Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 35421 to 35440 «176817691770177117721773177417751776Next ›Last » Statutory instrument to implement first past the post Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners Marc Jones said: “We strongly support the Government’s commitment to move future Police and Crime Commissioner and Mayoral elections to a First Past the Post system in line with other elections in England and Wales. The move also respects the outcome of the 2011 national referendum into the public’s preferred system of electing their representatives. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 1/11/2022 News British police in Qatar will not act as ‘morality police’ UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: British police officers heading to the World Cup will not act as “morality police” as they seek to prevent issues for England and Wales fans in Qatar. Morning Star Online 1/11/2022 News UK police will be at Qatar World Cup to ‘deconflict’ situations with England fans UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Fears of England fans inadvertently provoking police during the World Cup have caused UK officials to send extra officers to Qatar to “deconflict” situations. The Guardian 1/11/2022 News What can a DEMS do for your force? How evolving digital evidence management can tame the tidal wave of data What should your force expect from a digital evidence management system? Learn how evolving digital evidence management can tame the tidal wave of data and future-proof your organisation. Policing Insight 1/11/2022 Advertisement, Feature Place-Based Improvements for Public Safety: Private Investment, Public Code Enforcement, and Changes in Crime at Microplaces across Six U.S. Cities Research demonstrates that crime concentrates at relatively few microplaces, and changes at a small proportion of locations can have a considerable influence on a city’s overall crime level. Yet there is little research examining what accounts for change in crime at microplaces. This study examines the relationship between two mechanisms for place-based improvements – private investment in the form of building permits and public regulation in the form of municipal code enforcement – and yearly changes in crime at street segments. We use longitudinal data from six cities to estimate Spatial Durbin Models with block group and census tract by year fixed effects. Building permits and code enforcement are significantly associated with reductions in crime on street segments across all cities, with spatial diffusion of benefits to nearby segments. These findings suggest public safety planning should include efforts that incentivize and compel physical improvements to high crime microplaces. Justice Quarterly - Subscription at source 1/11/2022 Research article Policing the pandemic: Frontline officers’ perspectives on organisational justice Much of the literature on the policing of the coronavirus pandemic reflects research that has been extra-organisationally focused, examining the prospective impact of the police approach to applying the public health legislation on relationships with the public and the potential impact on police legitimacy. Less research has been intra-organisationally focused; investigating the potential affect on police officers of policing during an extraordinary public health crisis, which has required them to navigate an ambiguous and constantly fluctuating legislative and policy landscape that has driven significant changes to internal working practices and operational procedures within their organisational environment. Using original empirical data from a small multi-method study within one Division of a United Kingdom police force, we examined the issue from an organisational justice perspective; exploring perceptions of intra-organisational fairness, and how these may have directly impacted upon the responses of frontline officers during the pandemic. We argue that in this period, both organisational processes and their resultant outcomes did not meet normative expectations, as they discriminated against officers with public-facing (frontline) roles. This directly impacted upon the officers’ experience of the ‘organisational climate’. The resulting sense of organisational injustice felt by frontline officers reduced their morale, impacted upon relationships with senior officers, and nurtured feelings that they were not being treated with respect, dignity and trust. We conclude by discussing the potential implications of the study for police organisations and their leaders, outlining opportunities for organisational learning and consider the need for the development of policy that complements notions of organisational justice. International Journal of Police Science & Management 1/11/2022 Research article Police must confront their own bias in wake of ‘Freedom Convoy’: former Ottawa chief CANADA: Ottawa’s former police chief says the force needs to confront bias and right-wing extremism in order to repair trust with its citizens in the aftermath of the “Freedom Convoy” protest. Blue Line (Canada) 1/11/2022 News Enabling a ‘new mode’ of local policing and place-based public safety through community engagement In this latest article in a series on 21st century community engagement, Intensive Engagement Managing Director Richard James (a former police territorial commander), Stephen Carr, Transformation Strategy Lead for the Home Office, and Police Foundation Research Director Andy Higgins build on the findings of the recent Strategic Review of Policing to explore local policing and leadership through the themes of people, problems and places. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/11/2022 Analysis, Feature Community groups call out premier for comments on police stops, racial profiling CANADA: The day after a Quebec Superior Court judge released a ruling that said random police stops on the road are illegal, lead to racial profiling and violate the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the province's premier chimed in. CBC News (Canada) 1/11/2022 News Exceptional police work honoured by the community CANADA: A Durham Regional Police Service officer lifted a heavy metal fence to save the life of child trapped under a mountain of snow. Blue Line (Canada) 1/11/2022 News Drug dealers paying teens as young as 14 to transport cocaine and heroin on e-scooters across capital REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Drug dealers are paying teens on e-scooters and scramblers to transport cocaine and heroin across Dublin’s north inner city. The Irish Sun (Republic of Ireland) 1/11/2022 News Gardaí tell Naas District Court that antisocial behaviour is an issue on Kildare trains REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A garda told a sitting Naas District Court judge on Thursday, October 27, that there is an issue regarding antisocial behaviour on trains in Kildare. Leinster Leader (Ireland) 1/11/2022 News The crime figures for your local garda station as four in 10 see rise despite pandemic lockdowns REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Four out of every 10 garda stations in Ireland recorded an increase in crime last year compared to pre-Covid levels, despite being subject to lockdown restrictions for large parts of the year. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 1/11/2022 News British Transport Police face backlash after posing for selfies with famous faces A senior policing figure said officers 'shouldn't be posing with celebrities' as it undermined the seriousness of the job The Telegraph - Subscription at source 1/11/2022 News Warning to drone operators Drone operators are being warned by Police Scotland, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and airport operators that it is dangerous as well as being an offence, to fly the remotely piloted aircraft in the proximity of an airport without permission. Police Scotland 1/11/2022 News Sarah Everard’s killer Wayne Couzens returns to court on two counts of indecent exposure Wayne Couzens is currently serving a life sentence for the murder of Sarah Everard in March, 2021. Express 1/11/2022 News Why are all our police officers quitting? And how do we stop it happening? New numbers showing more than 800 officers have quit Police Scotland after serving for less than a decade are concerning. The Courier (Scotland) 1/11/2022 Feature, Opinion As a Black man I live in fear of the Met Police – I’ve had too many bad experiences ‘Do you know why I stopped you, sir?’ The officer’s gaze is momentarily steely, but I don’t seem to be the real subject of his attention. His eyes dart around the interior of my car, as though he’s looking for something he has misplaced. Metro 1/11/2022 Feature, Opinion Devon and Cornwall Police officer Jason Hicks’ child sex offence charges A former Devon and Cornwall Police trainee officer is due in court accused of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. BBC 1/11/2022 News Seoul Halloween stampede – latest: Death toll rises as police admit crowd control measures were ‘inadequate’ SOUTH KOREA: South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol leads nation in mourning Saturday’s disaster. The Independent 1/11/2022 News «176817691770177117721773177417751776Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events