Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 35301 to 35320 «176217631764176517661767176817691770Next ›Last » APCC ‘Victims in focus’ report The APCC’s ‘Victims In Focus’ report highlights the innovative work that Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) have implemented to develop practices which support victims, demonstrating their commitment and collaborative approach to tackling some of the most harmful and traumatic crimes. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 3/11/2022 News Manchester Arena Inquiry Volume 2: Emergency Response Volume 2 of the report of the public inquiry into the attack on the Manchester Arena. Home Office 3/11/2022 Report Detective’s Casebook: computer misuse legislation is ‘underused’ Craig Fox targeted small businesses that depended on online trade, ones that wouldn't typically have IT support - making them ideal targets for cyber crime. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/11/2022 News New domestic abuse task force to prevent murder of women in Scotland A new Scottish taskforce has been set up to prevent women being killed in cases where "domestic abuse is suspected". Holyrood Magazine 3/11/2022 News Budget frustration and disappointment for PSNI – chief constable. Simon Byrne said, without mitigation, policing will become less visible, less accessible and less responsive. Belfast Telegraph 3/11/2022 News China to gift water cannon trucks, vehicles to Solomon Islands police days after Australian donation China will today donate two water cannon trucks, 30 motorcycles and 20 cars to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), in yet another sign that it is intent on entrenching its position as a major security partner in the country. ABC News (Australia) 3/11/2022 News Police inspector in charge of bombing response ‘overburdened by number of tasks’ Inquiry chair Sir John Saunders ruled the officer made an early ‘significant’ mistake when he failed to declare a major incident. The Independent 3/11/2022 News Counter Terrorism Policing responds to volume two of the Manchester Arena Inquiry reports Statement from Matt Jukes, Head of Counter Terrorism Policing on behalf of National Police Chiefs’ Council, Counter Terrorism Policing and the College of Policing Counter Terrorism Policing 3/11/2022 News Manchester Arena Inquiry Volume 2: Emergency Response The Chairman of the Manchester Arena Inquiry has published Volume Two of his report detailing his findings and recommendations on the emergency response to the attack. Manchester Arena Inquiry 3/11/2022 Report Manchester Arena attack: the hours of mayhem Timeline of response of UK emergency services after bombing on 22 May 2017 The Guardian 3/11/2022 News The Guardian view on policing: another damning verdict Hard on the heels of Louise Casey’s interim report on failures at the Met leading up to Sarah Everard’s murder comes another damning verdict on British policing. A review of eight forces from the watchdog for England and Wales concluded that a culture of sexism and predatory behaviour is a problem in each one. Many female officers spoke of harassment, while inspectors highlighted 131 vetting files (18% of the total) where decisions concerned them. Examples included candidates being cleared to work as police officers despite having committed crimes against women, or having connections to organised crime. The Guardian 3/11/2022 Feature, Opinion PCC says vetting departments are ‘massively overwhelmed’. Festus Akinbusoye has told the Home Affairs select committee that the resources required to vet the new Uplift officers is 'presenting some challenges' with the re-vetting of those already in post. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/11/2022 News Key evidence in drug case thrown out after judge rules police illegally opened private mail AUSTRALIA: Key evidence in a drug trafficking case has been thrown out after a judge ruled police in Tasmania illegally opened private mail in what has been described as a "reckless" breach of the law. ABC News (Australia) 3/11/2022 News Statement from Commissioner of Police Grant Stevens AUSTRALIA: Over the past few days media reports have focused on youth crime in South Australia. There is a perception from media outlets that there has been an increase in youth crime in the past couple of months, as I have said previously this is not the case. South Australia Police 3/11/2022 News BTP apologises for ‘significant errors’ made in Manchester Arena bombing. British Transport Police (BTP) has apologised for “significant errors” in the hours leading up to the Manchester Arena bombing and in the immediate aftermath. Police Professional 3/11/2022 News FDO “correct” to declare Operation Plato on night of arena bomb. But inquiry identifies multiple failings in training and command support. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/11/2022 News Inquest concludes Yassar Yaqub was lawfully killed. Yassar Yaqub was fatally shot by a West Yorkshire officer in 2017. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/11/2022 News Australia’s prisons to cost $7bn a year by 2030 as number of women incarcerated grows faster than men – study AUSTRALIA: Australia’s prison system will cost $7bn a year by 2030 due to higher incarceration rates, with the number of women jailed growing faster than men, a report suggests. The Guardian 3/11/2022 News New Zealand hub of the Pacific Transnational Crime Network confirmed to continue vital work NEW ZEALAND: Senior representatives of the New Zealand Transnational Crime Unit (NZTCU) and its partner agencies, including Australian and Pacific Island partners, gathered in Auckland today to mark the official confirmation that the NZTCU will continue its operations with Pacific partners. Scoop (New Zealand) 3/11/2022 News Police claim $2 million from laundering scheme by Malaysian national NEW ZEALAND: The High Court has granted the forfeiture of more than $2 million to police under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act following an investigation into money held in New Zealand by a Malaysian national. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 3/11/2022 News «176217631764176517661767176817691770Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events