifty officers (median age = 44; 34 male) completed their assigned training. At baseline, 92% of police officers reported moderate to high levels of stress. The mPEAK program exhibited a 24% attrition rate, while MBSR and MBRT showed attrition rates of 44% and 41% respectively. There were no significant outcome differences between groups. Participants reported significant decreases in aggression and stress after training. Depression, difficulties in emotion regulation, and anxiety scores also decreased significantly. Importantly, increases in dispositional mindfulness mediated the relationship between aggression and stress and depression. These data indicate that mindfulness training may produce improvements in well-being in a sample of highly stressed police officers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 26/10/2022 Research article The Influence of Interview Style on SIOs’ Responsiveness to the Suspect’s Alibi In criminal investigations, it may happen that the police will collect and use information that is actually incorrect. Making sure that such error is detected and corrected is part of the legal and operational burden placed on any investigating officer, but especially on the Senior Investigative Officer (SIO). This present study explored to what degree different interview styles will affect SIO decision-making, since interviewing witnesses and suspects is an important source of information for the police. A sample of 115 Dutch and Norwegian SIOs therefore performed an online vignette task. They read about a fictitious, but realistic case and received a report of an interview with the suspect. In this interview, the suspect had provided an alibi for one of the pieces of information that were disclosed to her and that actually was an incorrect piece of information. In the report the SIOs received, the interviewer either picked up the alibi (adaptive style), reacted indifferently to it (neutral) or discredited it right away (maladaptive). A significant effect was found for interview style being associated with SIOs’ responsiveness: the SIOs who read the adaptive or neutral interview report were significantly more responsive to the alibi than those who read the maladaptive report. The implications of this finding are discussed. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 26/10/2022 Research article Three police forces had doubts about use of Emergencies Act CANADA: Documents tabled at the Emergencies Act inquiry reveal a discrepancy between RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki’s public defence of the sweeping legislation and her private advice to the government that the police had “not yet exhausted all available tools” when the act was invoked. The Globe and Mail (Canada) 26/10/2022 News Police Scotland cuts: ‘Crime will increase, public safety will be put at risk’ Cuts to police budgets will lead to an increase in crime and threaten public safety, unions have claimed. Edinburgh News 26/10/2022 News Queensland police commissioner vows to do more to protect whistleblowers after inquiry revelations AUSTRALIA: Queensland’s police commissioner has vowed to do more to protect whistleblowers, after an inquiry revealed that officers who expose sexual abuse, misogyny and racism in the service often face reprisals from their colleagues. Police who made complaints against their colleagues have told Guardian Australia that the internal witness support unit – established to support whistleblowers who report breaches of discipline, misconduct or corrupt conduct – is understaffed and overwhelmed. The Guardian 26/10/2022 News Gloucestershire police joins operation to convict more sex offenders Gloucestershire police is working with academics who are specialists in their field to improve how officers respond and investigate sexual offences. This is part of the national Operation Soteria Bluestone initiative - a revised approach to investigating rape and serious sexual offences led by the Mayor’s Office of Policing and Crime that is already seeing encouraging outcomes in other areas. The Constabulary is one of the new pilot forces to join the latest phase of the initiative, which begins this month (October 2022), making a total of 19 forces participating nationally. Gazette (Gloucestershire) 26/10/2022 News NPCC BWV Portfolio 2022 National Conference A video highlighting some of the contributions at the conference that took place on 10th October in Exeter . With over 120 attendees and Motorola, Axon and Reveal in attendance the day was a great success PolicingTV - Registration at source 26/10/2022 Feature, Video NPCC BWV Portfolio 2022 National Conference A video highlighting some of the contributions at the conference that took place on 10th October in Exeter . With over 120 attendees and Motorola, Axon and Reveal in attendance the day was a great success PolicingTV 26/10/2022 Feature, Video China accused of illegal police stations in Netherlands NETHERLANDS: The Chinese government has been accused of establishing at least two undeclared "police stations" in the Netherlands. BBC 26/10/2022 News National award for ‘Ask for Angela’ creator A police officer who created a "safe word" campaign so people can discretely signal for help has won a national award. BBC 26/10/2022 News Impact through innovation: Increasing Europe’s cybersecurity posture As the awareness-raising events and learning opportunities as part of the EU’s European Cybersecurity Month begin to draw to a close, Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at the latest funded research initiatives designed to promote co-operation and collaboration across the continent, in an effort to enhance cybersecurity and protect the increasing number of crucial connected digital systems and networks. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 26/10/2022 Feature, Innovation Police staff cuts could put public at risk, union warns. A union representing police staff has called for urgent intervention from the Scottish government following warnings of “massive cuts” to Police Scotland’s budget which they say could risk public safety. Police Professional 26/10/2022 News Police force plans big expansion of electric vehicle fleet. West Midlands Police plans to buy another 68 electric vehicles. BBC 26/10/2022 News Criminal justice groups warn of drastic cuts under spending plans Criminal justice organisations have warned they face drastic cuts under Scottish government spending plans. BBC 26/10/2022 News Manchester’s Counterfeit Street to be bulldozed as new Chief Constable orders radical action "We will go after their assets, we will take their cars off them, we will take their buildings off them." Manchester Evening News 26/10/2022 News The public order bill that will make dissent a lot more difficult Activism in England and Wales faces radical new rules. Here’s a primer on how these draconian restrictions will work – and why they’re so controversial The Guardian 26/10/2022 Feature AI Is Used For Predictive Policing In The US And UK – South Africa Should Embrace It, Too SOUTH AFRICA: In the 2002 movie Minority Report (based on a short story by Philip K Dick), director Steven Spielberg imagined a future in which three psychics can “see” murders before they happen. Their clairvoyance allows Tom Cruise and his “Precrime” police force to avert nearly all potential homicides. Tech Financials 26/10/2022 News Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill 2022: impact assessments IMPACT ASSESSMENT: Impact assessments relating to the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill. Home Office 25/10/2022 Report Hate crime e-learning tool developed with Avon and Somerset What started as an in-person CPD training day for tactical advisors has developed into a learning package that can be used by all forces. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/10/2022 News «178317841785178617871788178917901791Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events