Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98467 total results. Showing results 32541 to 32560 «162416251626162716281629163016311632Next ›Last » Garda watchdog concerned over faulty holsters issued to gun-carrying detectives REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda watchdog has outlined a number of concerns regarding the holsters issued to gun-carrying detectives following the accidental shooting of a member of the force. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 15/1/2023 News NSW Police is not the same with a woman at the helm AUSTRALIA: In the sitting room outside Karen Webb’s office, there is a wall lined with photographs of commissioners past. They begin with William Spain, who took the job in 1851, and finish with Andrew Scipione, the longest-serving boss of the modern era (a portrait of Webb’s immediate predecessor, Mick Fuller, is yet to be hung). There’s a conspicuous absence, as a seven-year-old girl pointed out on a recent visit. “Where are all the women?” she asked. Webb is the only one. The NSW Police Force is still battling to attract women to its lower ranks, let alone the upper ones. Only three in 10 sworn officers are female. The culture can be blokey; Webb concedes as much, and says she’s working on it. “Where I see those police stations [with more women], I see a much better culture than those where women are by far a minority,” she says. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 15/1/2023 Feature Public being put in danger due to unanswered 101 calls to Police Scotland as SNP cuts blamed Almost a quarter of calls to the non-emergency number were disconnected during the first seven months, with almost 1,000 people a day being cut off or hanging up in frustration Scottish Daily Express 15/1/2023 News Police Scotland domestic abuse campaign praised by charities Charities have praised a police campaign tackling domestic abuse for its focus on the perpetrators – after previous efforts were criticised for “victim-blaming”. The National 15/1/2023 News Police could be banned from making intrusive searches of rape victims’ phones Police face new laws that will ban intrusive searches of rape victims’ personal records and phones under a government shake-up to reverse plummeting prosecution rates. Writing in The Telegraph, Sarah Dines, the safeguarding minister, announced that any police officer investigating rape will be breaking the law if they make “unnecessary” or “disproportionate” requests for a victim’s medical, school or counselling records. The Telegraph 15/1/2023 News Premiers urge Trudeau to tighten Canada’s bail system CANADA: Canada's provincial and territorial leaders are pushing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to consider changes to Canada's bail system, especially when it comes to some firearms offences. In a Jan. 13 letter to Trudeau, the 13 premiers said they wanted to see a specific change that would make bail harder for those accused of a charge related to the offence of possession of a loaded prohibited or restricted firearm. They also called for a review of other firearms-related offences. CBC News (Canada) 14/1/2023 News ‘Straw buyer’ revealed: How gangs get their guns NEW ZEALAND: The suspect didn’t look like an arms dealer. He was a 22-year-old landscaper with a clean criminal record who had passed police vetting checks to get his firearms licence. Not just the standard ‘A’ category, but also the more strictly regulated licences needed to own pistols, military-style weapons, and collector items. So when Joseph Grond’s name came up during an investigation into an Auckland motorcycle gang, as someone selling guns to criminals, detectives from the Waitemata organised crime squad had to take a closer look. At the time of Grond’s arrest, firearms were a controversial topic in New Zealand. The government had recently banned semi-automatic weapons following the Christchurch terrorist attack on 15th of March 2019, with more than 60,000 firearms surrendered in the $100 million “buyback” scheme. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 14/1/2023 Feature The 11 bodies found dead in Yorkshire that police still haven’t identified Bodies discovered by the police undergo a formal identification process so they can be returned to their friends and family, but not every body can be named. Yorkshire Live 14/1/2023 News Cleveland Police Federation to open food bank for officers A police force's staff body has said it will open a food bank to support "neglected" police officers struggling to pay bills. BBC 14/1/2023 News Southampton: Calls for more police as crimes exceed past levels Calls have been made for more police in Southampton after data revealed a jump in crime in almost every area in the city. Daily Echo (Southern) 14/1/2023 News Essex Police seize £350,000 drugs as they target gangs Specialist police officers targeting drug gangs and serious violence across north Essex seized an estimated £350,000 of drugs during 2022. Gazette-news (Colchester) 14/1/2023 News Neighbourhood Watch call for police support to tackle rise in anti-social behaviour Neighbourhood Watch organisers are calling for the widespread restoration of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) on Britain’s streets to help curb a worrying rise in anti-social behaviour. The Telegraph 14/1/2023 News Top policeman focuses on epidemic of stolen cars AUSTRALIA: While in Cairns to open a new police facility, the state Police Minister said Operation Uniform Theta has had some ‘oustanding community safety results’. The Cairns Post (Australia) - Subscription at source 14/1/2023 News Senior sergeant found dead at Moorabbin police station in Melbourne’s southeast AUSTRALIA: A senior sergeant has been found dead at Moorabbin police station in Melbourne's south-east. Sky News 14/1/2023 News Record number of Montreal police officers leaving the force CANADA: The Montreal police (SPVM) brotherhood is speaking out over what it says is a record number of resignations within its ranks. CTV News (Canada) 14/1/2023 News ‘I hope alarm bells are ringing’: Carrigaline needs more gardaí REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Carrigaline does not have sufficient gardaí to cover the town, Friday’s meeting of the county Joint Policing Committee (JPC) was told. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 14/1/2023 News Jonathan Dowdall asked garda if ‘there was any way out’ after arrest REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Jonathan Dowdall asked a garda “is there any way out” following his arrest, the Regency Hotel murder trial has heard. Dublin Live (Republic of Ireland) 14/1/2023 News The CMHA wants to handle certain mental health calls, to avoid police interactions that often go wrong CANADA: “We recognize that more has to be done to support those in crisis, and police should not be the primary responders called upon to manage mental health calls. While we are addressing the growing needs for mental health support, we know that gaps still exist,” Peel Regional Police Chief Nishan Duraiappah stated in 2021, following a year of tragedies in the community at the hands of those entrusted to protect it The Pointer (Canada) 14/1/2023 News ‘Knock and run away’ may qualify as hate incident for police Police should record children knocking doors and running away as “hate incidents” if the resident claims they were deliberately targeted, it has emerged. Officials working for the Scottish Children’s Commissioner are to meet Police Scotland to discuss minors accused of “non-crime hate incidents”, which have the potential to trigger interventions from social services. In crime recording guidance “chap-door-runaway” is given as the primary example of a potential non-crime hate incident. It states: “Example. A person reports that children have been knocking at their door and running off which is causing annoyance and is perceived by them to be due to their ethnicity. The Times - Subscription at source 14/1/2023 News Path to solving crime paved in gold AUSTRALIA: The AFP has revealed the surprising role gold is playing to help law enforcement identify and track down alleged criminals, thanks to a special forensic capability. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 14/1/2023 News «162416251626162716281629163016311632Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events