Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98397 total results. Showing results 32121 to 32140 «160316041605160616071608160916101611Next ›Last » Watchdog ‘exploring options’ to address systemic issues raised about RCMP unit in B.C. CANADA: Complaints commission says it’s aware the filing of hundreds of grievances raises questions CBC News (Canada) 23/1/2023 News ‘Homicide in slow motion’: Police urged to tackle stalking amid rise of tracking tech CANADA: Stephanie Forster did everything right. She obtained a restraining order, changed her phone number and moved three times in six months. She once found an Apple AirTag in her car so she asked police to search the vehicle for other trackers. But none of it helped, her sister and a women’s advocate say. The Globe and Mail (Canada) 23/1/2023 News Met Police hire officers without face-to-face interviews Despite scandal after scandal, Scotland Yard has yet to bring back in-person ‘grillings’ dropped during the pandemic The Times - Subscription at source 23/1/2023 News Met Commissioner consulting on Turnaround Plan Metropolitan Police Commssioner Sir Mark Rowley revealed his mission for policing in London in a plan that aims to deliver ‘More Trust, Less Crime and High Standards. Emergency Services Times 23/1/2023 News Judges uphold unlawful killing verdict on man shot dead by AFO Man carrying an axe failed to stop when challenged and was tasered four times. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/1/2023 News Toronto mayor reiterates need for increased police budget amid random acts of violence CANADA: Toronto Mayor John Tory says he is “deeply concerned” about a number of random violent incidents that have taken place in the city, adding it’s why he is pushing for an increase to the policing budget. CTV News (Canada) 23/1/2023 News Do away with NDAs at employment tribunals says Fed The Chair of the national Police Federation has called for an end to the use of NDAs whenever a Chief Constable or force is taken to an employment tribunal. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/1/2023 News Gloucestershire Police inspector convicted of assaulting his wife A police inspector has been convicted of assaulting his wife in a car park. BBC 23/1/2023 News Keyham gunman’s shotgun decision not reviewed by senior manager, inquest hears Jake Davison’s shotgun and certificate were seized by police after he assaulted two teenagers, but later returned weeks before he killed five people. The Independent 23/1/2023 News Gardaí need body cameras ‘sooner rather than later’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The general secretary of the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) has called on the Minister for Justice to expedite legislation that would allow members of An Garda Síochána to wear body cameras. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 23/1/2023 News Human trafficking survivor to lead pioneering Canadian training for all Peel frontline and investigative officers More than 2,000 officers from Peel Regional Police will receive specialised, survivor-led human trafficking training to help them identify and support those who might be being groomed or are already being exploited, in a training project that’s the first of its kind in Canada, as Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/1/2023 Feature, Innovation Lancashire Police: Sharing digital evidence used to take days, now hours thanks to NICE Investigate Digital evidence is growing by leaps and bounds, especially with the roll out of new body worn camera systems. But this evidence is not always easily accessible. To address the challenges of managing digital evidence, Lancashire Constabulary adopted a new approach. The force leverages NICE Investigate to make digital evidence from multiple connected systems, including body worn video, readily accessible to officers through a single login and to speed up Lancashire's ability to share video with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Policing Insight 23/1/2023 Advertisement, Feature The Effects of Emotions on the Assessment of Child Sexual Abuse Interviews The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of emotions in the ability to assess a child sexual abuse (CSA) interview and recollection of details from it. The participants were 105 (80 women, Mage = 23.78, SDage = 7.06) undergraduate and graduate students. Participants watched pre-recorded interviews with child avatars that were interviewed suggestively (vs. not) and that revealed details of CSA (vs. not). Both self-reported and facial expressions were assessed. In addition, participants answered questions about the quality of the interview and details recollection. The results indicated increases in sadness and disgust in reaction to CSA interviews and relief in reaction to no-CSA interviews. Surprisingly, the objectively more suggestive interviews were perceived as less suggestive and more appropriate. CSA scenario interviews were perceived as less suggestive than the no-CSA scenario. Angry and sad participants made fewer and relieved participants more mistakes when recalling details revealed by the child avatars during the interviews. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 23/1/2023 Research article New national resilience frameworks: Developing disaster response With the increasing range, reach and frequency of international crises and disasters, countries around the world are looking to ensure the right measures are in place to strengthen their resilience; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at the key themes and principles of the latest UK Resilience Framework, and the emphasis on local responses to national threats and events. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/1/2023 Analysis, Feature Council on Policing Reforms and Race Report USA: On October 18, 2020, the National Policing Institute, formerly the National Police Foundation, announced the formation of the Council on Policing Reforms and Race, an independent initiative to support excellence in policing, address racial disparities, and build and enhance trust and legitimacy. The Council is a majority African American-led nonpartisan initiative that will use research and evidence to consider and offer recommendations to resolve some of the most significant and pressing issues concerning policing reforms and race. In launching this effort, the Institute acknowledges the role that racism, bias, culture (societal and organizational), and patterns and practices have played in the deterioration of trust and respect between law enforcement and Black communities. The Institute will encourage the Council to offer commentary, recommendations, and solutions for addressing these issues. While various national panels and blue-ribbon commissions have been put forth previously to address similar areas of concern, this effort is distinguished by bringing together a broad cross-section of perspectives, infusing what we know and don't know from science in relation to these issues, elevating the voices of Black Americans working inside and outside of the policing profession. Council on Policing Reforms and Race 23/1/2023 Report All-white Windsor police board shows disconnect from diverse communities, advocate says CANADA: Windsor city council's decision to appoint another white member to an already all-white police services board shows "how disconnected they are from the minorities" in the region. That's according to Amna Masoodi, who says she feels strongly that police need to reflect the community they serve, including members of the oversight board. The police board oversees the service and select chiefs, as well as deputy chiefs. The University of Windsor engineering student applied, but wasn't given a spot on the board. CBC News (Canada) 23/1/2023 News WA Police Union research finds death by suicide surpasses those killed on duty AUSTRALIA: Western Australia's police union says officers need to be offered more mental health support after its own research found rising levels of suicide in the force. By combining data from the National Coronial Information System, news reports and other sources, the union said it had created one of the largest collections of information about Australian police officer suicide. The research found a total of 123 Australian police officers had taken their lives since 2000, with most of them occurring since 2015. ABC News (Australia) 23/1/2023 News AGSI calls for use of garda bodycams to be expedited REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors has called for the use of bodycams by An Garda Síochána to be expedited. General Secretary of the AGSI Antoinette Cunningham said this move needs to happen "sooner rather than later". RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 23/1/2023 News Talking with Scott Gemmell, New Zealand Police’s Counties Manukau East Area Commander As part of his Policing Friendship Tour, PolicingTV and Policing Insight Publisher Bernard Rix visits New Zealand Police’s Area Commander Scott Gemmell. Scott provides a tour of his local police station, beginning in the front reception area, where he explains the significance to the local community of several key items within the area. They also visit a wellness and reflection garden provided to the police station by the local Chinese community. Scott plays a leading role within New Zealand Police on the Understanding Policing Delivery (UPD) programme, focusing on gaining and keeping the Trust and Confidence of local communities. He explains the work, providing some significant insights on community engagement and cohesion for the wider policing community worldwide. PolicingTV - Subscription at source 23/1/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Talking with Scott Gemmell, New Zealand Police’s Counties Manukau East Area Commander As part of his Policing Friendship Tour, PolicingTV and Policing Insight Publisher Bernard Rix visits New Zealand Police’s Area Commander Scott Gemmell. Scott provides a tour of his local police station, beginning in the front reception area, where he explains the significance to the local community of several key items within the area. They also visit a wellness and reflection garden provided to the police station by the local Chinese community. Scott plays a leading role within New Zealand Police on the Understanding Policing Delivery (UPD) programme, focusing on gaining and keeping the Trust and Confidence of local communities. He explains the work, providing some significant insights on community engagement and cohesion for the wider policing community worldwide. PolicingTV 23/1/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video «160316041605160616071608160916101611Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events