Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98411 total results. Showing results 32241 to 32260 «160916101611161216131614161516161617Next ›Last » Susan Toth resigns from police services board with calls for her replacement to be racialized CANADA: Susan Toth, the human rights and labour lawyer who was recently re-appointed to head the London Police Services board, has resigned and is calling for city council to make sure her replacement is a member of the Black or Indigenous community. CBC News (Canada) 20/1/2023 News ‘Thin Blue Line’ patches not allowed on VPD uniforms, Vancouver Police Board confirms CANADA: The Vancouver Police Board reaffirmed Thursday that officers are not permitted to wear the controversial ‘Thin Blue Line‘ patch on their uniforms. Global News (Canada) 20/1/2023 News, Video Kingston Police solve cold case investigation from 1994 CANADA: The Kingston Police Major Crime Unit has made an arrest in relation to a cold case sexual assault that occurred in 1994. Kingston Police (Canada) 20/1/2023 News Fresh calls for more garda resources in Longford REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There have been fresh calls for additional garda resources to be deployed to Longford after video footage captured on the weekend on January 7 / 8 showed over a dozen youths becoming embroiled in an altercation in the middle of the county town. Longford Leader (Republic of Ireland) 20/1/2023 News Rapport-building: Chat versus in-person witness interviews Tactics recommended for rapport-building consist of verbal (e.g., finding common ground or shared experiences) and non-verbal (e.g., affirmations, displaying empathy) behaviours. Most of the research on rapport, however, has examined it in in-person contexts, where both verbal and non-verbal behaviours are present. In this study, we were interested in the effectiveness of rapport-building when conducting online witness interviews via chat, which de-emphasises the use non-verbal rapport behaviours, compared to traditional in-person interviews. Participants (N = 131) experienced a virtual reality (VR) scenario depicting a mock crime and were interviewed either in person or online via the chat function in Skype. Participants perceived rapport more positively when interviewed in person for three measures: attentiveness, trust and respect and expertise. Two other measures, cultural similarity and connected flow, were not perceived differently across interview medium. Participants interviewed online via chat disclosed similar amounts of crime-related information and were just as accurate as participants interviewed in person. We found that in-person interviews yielded better rapport ratings than interviews via chat but were equally productive in terms of the quality of information obtained, as measured by crime-related details and accuracy. If witnesses are to be interviewed via chat, investigators must carefully consider how to compensate for the lack of those non-verbal rapport tactics that influence witnesses' perceptions of attentiveness, trust/respect and investigator's expertise. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 20/1/2023 Research article Gardaí investigate assault of member of the force during anti-refugee protest in Fermoy REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai in Fermoy are investigating the assault of a garda that occurred during an anti-refugee protest in the town last night. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 20/1/2023 News COPS team leads the way in supporting law enforcement drive for community engagement The US Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) has long been a pioneer of promoting community engagement and partnerships for law enforcement across America; Policing Insight’s Christine Townsend spoke to COPS’ Nazmia Comrie about investing in long-term initiatives, how community policing can improve violence reduction, and why digging into the data is crucial. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/1/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion Fire and Rescue Service inspections 2021/22 – tranche 3 This is the third time that HMICFRS has inspected fire and rescue services across England. Our focus is on the service they provide to the public, and the way they use the resources available. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 20/1/2023 Report Fire and Rescue Service inspections 2021/22 – tranche 3 HMICFRS has today published the third set of reports from our latest inspection of all fire and rescue services (FRSs) in England. This is the final of three tranches of reports published. There are 16 service reports in this tranche. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 20/1/2023 News Police Workforce, England and Wales, 30 September 2022 NATIONAL STATISTICS ANNOUNCEMENT: Statistics on police workforce numbers in the 43 police forces in England and Wales and the British Transport Police. Home Office 20/1/2023 News Better protection for rape victims from invasive record requests The Home Office will legislate to protect people, including rape victims, from unnecessary requests for personal records. Home Office 20/1/2023 News Queensland Police delivers historic apology to LGBTIQ+ communities AUSTRALIA: Queensland Police Service (QPS) Commissioner Katarina Carroll today delivered an apology and statement of regret to LGBTIQ+ communities as well as LGBTIQ+ QPS members, past and present for historical mistreatment. myPolice - Queensland Police News 20/1/2023 News Former NSW Police officer jailed over accessing child abuse material AUSTRALIA: A former NSW Police officer has been jailed for at least four months after he accessed 5000 images of child abuse material while serving as a sergeant in the transport command. Michael Anthony Mannah, 50, was investigated by the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission and had interception warrants placed on his mobile phone and computer, which detected him accessing the images between August 2020 and January 2021. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 20/1/2023 News Record number of neighbourhood criminals tagged to cut crime The number of people tagged has reached record highs after latest figures show an almost 80 per cent increase in the use of the GPS technology in the past year with a doubling of those fitted with alcohol tags. Police Professional 20/1/2023 News Drink drive victim’s family claim local paper had to tell them court date Paul and Nicky Johnson say they were never contacted by a court or victim support service about the case into their daughter Phoebe's death. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 20/1/2023 News Retired officers accused of being in Met Police paedophile ring Two retired officers have been accused of being in a Met Police paedophile ring with a senior colleague who killed himself last week. Richard Watkinson, a chief inspector, was found dead last Thursday, before he was due to answer bail to be charged with a series of sex offences. The Times - Subscription at source 20/1/2023 News Police Scotland urged to review all serving officers’ records Police Scotland must review the background of all existing officers to ensure they are not sex offenders, a former assistant chief constable has said. Angela Wilson, who held the position with Tayside police, spoke out after David Carrick admitted carrying out dozens of rapes and sexual offences while working as an officer with the Metropolitan Police. The Home Office has said that every force in England will be asked to check staff against national databases. Wilson, chairwoman of the Women’s Rape and Abuse Centre in Dundee, said Police Scotland needed to be “doing that scrutiny now”. The Times - Subscription at source 20/1/2023 News Man arrested after Met officer ‘assaulted’ and taken to hospital A man has been arrested after a Met officer was allegedly assaulted and later collapsed. BBC 20/1/2023 News Police departments instructed to search for rogue officers who may have “slipped through the net” In the wake of the David Carrick case, UK police agencies have been instructed to check all officers and staff against national police databases to detect alleged sexist predators who may have “slipped through the net.” The Justice Gap 20/1/2023 News Two new ACCs appointed at Police Scotland Police Scotland has strengthened its leadership team with the appointment of two assistant chief constables. Police Professional 20/1/2023 News «160916101611161216131614161516161617Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events