Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98735 total results. Showing results 35561 to 35580 «177517761777177817791780178117821783Next ›Last » Greater Manchester Police removed from ‘special measures’. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) has been removed from ‘special measures’ by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS). Police Professional 28/10/2022 News Further cuts to policing would be disastrous and damaging, warns PFEW as crime hits new high. The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) says any cuts to the police service would have disastrous consequences as crime hits an all-time high. Police Professional 28/10/2022 News ‘Much more to do’ to end race disparity in stop and search, says APCC. The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) says there is still “much more to be done to address the race disparity around stop and search”. Police Professional 28/10/2022 News Kent Police see three-fold increase in Taser officers. The number of police officers authorised to carry Tasers in Kent has almost trebled in five years. BBC 28/10/2022 News No video monitoring in cell where Winnipeg man died in custody: inquest report CANADA: Police didn’t think David Norbert was high risk for suicide, though he joked about it during risk assessment CBC News (Canada) 28/10/2022 News Crucial considerations when using 1033 Program data as a measure of police militarization The 1033 Program has become a favored dataset for scholars examining the impact of police militarization on outcomes such as fatal force and crime rates. However, these data are often not treated appropriately, leading to mixed results that have been salient in US policy decision-making. Beyond the US, other nations looking at these studies may use their implications in decision-making about equipping the police with military items, and improperly handled data may generate inaccurate conclusions that drive policy decisions. To illustrate necessary considerations for proper data handling, this article conducts a systematic review of quantitative literature using 1033 Program data to determine how these data were handled. Findings show that 12 out of 14 peer-reviewed articles do not use the data properly for longitudinal data, and that a wide variety of categorization schemes are used. This article concludes with best practice recommendations for obtaining, structuring, and categorizing the data. Police Practice and Research 28/10/2022 Research article Guelph police looking to move $1M for new 911 system CANADA: The request is to alter the already-approved 2023 capital budget so Guelph police can pay for a next generation 911 system, mandated by the CRTC. [AUDIO] Guelph Today (Canada) 28/10/2022 News Firearms, property, and drugs seized through Hamilton Police Service’s Project KORA CANADA: HAMILTON - A six-month investigation involving multiple units across the Hamilton Police force has seen the arrest of 348 people wanted on outstanding charges. Toronto Star (Canada) 28/10/2022 News Understanding the impact of the pandemic on crime This week’s publication of both the Crime Survey for England and Wales and the latest Police Recorded Crime (PRC) statistics offers the first comparable crime figures to before the pandemic; Meghan Elkin, joint head of crime statistics at the Office for National Statistics, explains how these latest figures can help to explain whether Covid has led to any sustained impacts on levels of crime, and how survey methods may also influence the data. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/10/2022 Analysis, Feature Lucki was ready to go to Trudeau over Ottawa police handling of “Freedom Convoy” CANADA: Brenda Lucki not only lost confidence in the leadership of former Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly over the “Freedom Convoy” protests, the RCMP commissioner was so concerned she was prepared to go directly to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a public inquiry learned Thursday. Blue Line (Canada) 28/10/2022 News Donegal man caught with €25,000 drugs stash REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A Donegal man was found in possession of almost €25,000 worth of cannabis when Gardaí swooped on his home. Donegal Live (Republic of Ireland) 28/10/2022 News An Garda Síochána following over 500 lines of enquiry into Creeslough tragedy REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An Garda Síochána are following over 500 lines of enquiry into the explosion in Creeslough where 10 people lost their lives earlier this month. Donegal Live (Republic of Ireland) 28/10/2022 News 2,200 Gardai assaulted on duty since 2013 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: 2,267 members of An Garda Síochána have been assaulted on active duty since 2013, new figures have revealed. newstalk (Republic of Ireland) 28/10/2022 News Make believe: Police accountability, lying and anti-blackness in the inquest of Sean Rigg In 2008, Sean Rigg, a 40-year-old Black British man died in England and Wales police custody. It was not until 4 years later at the inquest that it transpired one of the police officers involved, the custody sergeant, PS Paul White gave false information. White had claimed he saw Rigg in the van upon his arrival however CCTV footage demonstrated this did not happen. Following a deconstructive approach this paper examined the inquest transcripts to explore how belief and the possibility of being mistaken was integral to the account White provided. It is the ambiguity of truth/fiction that is significant in legal investigations for it comes to produce the justifications for the deaths of Black people in England and Wales. Crime Media Culture: An International Journal - Subscription at source 28/10/2022 Research article New report says technology and collaboration are key to disrupting County Lines activities A new report has found that renewed focus on those exploited by organised crime gangs (OCGs) and the technology used can result in better outcomes in the fight against County Lines crime. Police Professional 28/10/2022 News Cutting the head off the snake Addressing the role technology plays in the county lines model Crest Advisory 28/10/2022 Report Forces mount winter crackdown on ‘recreational drug’ users People who use cocaine, cannabis and ecstasy on nights out will be targeted by police this winter in a significant joint operation by six police forces. Police Professional 28/10/2022 News Greater Manchester Police: PEEL Cause of concern revisit letter Between 6 and 17 September 2021, we inspected Greater Manchester Police as part of our PEEL programme. During our inspection, we identified three causes of concern HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 28/10/2022 Report Greater Manchester Police removed from enhanced monitoring Greater Manchester Police has made improvements and has therefore been removed from an enhanced level of monitoring by the police inspectorate. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 28/10/2022 News Greater Manchester Police Most Improved Force in the Country as Chief Constable and Mayor confirm HMICFRS has removed Force from Special Measures Chief Constable Stephen Watson and Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham to announce the news that Greater Manchester Police has been removed by His Majesty’s Inspectorate from special measures and is no longer required to be in the Inspectorate’s engage monitoring process. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) 28/10/2022 News «177517761777177817791780178117821783Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events