Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98459 total results. Showing results 32461 to 32480 «162016211622162316241625162616271628Next ›Last » Ensuring public trust: Factors impacting the global public’s perception of the police Public trust in policing is essential in maintaining police legitimacy and effectiveness, and people’s perceptions of police are a valuable indicator of levels of community trust and confidence; Dr Rasha Kassem and Dr Ian Kennedy of the Open University explore some of the factors influencing negative and positive perceptions of policing, many of which were highlighted during a recent University of Oxford public engagement event. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/1/2023 Analysis, Feature MP names ex-Edinburgh Academy teacher accused of sexual abuse A retired teacher accused by the BBC broadcaster Nicky Campbell of being a paedophile has been named in the House of Commons as Iain Wares. The Times - Subscription at source 17/1/2023 News Police chiefs back plan to boost number of neurodiverse recruits Police Scotland wants to hire officers and staff from under-represented groups, such as people with autism The Times - Subscription at source 17/1/2023 News MPs sound warning as number of remand prisoners hits 50-year high Justice system in England and Wales failing rising number of inmates locked up without conviction, says committee The Guardian 17/1/2023 News David Carrick: Police constable pleads guilty to a relentless campaign of sexually and mentally abusing women A Metropolitan Police officer who degraded, raped and sexually assaulted women has today admitted his crimes. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 16/1/2023 News Met condemns officer guilty of most serious sexual offences The Met today condemns the appalling criminal actions of a serving officer after he pleaded guilty to multiple rapes and other serious sexual offences. Metropolitan Police Service 16/1/2023 News Devon and Cornwall police officer inexperience is challenging, chief says The chief constable of Devon and Cornwall Police has said the force is battling inexperience among its ranks due to the number of new recruits. BBC 16/1/2023 News Carrick conviction shows Met police’s ‘deeply rotten misogynistic culture’ Campaigner says fact that former officer got away with ‘horrific crimes’ for so long is terrifying The Guardian 16/1/2023 News Government look to broaden definition of “serious disruption” An amendment to the Public Order Bill would give police more flexibility and clarity over when they can intervene to stop demonstrators blocking roads or slow marching. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/1/2023 News Elite Metropolitan police officer David Carrick revealed as serial rapist Carrick, 48, carried out 85 serious offences over 17 years, despite force being told repeatedly of allegations The Guardian 16/1/2023 News District commander moved after row about officers not reporting for duty CC Simon Byrne says the decision to move a chief superintendent from Derry was taken in her interests, and was neither a punishment nor any reflection on her competence> Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/1/2023 News Supreme Court to decide if police need court order to obtain IP addresses CANADA: Civil liberties groups argue that there should be more constraints around how the police track people online National Post (Canada) 16/1/2023 News Police unlawfully stopped, Tasered Black U of T student while kneeling on his neck, lawsuit alleges CANADA: A University of Toronto student and his mother are suing three Toronto police officers alongside the Toronto Police Services Board and seeking damages of just under $3 million, alleging that Hasani O'Gilvie was unlawfully and violently detained back in the summer of 2021. CBC News (Canada) 16/1/2023 News Decision not to give Victoria Police new powers when public drunkenness is decriminalised draws union criticism AUSTRALIA: Victoria Police will not get new powers when public drunkenness is decriminalised, the government has confirmed, drawing criticism from the police and ambulance unions. The state government committed to scrapping public drunkenness laws in the wake of the inquest into the death of Yorta Yorta woman Tanya Day in 2017. The laws will be replaced by a health-based approach, where intoxicated people are taken to a sobering-up centre or another safe place. ABC News (Australia) 16/1/2023 News I’m a former chief prosecutor – here’s how to root out officers like David Carrick Nazir Afzal: The argument that Carrick was a one-off ‘bad apple’ simply doesn’t stand up to meaningful scrutiny The Independent 16/1/2023 Feature, Opinion More precision please: can the Met bring community policing and data science together? It was no coincidence that MPS Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley chose London’s Institute of Engineering and Technology as the venue for a speech last week, putting the first flesh on the bones of his plan to deliver “more trust, less crime, and high standards”, by reforming the Met. Among the eye-catching pledges: “the strongest ever neighbourhood policing”, a new Met leadership academy, and an intensification of proactive public protection work, one word cut through: precision. The Police Foundation 16/1/2023 Feature, Opinion Met Police officer David Carrick admits to being serial rapist A Metropolitan Police armed officer who used his role to put fear into his victims has admitted dozens of rape and sexual offences against 12 women. David Carrick, 48, who met some victims through dating websites, pleaded guilty to 49 offences across two decades. BBC 16/1/2023 News Mass recruitment drive for Victoria Police AUSTRALIA: More than 40,000 failed Victoria Police applicants will be asked to re-apply amid a concerning recruit shortage. Brisbane Times (Australia) 16/1/2023 News, Video Police unveil enhanced online sexual assault reporting option AUSTRALIA: The NSW Police Force has unveiled an enhanced online reporting option to allow victims of sexual assault to provide information without having to take part in a formal police interview. News of the Area (Australia) 16/1/2023 News Tensions rise as Police Union set to fire entire board from office AUSTRALIA: The Western Australia Police Union has called a special meeting with the aim of removing the entire board from office. [AUDIO] 6pr (Australia) 16/1/2023 News «162016211622162316241625162616271628Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events