Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 34701 to 34720 «173217331734173517361737173817391740Next ›Last » Roadside breath tests fall to their lowest level on record, figures show Just 224,162 motorists were breathalysed by Police in England and Wales in 2021 – a seven per cent fall compared with the previous year, data published today (November 17) shows. Police Professional 17/11/2022 News Saanich Police Department launches special unit dedicated to sexual assault investigations CANADA: A Vancouver Island police force has launched a new investigative unit focused solely on sexual assault cases, which will be looking into both historical and current offences. [AUDIO] CBC News (Canada) 17/11/2022 News Fredericton police seek body-worn cameras for all front-line officers by 2023 CANADA: Police force asking city council to allocate $60,000 in next year's capital budget to purchase 48 new cameras. CBC News (Canada) 17/11/2022 News New RCMP sidearm CANADA: A good sidearm should last the career of a law enforcement officer. If you were with the RCMP for 30 years or fewer, that pistol is likely the Smith & Wesson Model 5946 semi-automatic. Blue Line (Canada) 17/11/2022 Feature Jury can return majority verdict in trial of mechanic accused of murdering Detective Garda Colm Horkan REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The jury in the trial of a motorbike mechanic accused of murdering Detective Garda Colm Horkan have been told this morning that they can return a majority verdict at the Central Criminal Court. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) - Registration at source 17/11/2022 News Ministers meet with Donegal Gardai to discuss policing and courts in County REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Two Government Ministers have met with Gardai in Donegal to discuss various policing and court issues in the county. Donegal Daily (Republic of Ireland) 17/11/2022 News Garda retention: Rise in number of trainees quitting before they qualify as full members REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There has been an increase in the number of trainee gardaà resigning before their probationary period ends, new statistics have shown. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 17/11/2022 News Man arrested for ‘attempted murder’ of three officers during police chase A 44-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of the attempted murder of three police officers. Police Professional 17/11/2022 News Chief Constable Sir David Thompson awarded honorary doctorate Chief Constable Sir David Thompson has been awarded an honorary doctorate from Staffordshire University in recognition of his exceptional distinction in the field of policing. Police Professional 17/11/2022 News HMP Thorn Cross prisoners take part in ‘Dragons’ Den’ event Prisoners have pitched their business ideas to a "Dragons' Den" panel as part of a push towards getting ex-offenders into employment and reducing reoffending. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/11/2022 News Nottinghamshire Police charity training suffered in pandemic – report A report into corruption risks faced by Nottinghamshire Police has found the force needs to communicate better - particularly with agencies that support vulnerable people. BBC 17/11/2022 News Hampshire Constabulary adds Isle of Wight to its name The Isle of Wight will now be included in the official Hampshire Constabulary name. Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones announced the news on Wednesday. Her request to legally change the name of the constabulary to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary has been successful. Basingstoke Gazette 17/11/2022 News T/CC named as preferred candidate for Kent chief role T/CC Tim Smith has been acting as the force's temporary chief since October after former CC Alan Pughsley retired to move to a national role. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/11/2022 News Incoming police chief’s baggage creates uphill battle, observers say CANADA: Observers say Ottawa's incoming police chief comes with baggage from his time with the RCMP in British Columbia, which will force him to work even harder to gain the trust of racialized communities in Ottawa as he starts Thursday. CBC News (Canada) 17/11/2022 News Windsor police sell off motorbikes, switching gears to add more bicycles to fleet CANADA: The Windsor Police Service (WPS) has sold off all six of its marked motorbikes and has moved toward adding more bicycles on the front lines instead. The new strategy is based on a few factors, according to police, including financial implications and improving service to the community. The decision to ditch the motorcycles was made in the summer of last year and they were quietly taken off the road by the end of 2021. CBC News (Canada) 17/11/2022 News Beds Police told to improve staff vetting and counter-corruption, says new report Bedfordshire Police should improve how it manages the vetting of its officers and staff, according to a new report. The report into the ‘effectiveness of vetting and counter-corruption arrangements’ also highlighted how well the force tackles potential corruption, as an area of concern. The inspection found Beds Police had 706 individuals with expired vetting in February 2019. At the time of the inspection, the force had made some improvement by reducing the number of people who hadn’t been vetted to 247. Leighton Buzzard Observer 17/11/2022 News A report into the effectiveness of vetting and counter-corruption arrangements in West Mercia Police In September 2021, we inspected West Mercia Police to examine the effectiveness of the force’s vetting, IT monitoring and counter-corruption. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 17/11/2022 Report A report into the effectiveness of vetting and counter-corruption arrangements in Thames Valley Police In July 2021, we inspected Thames Valley Police to examine the effectiveness of its vetting processes, IT monitoring and counter-corruption. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 17/11/2022 Report A report into the effectiveness of vetting and counter-corruption arrangements in South Wales Police In April 2022, we inspected South Wales Police to examine the effectiveness of the force’s vetting, IT monitoring and counter-corruption. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 17/11/2022 Report A report into the effectiveness of vetting and counter-corruption arrangements in Nottinghamshire Police In March 2022, we inspected Nottinghamshire Police to examine the effectiveness of its vetting processes, IT monitoring and counter-corruption. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 17/11/2022 Report «173217331734173517361737173817391740Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events