Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 96416 total results. Showing results 35581 to 35600 «177617771778177917801781178217831784Next ›Last » New £15m armed police training facility for Staffordshire Police. Plans for a new armed police training facility for Staffordshire Police have moved a step closer. Police Professional 2/9/2022 News Budget variance for the period ending July 31, 2022 CANADA: This report provides information and updates to the Edmonton Police Commission (EPC) on the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) current financial position for the period ending July 31, 2022. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 2/9/2022 Report Police ‘negotiating with hackers’ who hit Paris hospital computer system FRANCE: An elite French police unit is reportedly negotiating with hackers demanding a seven-figure ransom after paralysing the computer system of a Paris region hospital. Le Parisien newspaper said the Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN), the French military police unit that specialises in terrorism, hostage-taking and other such crimes, was involved in round-the-clock talks with the hackers on encrypted platforms. The Times - Subscription at source 1/9/2022 News Knife bins and media campaigns “might not help”. International research conducted by Home Office funded charity, the Youth Endowment Fund, has shown there is no evidence to prove the tactics have any real and lasting impact. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/9/2022 News Chief Constable’s Accountability Report to the Northern Ireland Policing Board The September 2022 Accountability Report provides an update to the Northern Ireland Policing Board on the serious budgetary situation facing policing, successful summer policing operations and our progress against drugs/organised crime. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 1/9/2022 Report Fire statistics data tables STATISTICAL DATA SET: The Home Office collects detailed information on incidents attended by Fire and Rescue Services. Home Office 1/9/2022 Report Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan POLICY PAPER: The government's plan will drive down the prevalence of domestic abuse and domestic homicide and provide victims and survivors with the support they need. Home Office 1/9/2022 Report Reducing Police Violence: Q&A with Melissa Labriola Police in America fatally shoot around 1,000 people every year. For young men, in particular, that makes police shootings one of the leading causes of death in the United States—and for Black men, the risks are even higher. One in 1,000 can expect to be killed by police. RAND Corporation 1/9/2022 Feature, Interview Devon and Cornwall police chief preferred candidate revealed A police boss from Scotland has been chosen as the next Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police. Will Kerr, Deputy Chief Constable at Police Scotland, has been chosen by the Police and Crime Commissioner to take up the role. PCC Alison Hernandez said Mr Kerr was an "exceptional strategic leader". BBC 1/9/2022 News Why are our police wearing heels instead of nicking villains? Ex-cop STEPHEN PLACE writes As an old school very retired copper from the mean streets of Bradford it`s difficult to know where to start when discussing modern policing. Overall, I will always stand up for the grassroots coppers turning out 24 hours a day and dealing with the flotsam and jetsam of life. Express 1/9/2022 Feature, Opinion Queensland Police domestic violence inquiry extends after 130 new submissions AUSTRALIA: The reporting deadline for an inquiry into Queensland police culture and domestic violence has been extended again after an influx of submissions from serving officers. ABC News (Australia) 1/9/2022 News Police face major class action over capsicum spray use on protesters AUSTRALIA: Victoria Police faces a class action over allegations its officers indiscriminately and improperly used capsicum spray to disperse protesters outside a mining conference in Melbourne in 2019. The Age (Australia) 1/9/2022 News No proof a 2,700 boost in Victorian police numbers has improved safety, audit finds AUSTRALIA: A blitz to recruit more than 2,700 additional Victorian police officers under a $2bn investment to tackle crime has not been proved to improve community safety, a report by the state’s auditor general has found. The Guardian 1/9/2022 News Five officers will not face prosecution over ‘tragic deaths’ of teenagers at St Patrick’s Day disco. The Northern Ireland Public Prosecution Service (PPS) is to prosecute two men and a company in connection with the deaths of three teenagers at a St Patrick’s Day disco more than three years ago. Police Professional 1/9/2022 News Gang member turned police witness accused of lying NEW ZEALAND: A former gang member giving evidence at a High Court trial says he was on board with the gang’s activities until they messed with his “missus”. SunLive (New Zealand) 1/9/2022 News Police widows’ pension campaigner “hopeful” about review. Kate Hall has been campaigning since 2014 following the death of her husband in 1987. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/9/2022 News Covid-19 vaccine sequel: Dozens of police staff take personal grievance case NEW ZEALAND: A group of 91 police staff are taking a personal grievance over the way they were treated for refusing to get the Covid-19 vaccine. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/9/2022 News Dyslexia Foundation on kids giving statements to police NEW ZEALAND: The Principal Youth Court Judge, John Walker, is questioning whether young people being interviewed by police are getting as much support as they need. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/9/2022 News Bravery award for officers who tackled man armed with samurai sword. Two Sussex Police officers who tackled a man brandishing a samurai sword have been recognised for their incredible bravery. Police Professional 1/9/2022 News Gun crime rising in two-thirds of police force areas in England and Wales. Exclusive: analysis reveals firearms offences have increased in 29 out of 43 forces over past decade. The Guardian 1/9/2022 News «177617771778177917801781178217831784Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events