Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 33341 to 33360 «166416651666166716681669167016711672Next ›Last » WA nurses and police to receive pay rises ‘as soon as humanly possible’ AUSTRALIA: Despite WA nurses and police not having come to a pay agreement with the state government, Premier Mark McGowan has announced he’ll begin paying what the government has offered early next year. “So what this means is that our nurses and police will receive a significant pay increase as soon as we can administratively do it, and make sure that they are properly rewarded for the important work they do across the community,” he said. WA Today (Australia) 21/12/2022 News Cleveland Police on ‘journey’ to better cultural awareness in wake of national criticisms The force's assistant chief constable has responded to critical findings on national police handling of ethnic minority sexual abuse victims Teesside Live 21/12/2022 News Top Garda says jailing ‘Bomber’ Kavanagh blew massive hole in organised crime REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: In a new TV documentary called The Fall of Bomber Kavanagh, Det Chief Supt Seamus Boland said: 'I’ve been involved in investigations [into] organised crime for 33 years and Kavanagh is probably one of the most significant convictions I have seen.' Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 21/12/2022 News NCSC plans PBAS service for cyber security The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is planning to introduce a service for the application of principals based assurance. 21/12/2022 News How your brainwaves could be used in criminal trials Law enforcement agencies around the world often rely heavily on eyewitness testimony, but unreliable eyewitness evidence is often a contributing factor in miscarriages of justice; Dr Michel Funicelli a Lecturer in Police Studies at Teesside University and a 33-year veteran of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, believes new technology analysing brainwaves could be a significant asset for policing in assessing the credibility of witnesses. Policing Insight 21/12/2022 Feature, Opinion £1m of suspected cannabis seized in Belfast Detectives have seized suspected cannabis worth £1 million hidden inside divan beds in a vehicle in Belfast. Police Professional 21/12/2022 News I told police my son was unstable, says father of Plymouth gunman The father of a man who shot dead five people in Plymouth tried to stop him being given a shotgun licence, a pre-inquest review has been told. The Times - Subscription at source 21/12/2022 News Secrecy, control and violence in women’s intimate relationships with child sexual abuse material offenders AUSTRALIA: Many child sexual abuse material (CSAM) offenders have nonoffending partners and children who are impacted by their CSAM use. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 21/12/2022 Research article Will our prisons ever return to normal? Charlie Taylor, Chief Inspector of Prisons, identified the lack of a stable and experienced staff group as a "principal cause" of Norwich prison's difficulties. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/12/2022 News The secret world of emojis: Guide to what blowfish, aliens and aubergine REALLY mean is published to alert parents to references to ‘drugs and sexual behaviour’ Police have published a guide to what emojis might really mean when used by children - including 'eyes' for being a drug dealer and a fish for using cocaine. Mail Online 20/12/2022 News UK police chiefs submit plans to part-decriminalise cocaine and cannabis Those caught for the first time will be offered education and treatment programmes instead of prosecution mixmag 20/12/2022 News Why do so many men get away with rape? Dr John Fox examines the views of police officers, survivors, lawyers and prosecutors on what he describes as ‘the scandal that shames the justice system’. Police Professional - Subscription at source 20/12/2022 Feature Unbalanced Last month, Police Professional looked at the financial fallout from the disastrous mini-budget by the Truss administration. Following the announcement of a below-inflation funding settlement, we look at the issues that arise when demand outstrips supply. Police Professional - Subscription at source 20/12/2022 Feature Trafficking victims not referred for support in 7 in 10 sex industry police raids Exclusive: ‘After the raid, a lot of the women didn’t want to return to the premises because they were so traumatised,’ sex worker says as new information obtained under FOI laws emerges. The Independent 20/12/2022 News You call something a war… UNITED STATES: John Hicks examines the controversial ‘militarisation’ of US police departments, a phenomenon that has gathered pace since the 1990s. Police Professional - Subscription at source 20/12/2022 Feature ‘Turning the tide’ on online child sexual abuse Researchers say the findings from a project to tackle ‘self-generated’ sexual imagery will be “invaluable” in turning the tide on the threat children are facing from online predators. Police Professional - Subscription at source 20/12/2022 Feature Power of the pracademic The Research Inspector takes a look at how in-service police professionals can partake in research and produce insights to help improve their operational practice. Police Professional - Subscription at source 20/12/2022 News PC’s widow says all forces should stop using faulty vehicles Kathryn Dumphreys spoke angrily after an inquest into her husband Cumbria PC Nick Dumphreys' death recorded a verdict of accidental death. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/12/2022 News A year in review Emelia Bezant-Gahan looks back at some of the most pertinent themes in police law over the past 12 months. Police Professional - Subscription at source 20/12/2022 Feature Tackling number plate cloning Steve Green asks: Is it a technology or collaboration issue? Police Professional - Subscription at source 20/12/2022 Feature «166416651666166716681669167016711672Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events