Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 34221 to 34240 «170817091710171117121713171417151716Next ›Last » UK police fear people prevented from travelling to World Cup are behind football clashes in Tenerife SPAIN: 'Major security operation' to be launched in Tenerife to prevent 'potential riots' and violence after the crunch England v Wales game The Telegraph - Subscription at source 29/11/2022 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 29/11/2022 News Trans police officers shouldn’t strip-search women, says PCC Transgender police officers should not be allowed to conduct female strip searches, Surrey’s Conservative police and crime commissioner has said. The Times - Subscription at source 29/11/2022 News Rape survivors call for lower burden of proof Survivors of rape and sexual assault are to urge a senior cabinet member to remove the need for corroboration, claiming it would open the “gateway to criminal justice”. The Times - Subscription at source 29/11/2022 News Spot the signs: Police warn of rise of Domestic Abuse over Christmas Stark figures from The Police Service of Northern Ireland over the last few years show that there is often a significant spike in domestic abuse incidents over the festive holiday period. This includes psychological abuse with coercive and controlling behaviour creating fear in relationships and homes. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 28/11/2022 News Police Public Bravery Awards 2022 Outstanding acts of bravery by the public were celebrated at The National Police Chiefs’ Council’s (NPCC) annual Police Public Bravery Awards last night (28 November). National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 28/11/2022 News College launches new Domestic Abuse risk tool The Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment (DARA) will replace the domestic abuse, stalking and honour based violence questionnaire (DASH). Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/11/2022 News New offences coming to crackdown on intimate image abuse The legal changes, prompted by a recommendation by the Law Commission, will come via a planned amendment to the Online Safety Bill alongside a raft of new laws. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/11/2022 News Forces wanted to trial new system to improve VAWG and domestic violence investigations Forensic experts at Staffordshire University and the Forensic Capability Network (FCN) are looking for forces to trial a new system that will dramatically improve the way cases of violence against women and girls (VAWG) and domestic violence are investigated. The system will provide crucial evidence which could lead to more prosecutions. Forensic Capability Network 28/11/2022 News Global INTERPOL conference addresses ‘new century of criminal threats’ WORLD: Taking place over three days, the meeting brings together 300 delegates from 142 countries. INTERPOL 28/11/2022 News Diary of a tutor constable Tutor constable PC Aaron Griffiths shares insights from shift College of Policing 28/11/2022 Feature, Opinion FCN steps up for second round of national RASSO procurement Following the success of phase one, which saw forces across England and Wales equipped with state-of-the-art vehicles, laptops and computers, FCN have been commissioned to deliver the procurement of phase two. Forensic Capability Network 28/11/2022 News IOPC investigating Gwent officers as force confirms triple suspension The officers' conduct originally formed part of the independent inspection being undertaken by Wiltshire Police. The force will still investigate complaints from the family of former PS Ricky Jones. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/11/2022 News Man in critical condition after being shot by police Man was inside a property which was part of a firearms investigation, police say The Independent 28/11/2022 News Crime statistics are only part of the story NEW ZEALAND: There’s a saying I refer to when someone tries to deny there’s a problem by putting up a whole lot of stats as some sort of defence or excuse. And that is exactly what we’ve got happening in relation to crime in Christchurch. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 28/11/2022 Feature, Opinion Police commissioner Andrew Coster announces changes to police fleeing driver policy are coming NEW ZEALAND: A “significant increase” in fleeing drivers along with a decrease in the number of offenders identified has led to the police’s fleeing driver policy being changed again. Police commissioner Andrew Coster announced this morning that the police pursuit policy would be reviewed next year and a Fleeing Driver Framework would be introduced. Police’s pursuit policy changed in 2020 following a series of high-profile deaths. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 28/11/2022 News Police chief: ‘Friendly’ World Cup shows need to resist alcohol relaxation Chief Constable Mark Roberts, the UK’s football policing lead, also praised England and Wales fans for their “exemplary” behaviour in Qatar. Express & Star 28/11/2022 News Cops protest in Brussels as unions fume at politicians over police security BELGIUM: Police officers are heading to the streets in Brussels on Monday, as officers demand more support from the government over violence against cops. The protest was announced by four police unions earlier this month after an officer was stabbed to death in Brussels, raising concerns about the security of their members. Vincent Houssin, vice president of the police union VSOA, said that politicians have ignored the issue for too long. “For more than 20 years we have been addressing violence against the police, for more than 10 years we have been working on an action plan. It is about time that the government finally effectively worked on zero tolerance,” he said. Politico 28/11/2022 News Sheku Bayoh police conducted ‘hard stop’ – expert The Sheku Bayoh inquiry has been told that police left themselves with little room to back down when they first confronted him. Police safety training expert Martin Graves said the officers could have stayed back and monitored Mr Bayoh, 31, from a distance. Instead they conducted a "hard stop," which he said minimised their ability to de-escalate the situation. Mr Bayoh died after he was restrained on the ground by six police officers. BBC 28/11/2022 News Pilot scheme reveals high levels of vetting compliance and disclosures across North Yorkshire Police’s workforce North Yorkshire Police has been taking part in a multi-agency pilot scheme to ensure continued confidence in the vetting compliance of its workforce, which sees monthly police checks carried out on its officers and staff via the Police National Database. The pilot began in July 2022 and the results to date show high levels of vetting compliance and disclosures across its workforce. Nationally, it has been identified that a gap exists when officers or staff are subject to police contact outside of their home force. North Yorkshire Police 28/11/2022 News «170817091710171117121713171417151716Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events