Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 35381 to 35400 «176617671768176917701771177217731774Next ›Last » HMICFRS report is ‘latest indictment of the state of policing’, says EVAW The End Violence Against Women Coalition (EVAW) said the “shocking” findings of His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) inspection of vetting, misconduct and misogyny in the police service “are the latest indictment of the state of policing”. Police Professional 2/11/2022 News Wiltshire Police chief constable announces intention to retire The chief constable of Wiltshire Police has announced he will retire from his position next June at the end of his 30 years’ service. Police Professional 2/11/2022 News Too easy for the ‘wrong people to join and stay in the police’, new report finds Police vetting standards are not high enough and it is too easy for the wrong people to join and stay in the police, a new report by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has found. Police Professional 2/11/2022 News Greater Manchester Police responds to watchdog report on vetting failures "Public trust and confidence in the police is vital" Manchester Evening News 2/11/2022 News The police service is rotten to the core A report published today by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services for England and Wales should come as no shock to those of us that campaign to end male violence, such as rape and domestic abuse. The Spectator 2/11/2022 Feature, Opinion Towards gender equality reform in police organisations: the utility of a social justice approach Recent investigations into sex discrimination, sexual harassment and predatory behaviour within police organisations have led to a range of gender reforms that aim to create more inclusion, respect and safety. These reforms have tended to be female-focused and designed to support greater equality for female police. This paper reports on an interview-based study that sought to understand and address resistance to gender equality reform within a large police organisation in Australia. The paper draws on Nancy Fraser’s model of social justice to consider the capacity of particular reforms to reproduce and/or transform the organisation’s hierarchical structures and masculinised cultures. Fraser’s model is presented as enriching current understandings about how the policy aims of gender equality might be realised in police organisations through a broader focus on supporting political, cultural and economic justice for all. The paper concludes by considering the practice implications of this social justice approach for police organisations. Police Practice and Research - Subscription at source 2/11/2022 Research article Policing ‘may be compromised’ by fall in number of recruits, says GRA president REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The collapse in garda recruitment this year is pushing regular frontline units to a point where policing levels “may become compromised”, the country’s largest staff association has warned. It comes as official figures show that little over 90 students will enter Templemore garda college in 2022, compared to the target of 800 set by the Government. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 2/11/2022 News Australian Federal Police gives Solomon Islands police semi-automatic rifles, vehicles AUSTRALIA: The Australian Federal Police has donated dozens of semi-automatic rifles to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), in what diplomats have called a "landmark" step up in security cooperation. However, the announcement has been slammed by opposition leader Matthew Wale, who has warned against the "militarisation" of Solomon Islands and accused Australia of making the donation purely to stop China building up its influence in the police force. ABC News (Australia) 2/11/2022 News GMP’s journey to improvement: Protecting vulnerable people Greater Manchester Police is committed to protecting the most vulnerable people in the communities it serves. Arrests for domestic abuse offences have increased significantly and Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPNs) are also up. In addition, each of GMP’s 10 policing districts now has its own Complex Safeguarding Team led by a dedicated chief inspector. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) 2/11/2022 News The Times view on police recruitment: Rot in the Force A shocking new report in the wake of Sarah Everard’s murder must lead to reform The Times - Subscription at source 2/11/2022 Feature, Opinion Matt Parr: Trust is badly damaged but not beyond repair A series of scandals has struck a hammer blow to public trust in the police — perhaps none more so than the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving officer. It was following her murder that we were asked to inspect police vetting and how forces deal with misogynistic and predatory behaviour. Our report contains many examples of police forces getting it wrong that the public will find shocking. Despite repeated warnings, not enough has been done to improve standards and to stamp out misogyny in policing. The Times - Subscription at source 2/11/2022 Feature, Opinion Again and again, police forces miss chances to root out bad apples Given the litany of failings from today’s report into police vetting and misconduct, one would be hard pressed to pick the most disturbing element. The officer who admitted flashing the same woman seven times in a fortnight would be high on the list, along with the applicants who were recruited despite their links to organised crime, including drug supply. The fact that male officers are said to be harassing their colleagues, viewing pornography at work and stopping the cars of pretty women in a practice dubbed “booty patrol” would be shocking if it were possible to be shocked any more. The Times - Subscription at source 2/11/2022 Analysis, Feature Prison officer job ad banned over ‘negative racial stereotype’. ASA rules that UK Facebook ad showing white officer with black prisoner showed an ‘imbalanced power dynamic’. The Guardian 2/11/2022 News Police are recruiting criminals and sexual predators, HMIC report finds. Watchdog lambasts forces for vetting failures. The Times - Subscription at source 2/11/2022 News Ministry of Justice ad that featured a white guard talking to a black prisoner is banned by Facebook for being racist A Facebook ad for the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) that featured a white guard talking to a black prisoner has been banned for being racist. Mail Online 2/11/2022 News If the mythical ‘Ways and Means Act’ is still active in policing, can it lead to corruption? Police officers are regularly expected to use their discretion, policing skills and street craft to achieve the best outcomes for communities and the wider public; but Policing Lecturer and former police sergeant Barrie Archer fears that finding ways to ‘get the job done’ and make a broken system work can lead to noble cause corruption – or worse. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/11/2022 Feature, Opinion ‘Thousands’ of corrupt officers recruited as police after vetting failures, damning report warns. ‘We are close to a tipping point in policing,’ the chief inspector of constabulary warns. The Independent 2/11/2022 News Some senior officers “uneasy” about impersonal recruitment process. Poor previous employment history and intelligence linking candidates to crime is being missed. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/11/2022 News Misogyny, sexism and predatory behaviour ‘is prevalent’ says HMIC. The review examined 725 vetting files in eight forces including those linked to Wayne Couzens. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/11/2022 News Police vetting lets in wrong people too often – report. Hundreds of police officers who should have failed vetting checks may be in the job in England and Wales, a damning report has found. 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