Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 35481 to 35500 «177117721773177417751776177717781779Next ›Last » Embedding Evidence-Based Policing (EBP): A UK case study exploring organisational challenges This paper explores organisational challenges of embedding ‘Evidence-Based Policing’ (EBP) using a mixed methods design sampled across a range of ranks/roles, in a case study UK police force. Key organisational constraints identified include limited awareness of/access to research evidence, lack of resources, capability concerns, and challenges related to organisational culture and leadership. Organisational constraints were disproportionately experienced by lower ranking officers and staff, and senior officers were not fully cognisant of these challenges. There is a need to better equip officers and staff of all ranks to engage with EBP and address the identified organisational challenges. The Police Journal: Theory Practice and Principles 31/10/2022 Research article New taskforce targeting car crime as thefts rise by a quarter. A new vehicle crime taskforce has made more than 40 arrests since it was launched last month in response to rising levels of car theft in the West Midlands. Police Professional 31/10/2022 News Crime figures being warped by recording petty disputes as crime, says chief constable. Recording petty disputes as crime is warping crime statistics and unnecessarily scaring the public, West Midlands Police chief constable has said. Police Professional 31/10/2022 News The Influence of the Environment on Officer-Involved Shootings Research on officer-involved shootings has covered many methods and designs, with a majority focusing on macro-level approaches to understanding the shooting event. Research designs which incorporate place are limited, but what does exist demonstrates the relevance of the micro-environment to contextualize the many factors which give rise to the shooting event. This research further explores the importance of the micro-environment by examining how crime generators and attractors, conceptualized as the built environment, can be utilized to understand where police officers are more likely to discharge their weapon. Data on police shootings in Philadelphia, PA which occurred between 2015 and 2019, along with data describing the environmental landscape of the city are used in conjunction with variables previously determined to be related to shooting events. This analysis uses a three-pronged approach to understanding the relevance of the micro-environment in officer-involved shootings. Results indicate that the most important predictor of police shootings are levels of violent crime. Violent crime rates, in turn, are significantly related to the built environment. The built environment, then, has an indirect relationship to the places where police are most likely to discharge their weapon which is mediated through the violent crime rate. Homicide Studies - Subscription at source 31/10/2022 Research article The (Mis)utilization of Cues During Deception Detection in 911 Homicide Calls The current study explored cue utilization during 911 homicide calls to better understand deception detection in this high-risk situation. A sample of 93 participants judged the deceptiveness of a random subset of 110 homicide calls placed to 911. A separate group of raters coded 86 different cues expressed by each 911 caller. Results indicated that judges were unable to detect deception accurately. While judges appeared to utilize some cues correctly when assessing callers’ deception, subsequent analyses found that judges likely had difficulty detecting deception because they failed to utilize emotionally related cues correctly. Homicide Studies - Subscription at source 31/10/2022 Research article Officer jailed for stealing money from wallet handed in to police. A serving Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has been jailed after stealing £80 from a wallet that had been handed into the police. Police Professional 31/10/2022 News Differential updating and morality: Is the way offenders learn from police detection associated with their personal morals? The majority of differential deterrability research has investigated whether people differ in the extent to which a perceived threat of sanctions deters them from committing a crime. Less is known about the differential influence of criminal justice intervention on sanction threat perceptions. According to deterrence theory, however, for justice intervention to successfully deter crime, a process of perceptual updating is required. In the current study, we used panel data from German adolescents to supplement the research on differential updating. We applied fixed effects regressions to analyze whether people with weaker or stronger morals update their perceptions of detection risk differently following experiences of police detection. Our findings suggest that they do: risk perceptions increased more in adolescents with weak morals than in adolescents with strong morals when they experienced a higher certainty of detection (a higher detection rate). Combined with previous findings on differential deterrence (by personal morality), our results indicate that deterrence processes may—for individuals with weak morals—play a more critical role in the prevention of crime than previous nondifferential research has suggested. European Journal of Criminology 31/10/2022 Research article Officer ‘churn’ can have a major impact on workforce targets – yet the service understands so little about it In this third article in our latest series focusing on police workforce development in England and Wales – and with the Government and current Home Secretary Suella Braverman remaining committed to the Uplift target of 20,000 new police officers by April 2023 – Policing Insight’s Ian Wiggett looks at the ‘churn’ of officers joining and leaving the service, the increasing number of resignations, and the marketplace for inter-force transfers, and considers the implications of these factors for the service. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 31/10/2022 Analysis, Feature West Mids Chief says petty disputes “warping” crime stats Sir David Thompson has said that the recording of petty disputes is affecting crime statistics and unnecessarily scaring the public. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 31/10/2022 News Government to review counter-terror strategy to tackle ‘new and emerging’ threats’ The Government is to carry out a wholesale refresh of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy to tackle “new, emerging and persistent threats”. Police Professional 31/10/2022 News Demoralised police lured by promise of better life Down Under Hundreds of poorly paid police officers are poised to quit for a new life Down Under, the Daily Express can reveal today. Express 31/10/2022 News UK Police are Unethical in Using the Facial Recognition Tech A study by researchers at the University of Cambridge revealed that the Metropolitan and South Wales police are using the Live Facial Recognition (LFR) tech in an unethical manner. Techdator 31/10/2022 News Chinese people living in fear of secret police operating in Scotland, campaigners claim The Chinese Communist Party has been accused of setting up global 'secret' bases for its agents to work from to monitor Chinese citizens abroad Scottish Daily Express 31/10/2022 News Wiltshire police officers face using food parcel scheme Police officers struggling to cope with the cost of living crisis have been offered a lifeline with a food parcel scheme. BBC 31/10/2022 News Police chief warns it is ‘completely mad’ to record petty disputes as crime ‘It shouldn’t be crime, but it’s getting really close to how we’re recording it,’ West Midlands Police chief says The Independent 31/10/2022 News Critical court upgrades supporting domestic and sexual violence survivors AUSTRALIA: Safe spaces and modern facilities to help empower domestic and sexual violence survivors and vulnerable witnesses to give their best evidence in court have been installed or upgraded in 45 courthouses across the State. NSW Government (Australia) 31/10/2022 News ‘It’s easy’: Migration agents offering fake visas for $500 a month AUSTRALIA: Federal government agencies have allowed migration agents to keep operating despite repeated warnings about their role in rorting the visa system that is misused by organised crime gangs involved in human trafficking and worker exploitation. Secret briefings from police and border security officials over the past decade warn that some agents have corrupted Australia’s migration system at the same time as the Home Affairs Department has continued to issue them the required licences. The Age (Australia) 31/10/2022 Feature What does it take to be an undercover police officer? David Taylor began his undercover career targeting small-time drug dealers before going deeper into the world of organised crime. But it ended when he was suddenly pulled from a major investigation and he wants to know why. [AUDIO] The Guardian 31/10/2022 Feature Queensland police: woman who was raped and abused killed herself after being wrongly identified as offender, report finds AUSTRALIA: A Queensland woman who was raped, physically assaulted and subject to financial abuse by her partner, killed herself after being wrongly identified as a perpetrator of domestic violence by police, a coronial study has found. The 2022 report of the Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Board raised concern that police and support services are missing – or not adequately responding to – key indicators of lethal risk. The Guardian 31/10/2022 News ‘There’s only one way to deal with a rat – put it down’: the undercover officer who infiltrated Liverpool’s gangs Having spent more than a year working covertly to target serious criminals involved in drug smuggling, David Taylor was pulled off the operation and he wants to know why The Guardian 31/10/2022 Feature «177117721773177417751776177717781779Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events