Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98523 total results. Showing results 32841 to 32860 «163916401641164216431644164516461647Next ›Last » NSW Police investing in health and wellbeing of officers AUSTRALIA: The New South Wales Police Force is making a multimillion-dollar investment in the health and wellbeing of officers. The Pulse program is designed to reduce the number of officers leaving the force and cut down suicides. Sky News 7/1/2023 News Labour promises more police on the beat as figures show 90% of crimes go unsolved Writing exclusively for the Mirror, Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper says Labour are now the party of law and order - and "we'll make sure criminals pay for their crimes and keep our communities safe" Mirror 7/1/2023 News UK police forces spend £66,000 on LGBT rainbow cars, shoelaces and flags Police forces have spent £66,000 on rainbow-themed merchandise, including flags, selfie frames and pens, The Telegraph has learned. The spending over the past three years has seen 27 forces across England and Wales splash out on LGBT-themed whistles, key rings, shoelaces, pens and lip balm. Last night, police chiefs were accused of “wasting money on woke nonsense”. The Telegraph 7/1/2023 News The Context of Officer-Involved Shootings: Suspect Weapon Factors in Public Judgment of an OIS Recent research has shown that contextual factors such as police profanity and suspect gender may influence judgments of officer guilt in officer-involved shootings (OISs), even though such factors are tactically irrelevant to the facts of the given OIS. The present study addressed an additional important contextual factor, the influence of suspect weapons on OIS judgment. Ninety adult respondents evaluated an OIS under two conditions: one in which the suspect was armed with a handgun and one in which the suspect brandished a cell phone which was mistakenly identified by the officer as a weapon. Respondents found the officer significantly guiltier in shooting the suspect with the phone than the suspect with the handgun. However, they did not find that the officer should have been able to distinguish the actual weapon from the cell phone. Potential jurors were aware that the gun and the phone may have been indistinguishable to the officer, but this crucial information did not influence their judgment of the officer’s guilt. These results emphasize the importance of understanding internal cognitive disconnections in the evaluation of juridical decisions, especially in the increasingly important realm of the OIS. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 7/1/2023 Research article Changing how police complaints are handled in Ontario violates the public trust Changes introduced under Ontario’s Community Safety and Policing Act will see the province’s Office of the Independent Police Review Director investigating complaints only against high-ranking officers and those “in the public interest”, with others referred back to the relevant forces; York University PhD Candidate Monika Lemke believes the increased lack of transparency and shrinking role of independent oversight will erode public trust in the system. Policing Insight 7/1/2023 Feature, Opinion How can Britain ever embrace cycling if our bikes keep getting stolen? Police have never taken cycle theft seriously – and the worst effects of this crime are felt by young and disadvantaged people The Guardian 7/1/2023 Feature, Opinion Three female guards from same prison jailed for having affairs with inmates Staff at the jail have now been given anti-corruption training after the string of scandals Liverpool Echo 7/1/2023 News Queensland police fine nearly 800 people under new e-scooter laws AUSTRALIA: An overhaul of Queensland's e-scooter laws has resulted in nearly 800 fines being issued in just over two months. The new laws came into effect in November last year. More than half of the 780 fines issued to date were given to riders not using a helmet. This alone amounted to $62,000 in fines. ABC News (Australia) 7/1/2023 News Advocates, police warn online ‘sextortion’ of youth is on the rise in Canada CANADA: Mounties in British Columbia issued a warning Friday about a recent increase in “sextortion,” saying police have received a “large number” of reports of money-motivated extortion targeting children and youth. The statement issued by Coquitlam RCMP follows similar warnings from police departments in other provinces in recent months, including in Alberta and Ontario. The Globe and Mail (Canada) 7/1/2023 News Trainee policeman’s hearing aids made sirens like ‘torture’ A trainee police officer was sacked after his bosses refused to pay for enhanced hearing aids when he complained that standard devices made the sound of sirens “torture”. Shafi Karim told an employment tribunal that he was dismissed from the Metropolitan Police because his poor hearing led to fears that he was unsafe on the job. The Times - Subscription at source 7/1/2023 News CrimeStoppers has ‘effectively ceased’ due to funding shortfall REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The tip-off line for the public has no sponsor and there is confusion over which agency should fund rewards The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 7/1/2023 News Schoolgirl who faced terror charges is ‘wake-up call about grooming’ Charges against Rhianan Rudd, then 15, were dropped after evidence proved she had been groomed online by rightwing extremists The Guardian 7/1/2023 News Could a drug cartel form in New Zealand? There’s already been one attempt NEW ZEALAND: From Pablo Escobar in Colombia to "El Chapo" Guzman in Mexico, drug cartels might seem like a particularly Latin American and Hollywood phenomena in running organised crime. Stuff (New Zealand) 7/1/2023 News Joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to identification of initial need and risk in Walsall Between 7 to 11 November 2022, Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services carried out a joint inspection of the multi-agency response to identification of initial need and risk in Walsall. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 6/1/2023 Report Met Police: London homicide figures fall in 2022 The number of homicides in London fell in 2022 while teenage killings were halved, the Met Police has revealed. BBC 6/1/2023 News Ripping up standard practice A pilot by Dyfed-Powys Police to monitor the use of anti-rip clothing has resulted in “significant and consistent improvements” in custody practice. Police Professional - Subscription at source 6/1/2023 Feature Drugs, sabotage and murder: Rotorua’s most notable criminal cases of 2022 NEW ZEALAND: From high-level drug dealing and money laundering, the tragic murder of an 18-month-old, to the conviction of New Zealand’s first saboteur, Rotorua courts have heard some of the country’s most notable cases for 2022. Ethan Griffiths looks at four high-profile cases. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 6/1/2023 News Additional service bar for Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Police officers in England and Wales are presented with a Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct at 20 years’ service. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 6/1/2023 News Former fire chief to head up police authority Susan Johnson OBE has been appointed as the new Chair of the Civil Nuclear Police Authority. Susan is a former chief executive of Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service, where she served until her retirement in 2015. Since then she has held non-executive roles in the public and private sector. Emergency Services Times 6/1/2023 News Gardaí take attacks on politicians ‘extraordinarily seriously’, says Simon Harris in wake of manure incident REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister for Justice says attacking public representatives is an attack on democracy The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 6/1/2023 News «163916401641164216431644164516461647Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events