Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98504 total results. Showing results 32661 to 32680 «163016311632163316341635163616371638Next ›Last » Gardaí implement special policing plan ahead of multiple anti-asylum-seeker protests REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A special policing plan has been drawn up for at least nine anti-asylum-seeker protests that are due to take place at different locations from 5pm today. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 12/1/2023 News HMICS Thematic Inspection of Domestic Abuse Phase 1 The aim of Phase I of the domestic abuse inspection was to assess the state, efficiency and effectiveness of Police Scotland’s response to domestic abuse, with a focus on the user experience of victims. The review focussed on the experience of victims reporting domestic abuse, through the investigative processes, up to the conclusion of the police investigation. Wider criminal justice issues impacting victims of domestic abuse, including the effect of court backlogs, will be assessed in due course. The review contains 14 recommendations and identifies areas for development to improve the service delivered to victims of domestic abuse. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 12/1/2023 Report Police response to domestic abuse reviewed The policing response to reports of domestic abuse in Scotland has changed significantly in recent years with this form of criminal behaviour being prioritised while steps have also been taken to protect those most vulnerable to its harmful effects. Police Scotland has a proactive approach to tackling the most persistent offenders, comprehensive training has been rolled out, various national specialist units have been introduced and innovative campaigns have been launched. However significant challenges still exist in preventing and understanding the scale of domestic abuse, states a report issued today (Thursday, 12 January, 2023). HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Craig Naylor, acknowledges in the publication many positives in the tactics and methods currently used by Police Scotland, especially given the volume of reports of domestic abuse. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 12/1/2023 News Police officers resorting to food banks, warns Scotland Yard chief Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley said he is concerned about the impact of the squeeze on police pay. The Independent 12/1/2023 News Teacher and cousin of Black Lives Matter founder ‘Tased to death’ by LAPD USA: A cousin of Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors was killed by Los Angeles police after he got in a traffic accident and officers who showed up repeatedly Tased and restrained him in the middle of the street, according to body-camera footage and his family’s account. The Guardian 12/1/2023 News Met police chief: it’s crazy I can’t sack ‘toxic’ officers who broke the law Mark Rowley admits vetting procedures inadequate and says other bodies reinstated officers sacked by force The Guardian 12/1/2023 News Uranium-contaminated package seized by anti-terror police at Heathrow airport Counterterrorism police have vowed to “follow every avenue” to find out how material contaminated with uranium “destined for Iranians in the UK” was discovered at Heathrow airport. Scotland Yard said a “very small” amount of the radioactive substance was detected by Border Force staff during a routine screening of packages that arrived in Britain on December 29. The Times - Subscription at source 12/1/2023 News Football banning orders in England and Wales up 230% on last season Football banning orders issued in relation to matches in England and Wales have increased notably in the first half of this season compared with the same period last season, according to police figures. The Guardian 12/1/2023 News The changing nature of crime In this roundtable discussion we focused on the way the technological revolution in our everyday lives has presented fresh policing challenges in the form of cyber-crime, fraud online abuse and other crimes. PolicingTV 12/1/2023 Video The changing nature of crime In this roundtable discussion we focused on the way the technological revolution in our everyday lives has presented fresh policing challenges in the form of cyber-crime, fraud online abuse and other crimes. PolicingTV 12/1/2023 Video Football banning orders rise significantly over first half of season Mid-season data was released by the UK Football Policing Unit on Thursday. The Independent 12/1/2023 News ‘Justice system a wrecking ball’: Pair’s fight to clear their names NEW ZEALAND: Two men who successfully fought to clear their names of convictions - one imprisoned for years where he was scalded with hot water, beaten and operated on for cancer - share their experience of the justice system and how they continue to fight for compensation. Hazel Osborne reports. NewstalkZB (New Zealand) 12/1/2023 News A dystopian future? Why facial recognition may be coming to a stadium near you AUSTRALIA: Facial recognition technology identified six blacklisted fans who tried to sneak into a previous A-League grand final in Sydney, but experts have warned it’s not necessarily the best way to tackle the difficult task of practically enforcing stadium bans. Brisbane Times (Australia) 12/1/2023 Feature, Opinion Disjointed’ bail system in Northern Ireland requires total overhaul The use of time limits and the protections offered to victims and witnesses are among the issues identified in a report by the Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI). Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/1/2023 News Policing Board members tell of concerns over PSNI’s approach to strip searching of children The PSNI is to review the strip searching of children, months after the issue was first highlighted. Belfast Telegraph 11/1/2023 News Comment: policing is on a knife edge The future of the service 'rests on a knife edge' as thousands of disillusioned rank and file police officers respond to Pay and Morale Survey, says Fed Chair Steve Hartshorn. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/1/2023 Feature, Opinion Met Police to target 100 most dangerous men using data The Met Police will start using data to identify the 100 "most dangerous" men in London who prey on women and children. BBC 11/1/2023 News Safer Streets Fund evaluation: Round 1, year ending March 2021 RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS: This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Safer Streets Fund in the first year of Home Office funding. Home Office 11/1/2023 Report SIS II replacement : “an I-LEAP of faith” The London Assembly Police and Crime panel has been told that CT policing mechanisms post-Brexit are "slower and more cumbersome". Police Oracle 11/1/2023 News Police ‘shy away from honour-based abuse cases because they fear being labelled racists’ Deputy chief constable admits to parliamentary committee that cultural sensitivities can hamper effective investigations into the crime The Telegraph - Subscription at source 11/1/2023 News «163016311632163316341635163616371638Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events