Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98540 total results. Showing results 33001 to 33020 «164716481649165016511652165316541655Next ›Last » Toronto mayor John Tory wants to boost police budget by nearly $50M CANADA: Toronto Mayor John Tory is proposing to increase police funding by almost $50 million for 2023, boosting the service's total budget to more than $1.1 billion — but some advocates say the move won't make for a safer city. The proposed increase of $48.3 million, pitched alongside chair of the budget committee Coun. Gary Crawford on Tuesday, would be used to hire 200 more Toronto Police Service officers, Tory says. CBC News (Canada) 3/1/2023 News Police flouting DNA rules AUSTRALIA: Crimes may be going unsolved across the country because Queensland police fail to take forensic reference samples from accused criminals for uploading to the national DNA database. The Australian - Subscription at source 3/1/2023 News Irish PM pushes laws to allow police body cams, license plate recognition REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has said he intends to expedite the enactment of legislation to clarify the wearing of body cams by police to increase prosecutions and to protect officers, reports the Irish Times. The Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Bill 2022 includes a long list of provisions which have proved controversial. They span the installation of CCTV for particular purposes or via drones, the monitoring of calls to and from the national police (Garda Síochána), allowing the use of ANPR (automatic number plate recognition/license plate recognition, LPR) and its retained data, making it an offense to not hand over CCTV data to police. The Bill also allows for the “processing” of live CCTV feeds. 3/1/2023 News New €21.5m Garda helicopter and plane to fight crime and aid searches REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A new Garda helicopter is being purchased and will be operational before the end of the year, according to the Department of Justice. Some €12.5m will be spent on the acquisition, while a further €9m is being allocated for a new fixed-wing aircraft, previously announced last September in Budget 2023. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 3/1/2023 News Shocking statistics reveal number of WA Police officers investigated for domestic violence, sex assaults AUSTRALIA: Nearly 40 WA Police officers and staff have been found to have perpetrated domestic violence or engaged in sexual misconduct in the past two years. The West Australian (Australia) - Subscription at source 3/1/2023 News New South Wales police officer Sergeant Peter Stone remembered as ‘selfless’ hero after drowning while saving son AUSTRALIA: A New South Wales police officer — who drowned while saving his son from a rip on the state's south coast — has been remembered as a "hero" who was skilled in rescue operations. ABC News (Australia) 3/1/2023 News Police in Tasmania trying to grow their workforce AUSTRALIA: A third of the police force in Tasmania is now female but police say there is still more to do. ABC News (Australia) 3/1/2023 News, Video Fatal Bay of Plenty crashes lift holiday road toll to 17 NEW ZEALAND: A two-car crash near Waihī and a motorbike crash into water near Ōpōtiki have lifted the nation’s holiday road toll to 17. Stuff (New Zealand) 3/1/2023 News Police widows’ pension campaigner steps away from battle Following the recent judgement from the Court of Appeal, Kate Hall has made the decision to no longer personally continue with the campaign. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/1/2023 News Auckland crime: Ram-raid thieves damage South Auckland store NEW ZEALAND: Staff at an Auckland retail store are facing a huge clean-up after a vehicle was used to smash through their shop overnight. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 3/1/2023 News Officers forced to draw batons as crowd tries to storm London’s New Year’s Eve fireworks event Two officers were assaulted and several people injured when scuffles broke out at the New Year’s Eve fireworks event in central London. Police Professional 3/1/2023 News Dorset police sergeant made advances to female trainees, hearing told Disciplinary hearing concludes behaviour of officer amounted to gross misconduct and a ‘discredit to the service’ The Guardian 3/1/2023 News Police ‘being asked to do too much’ on NHS missing patients inquiries, says MP Police Scotland has carried out more than 5,500 investigations into patients who have been reported missing from NHS facilities since 2019. Police Professional 3/1/2023 News Police Scotland issues statement amid criticism over term ‘minor-attracted people’ for child sex offenders Police Scotland has issued a statement amid media reports that an official document used the term ‘minor-attracted people’ (MAP) to describe those who commit sexual offences against children. Police Professional 3/1/2023 News Police Scotland rejects use of ‘minor-attracted person’ to describe paedophiles The term was referenced in a Police Scotland report last June, which quoted from documents relating to the establishment of a European consortium to tackle child sexual abuse. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/1/2023 News Dorset Police sergeant who tried seducing trainees leaves force A police sergeant who pursued improper relationships with student officers has been told he would have been sacked if he had not already resigned. BBC 3/1/2023 News Procedural justice, perceived injustice, legal cynicism and police performance: understanding the decision to report victimisation to the police in Caribbean countries Extant literature has identified that victims’ decisions to cooperate with police is often related to how they perceive justice, the legal system, and law enforcement. While this line of inquiry has been extensively conducted in the context of developed world, fewer studies have examined this nexus within the context of developing countries. To fill this research gap, the current study brings into focus seven Caribbean countries surveyed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Using logistic regression models, the research aims to examine how individuals’ beliefs about justice and the criminal justice system affect their crime reporting behaviour. In particular, we evaluate the roles of four factors (procedural justice, performance, perceived justice, and legal cynicism) on the reporting of violent and property crimes. Our results revealed victims of violent crime were more likely to report these crimes to the police when they believe the police are effective. In addition, perceived justice was positively associated with reporting of violent and property crimes in the Caribbean countries. On the contrary, individuals who believed high levels of legal cynicism were less likely to report violent crimes. Implications for future research and policies relevant to the research context as well as to developing countries are also discussed. Policing and Society - Subscription at source 3/1/2023 Research article Counter-terrorism, intelligence and policing in Sri Lanka: a case study of the 2019 easter terror attacks This article examines the 2019 Easter Sunday terror attacks in Sri Lanka as a case study to probe intelligence and policing counter-terrorism efforts in the country. It explores the background of the bombings, the ensuing investigations and impact of the attacks on the intelligence and police services using Sri Lankan newspaper sources and government reports. The article argues the intelligence failure was a breakdown in Sri Lanka's intelligence and police services’ intelligence cycle wherein the relevant information was not disseminated to those who could prevent the attacks. Journal of Policing Intelligence and Counter Terrorism - Subscription at source 3/1/2023 Research article Promoting trust and police legitimacy in African Australian communities: A critical reflection on community engagement strategies and practical recommendations for police Community engagement strategies intended to build trust and legitimacy are used widely by police agencies. Available research on the utility of these strategies shows mixed results and police have been criticised for adopting a ‘one-size fits all’ mentality when employing these strategies across minority groups. Yet, community engagement strategies remain a preferred tool for police seeking to improve their relations with minority groups. This article unpacks police–community engagement as a tool for promoting trust and legitimacy among African Australians. The first half of the article provides an overview of community engagement strategies and presents an engagement typology that is used to assesses critically the strengths and limitations of key strategies used by police vis-à-vis trust and legitimacy. The second half of the article canvasses the relationship between African Australian communities and the police, and draws attention to sociocultural factors that must be considered by police when developing and implementing engagement initiatives. The article concludes with several recommendations for police including the need to prioritise the needs of the community over intelligence gathering by embedding employment and education services into engagement initiatives. International Journal of Police Science & Management 3/1/2023 Research article Ontario Provincial Police conducting human trafficking investigation in Dunnville CANADA: A 911 call on New Year’s Day led to the arrest of one person, who now faces multiple charges related to a human trafficking investigation under the direction of the OPP’s criminal investigation branch. The Hamilton Spectator (Canada) 3/1/2023 News «164716481649165016511652165316541655Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events