Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 33741 to 33760 «168416851686168716881689169016911692Next ›Last » PFNI: ‘Dysfunctional’ NI devolution has failed officers and citizens A policing representative group has said that the "dysfunctional manner" and "unnecessary red tape" of the devolved institutions has failed officers and the people of Northern Ireland. ITV News 12/12/2022 News Police Scotland accused of profiling by ethnicity Police Scotland has been accused of racial profiling after it emerged that people from minority ethnic backgrounds were up to 20 times more likely to be stopped under counterterrorism powers. The Times - Subscription at source 12/12/2022 News Wiltshire Police is to provide its frontline officers with Motorola Solution’s Pronto app. The deployment will apply to more than 2,000 officers and staff as part of the force’s Police and Crime Plan 2022-25. 12/12/2022 News Meth use tipped to be dropping after post-lockdown peak NEW ZEALAND: Yet-to-be released numbers will show methamphetamine use is dropping in New Zealand after a post-lockdown P boom, police claim. Stuff (New Zealand) 12/12/2022 News Investigation into killing of Briton in Turks and Caicos boosted by UK TURKS AND CAICOS: Denise Buck was killed in the self-governing territory, which has become a drugs trade battleground, in January The Guardian 11/12/2022 News Ex-police chief drank four ciders watching England game before crashing car Ashley Bertie significantly damaged his Renault Megane after losing control when he hit a the kerb. Bertie pleaded guilty to drink driving and was banned from the roads for 18 months Mirror 11/12/2022 News Jersey explosion: criminal inquiry possible as five confirmed dead Nine people feared killed after blast destroys block of flats in the capital, St Helier The Guardian 11/12/2022 News Police crackdown on crime gangs exploiting migrants in £8.6 billion counterfeit trade Christmas shoppers were caught up in a raid as police closed down a gang selling fake goods at a tenth of the price of the genuine article The Telegraph 11/12/2022 News At least a dozen climate activists face jail time under NSW laws used to lock up Violet Coco AUSTRALIA: A string of protesters linked to Blockade Australia have been charged under the legislation The Guardian 11/12/2022 Jobs Garda Commissioner Drew Harris was not asked to appear at tribunal into PSNI ‘spying’ during investigation REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris was not asked to give evidence at a recent tribunal examining allegations about covert operations during a PSNI investigation. The Independent 11/12/2022 News London sex workers ‘frightened police will abuse increased powers’ against them Police may exploit increased powers against sex workers in east London, a campaign group has claimed. Metro 11/12/2022 News NYPD resignations shoot up by 30% as 1,225 officers ditch the US’s biggest police force as they’re wooed by offers from upstate teams and other states USA: Thousands of New York City police officers have ditched the country's biggest police force and fled to other states for higher salaries. Mail Online 11/12/2022 News £75 million revamp planned for Lancashire Police HQ in Hutton Plans for a £75 million revamp of the Lancashire Police headquarters in Hutton have been revealed. The investment would see the modernisation of critical police infrastructure that supports dogs and mounted branch, specialist and technical training, fleet maintenance, cyber and crime teams, contact management and other enabling services. The proposals are part of a ten-year plan to deliver a more efficient and fit for purpose estate in line with operational requirements to improve policing to our communities. Blog Preston 11/12/2022 News West Yorkshire Police recognised as one of the UK’s top inclusive employers The force was ranked 24th in the 2022/23 Inclusive Companies rankings, which was published at the start of December and is an improvement on last year’s 25th placing. The list is collated based on each organisation’s performance and displays a collection of the most inclusive employers operating across the UK, shining a light on best practice for inclusion across all strands of diversity. Wakefield Express 11/12/2022 News Edmonton police chief says new provincial bill will help balance police commission CANADA: Edmonton Police Chief Dale McFee says the Alberta government giving itself the power to be able to appoint police commission members will balance the existing ability of city council. On Thursday, the provincial government introduced Bill 6: the Police Amendment Act, which if passed will grant the province the power to appoint members to local police commissions. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 11/12/2022 News The modern milk carton: how police find missing people in the digital age AUSTRALIA: It's the not knowing that gets you, they say. Wondering - in some cases, forever - what happened to your sibling, child, parent or friend can destroy families of missing persons, say the new head of the NSW Police's Missing Persons Registry Detective Inspector Ritchie Sim. WA Today (Australia) 11/12/2022 Feature Body-worn camera footage at odds with shooting officer’s claim of self-defence AUSTRALIA: Rookie police officer Savannah Smith had been fruitlessly banging on the front door and windows of the house for nearly 12 minutes when she made a fateful decision to jump the locked fence. It was late on a Wednesday night in August 2020, in the midst of the second pandemic lockdown. Victoria Police was responding to several noise complaints about loud music coming from a home in the Geelong suburb of Waurn Ponds. The Age (Australia) 11/12/2022 News Advocate worried over Metro Vancouver Transit Police’s new ‘community safety officers’ planned for 2023 CANADA: More police presence would deter vulnerable people from taking transit, says Pivot Legal Society campaigner CBC News (Canada) 10/12/2022 News Police could be forced to pay £25 a day under Ulez expansion plans, Sadiq Khan warned The Mayor of London has announced plans to expand Ulez in August next year to include almost all of the area inside the M25 The Telegraph 10/12/2022 News Police Scotland criticised over ‘intrusive’ local policing plan survey asking about gender and ethnicity One furious Scottish Daily Express reader blasted: 'The survey is intrusive and 90% nothing to do with local crime and police policies.' Scottish Daily Express 10/12/2022 News «168416851686168716881689169016911692Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events