Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98407 total results. Showing results 32161 to 32180 «160516061607160816091610161116121613Next ›Last » ‘Societal change’ in aggression towards gardaí – GRA REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There has been a "real societal change" in aggression towards members of An Garda Síochána, according to the Garda Representative Association. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 22/1/2023 News Durham police say project has spent £10m with local businesses Contractors working on the creation of a new Durham Investigative Hub are celebrating a major new milestone. The Durham Gate development, in Spennymoor, which will provide more than 6,600m2 of up-to-date accommodation including 48 modern cells, has been intentionally designed to improve local opportunities, life chances and wellbeing for local people. County Durham and Darlington Police and Crime Commissioner Joy Allen set an ambitious goal to generate £6m in social value through the scheme by securing local contracts, creating new jobs and increasing opportunities for people to obtain and develop new skills. The Northern Echo 22/1/2023 News UK rape crisis centres forced to turn away victims as need rises and cash runs out With survivors waiting up to 18 months for support and therapy, and caseloads increasing, staff close lists The Guardian 22/1/2023 News Alarm as police reveal 999 service went down ‘and some of you may have struggled to get through’ The police sparked alarm by admitting its phone services - including 999 - had technical issues and ‘some of you may have struggled to get through’. The Star (Yorkshire) 22/1/2023 News Bait and switch – Gardai’s sophisticated new strategy to catch brazen bike thieves REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai are baiting Dublin's bicycle thieves by leaving shiny new bikes unlocked to catch them in the act, the Irish Mail on Sunday has learned. Sophisticated 'bait and switch' techniques are normally associated with car theft, but gardaí are now using the tactic to clamp down on the capital's notoriously prolific bike thieves. (Republic of Ireland) 22/1/2023 News ‘Speed-over-distance’ safety cameras credited with dramatic fall in speeding REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Daily average of 24 motorists caught speeding between junctions on M7 in Tipperary The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 22/1/2023 News Ottawa police look to draft 2023 budget with 2.5 per cent increase CANADA: Money for the Ottawa Police Service will be one of the major topics of discussion during the first Ottawa Police Services Board meeting of 2023. Board members will vote on a recommendation Monday afternoon to direct staff to prepare the draft operating and capital budgets based on a 2.5 per cent tax increase and an estimated 2.2 per cent increase in taxes resulting from growth in the assessment base. The 2.5 per cent increase was a direction from Council in December. CTV News (Canada) 22/1/2023 News Police forces should be trained in emerging technologies: PM at DGPs’ meet INDIA: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said police forces should be made more sensitive and trained in emerging technologies while further strengthening traditional policing mechanisms like foot patrols. Addressing the 57th all India conference of Director Generals/ Inspector Generals of Police, the prime minister also emphasised on enhanced cooperation between state police and central agencies to leverage capabilities and share best practices. Business Standard (India) 22/1/2023 News Ten dead in shooting after lunar new year festival near Los Angeles USA: Ten people were killed and at least 10 others hospitalized after a gunman opened fire in a ballroom dance studio on Saturday night in a city close to Los Angeles. The mass shooting, one of California’s worst in recent memory, happened hours after a lunar new year festival that had attracted tens of thousands of revelers in Monterey Park, a majority-Asian American city. The Guardian 22/1/2023 News Relationships between parental mental illness and/or offending and offspring contact with the police in childhood: Findings from a longitudinal record-linkage study Background: Parental offending and mental illness are associated with an increased risk of criminal behaviour in offspring during adolescence and adulthood, but the impact of such problems on younger children, including children's experiences of victimisation, is less well known. Aim To investigate the associations between parental offending and mental illness recorded prior to their offspring's age of 5 years and their offspring's contact with police as a ‘person of interest’, ‘victim’ or ‘witness’ between ages 5 and 13 years. Methods: Our sample consisted of 72,771 children and their parents drawn from the New South Wales Child Development Study, an Australian longitudinal population-based record linkage study. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine associations between parental factors and offspring's police contact. Separate models examined the relationships between maternal or paternal offending and mental illness, as well as the combination among either or both parents, as the independent variables, and their child's police contact as the dependent variable. Results: Parental offending and mental illness were each individually associated with indices of police contact among offspring. Stronger associations were observed when both offending and mental illness were present together (in either parent, or when one parent had both exposures). Stronger associations were evident for mothers with both factors across all offspring police contact types, relative to fathers with both factors, in fully adjusted models; that is, children of mothers with both factors were over four times as likely to have contact with police as a ‘person of interest’ (OR = 4.29; 95% CI = 3.75–4.92) and over three times as likely to have contact as a victim (OR = 3.35; 95% CI = 3.01–3.74) or witness (OR = 3.58; 95% CI = 3.03–4.24), than children whose mothers had no history of offending or mental illness. Conclusions: Children with a parental history of offending and mental illness in early life are at an increased likelihood of early police contact as young as 5–13 years of age; it is vital that this is taken as a signal to help them and their affected families according to need. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 22/1/2023 Research article Ex-officer Rhett Wilson abused his position for sexual relationships A former police officer who abused his position to start sexual relationships with vulnerable women has been jailed. BBC 22/1/2023 News Police Scotland has 25 officers suspended over sexual misconduct allegations Superintendent Steven Duncan, Head of National Firearms and Explosives Licensing for the force, acknowledged the 54-year-old legislation could cause issues and said changes would be made if it was rewritten from scratch Daily Record 22/1/2023 News Advanced forensic techniques lead to conviction of two men for murder of homeless man in Lambeth Advanced techniques used by Met forensic scientists to capture DNA have been credited with the identification and conviction of two men for the murder of a homeless man in Lambeth. Metropolitan Police Service 22/1/2023 News ‘Rotten to the core’: five women on their changing views of the Met police Abhorrence and the need for radical reform feature strongly in light of the David Carrick scandal The Guardian 22/1/2023 Feature, Opinion ‘I was gaslit by my own force’: female police report ‘systemic’ abuse by male officers In wake of David Carrick verdict, women from England and Wales come forward to report mental, physical and professional toll The Guardian 22/1/2023 News Police union head tells Montreal’s new chief: staffing shortages 1st, community policing 2nd CANADA: The president of the Montreal police union says Fady Dagher, the new chief of the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), will have to address a shortage of officers before starting new community policing programs. Yves Francoeur, the president of the Montreal Police Brotherhood, said Thursday at Dagher's induction ceremony that the SPVM was losing officers and struggling with staffing shortages. Dagher is going to "realize very quickly that there is a lack of police officers in the SPVM," Francoeur said. "This reality that affects our workforce will unfortunately slow down the projects that he wants to put in place." CBC News (Canada) 22/1/2023 News We must change the way we recruit Gardai – there’s a huge shortage of feet on the street, says Fianna Fail TD REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The State hopes to recruit 1,000 new Gardaí this year. However, recent recruitment drives have not landed the numbers hoped. The Garda strength as of December 31, 2022 stood at 14,133. Writing in The Irish Sun on Sunday today, JIM O’CALLAGHAN, left, says the current Minister for Justice, Simon Harris, must tackle the issue head on and change some of the entry requirements for wannabe cops. The Irish Sun (Republic of Ireland) 22/1/2023 Feature, Opinion Garda suspended on full pay for five years over ‘administrative errors’ in drugs investigation REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A garda accused of taking cocaine in a Kildare nightclub over five years ago remains suspended due to “administrative errors” in the disciplinary process. The garda is on full pay while the investigation remains ongoing, according to a source. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 22/1/2023 News How difficult is it to become a police officer and are the checks good enough? Candidates must be over 17, but there is no upper age limit. You must be a British citizen, EU/EEA national, or, if you’re a foreign national, have no restrictions on your UK stay. You normally need to have been living in the UK for the past three years. Members of certain “extreme political groups” are excluded. A force may ask you to submit photos of any tattoos to be checked against their tattoo policy. You don’t need a degree to join. A common route in is the police constable degree apprenticeship (PCDA) — a mix of on-the-job training and academic classroom-based theory and learning. You’ll be a police officer from the first day, responding to emergency calls from the public, participating in neighbourhood policing and The Times - Subscription at source 22/1/2023 Feature NSW Police’s Raptor Squad expands to follow bikies into regional areas AUSTRALIA: NSW Police is expanding its anti-bikie squad to continue "hunting down" outlaw motorcycle gang members who have moved operations from Sydney to the regions. Senior police say bikie gangs are leaving the state's capital to avoid attention from the "relentless" Raptor Squad. Permanent arms of the squad will be based in the Hunter and Illawarra regions, where police say more than half of outlaw motorcycle gang members are now based. ABC News (Australia) 22/1/2023 News «160516061607160816091610161116121613Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events