Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98397 total results. Showing results 32021 to 32040 «159815991600160116021603160416051606Next ›Last » Alcohol bans and law and order responses to crime in Alice Springs haven’t worked in the past, and won’t work now A youth ‘crime wave’ in Alice Springs – partly blamed on last year’s lifting of ‘Intervention’ laws – has led to more officers on the streets and more youngsters locked up; but Professor Thalia Anthony and Researcher Vanessa Napaltjari Davis argue that this ‘knee-jerk’ law and order response ignores longer term Royal Commission calls for a more humane response to young people and for greater support for First Nations families and organisations. Policing Insight 25/1/2023 Feature, Opinion Regina sees over 100 overdoses a month, says Board of Police Commissioners report CANADA: During a recent Regina Police Service (RPS) Board of Police Commissioners meeting, the chief of police revealed that Regina regularly deals with more than a hundred drug overdoses a month. Global News (Canada) 25/1/2023 News Proposed changes to how the public can participate in Ottawa police board meetings up for a vote next month CANADA: Members of the Ottawa Police Services board were on the defensive this week over proposed changes to public participation at their meetings. Ottawa Citizen (Canada) 25/1/2023 News Unnecessary public shaming or effective police tool? Warrant Wednesday gets divided reaction in N.B. CANADA: At least two police departments in New Brunswick have begun using social media to get the public's help in finding people with outstanding warrants. CBC News (Canada) 25/1/2023 News, Video Cannabis plants worth €28,000 seized in New Ross REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: €28,000 in cannabis plants were seized in an apartment in New Ross on Friday, as part of a coordinated series of raids of properties in the town. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 25/1/2023 News Meath senator called ’95 times in one day’ in horror stalking ordeal REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A senator has become the latest female politician to speak out about her stalking hell, revealing she was harassed for two years by a man who telephoned 95 times in one day. Dublin Live (Republic of Ireland) 25/1/2023 News The importance of screening for speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in police custody People who have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) are more prevalent in criminal justice settings than in the wider population. Previous research focusing primarily on young people and the prison population has led to calls for early interventions and screening, particularly in youth justice settings. NHS Liaison and Diversion (L&D) referrals in a single police force region in England were screened for SLCN over a period of three months. The results indicate a need for early identification of SLCN for all age groups, and for those with no previous SLCN-related diagnoses. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 25/1/2023 Research article Police Unionism, Accountability, and Misconduct Recent discussions of police violence in the United States and the corresponding lack of accountability have shone a light on a highly debated agent opposing police reform—police unions. Although police unionism continues to be an understudied area, a recent wave of empirical investigations, both qualitative and quantitative, have contributed to a nascent understanding of the ways in which police union mechanisms facilitate police misconduct and violence. Accordingly, in this review we first discuss the origins of police unionism in the United States, illustrating how historical forces, including racial animus, have shaped the existing landscape. Then, we highlight significant empirical work exploring the relationship between police unionism and misconduct. Thereafter, we review the potential intervening mechanisms, which are employed in ways to reduce disciplinary consequences of misconduct and excessive use of force, undermine oversight of the police, and limit police transparency. We end with a set of recommendations on future avenues for research. Annual Review of Criminology 25/1/2023 Research article Police Observational Research in the Twenty-First Century The often-clandestine inner workings of the policing profession have been of considerable interest to scholars, policy makers, social justice activists, and everyday citizens. Technological innovations such as body-worn cameras, smartphones, and social media have allowed for increased public scrutiny of how officers carry out their duties. Recently, there has been intensified interest in the role of police and their suitability for addressing a wide range of important social issues. As various stakeholders consider impassioned calls for police reform, a comprehensive understanding of officer behavior is especially critical. Police observational research has historically used innovative methods to observe, document, and analyze police officer conduct. Herein, we investigate the evolution of police observational research and its many contributions and underscore the potential for future research. Annual Review of Criminology 25/1/2023 Research article Exceptionally Lethal: American Police Killings in a Comparative Perspective Police in the United States stand out in the developed world for their reliance on deadly force. Other nations in the Americas, however, feature higher or similar levels of fatal police violence (FPV). Cross-national comparative analyses can help identify stable and malleable factors that distinguish high-FPV from low-FPV countries. Two factors that clearly stand out among high-FPV nations are elevated rates of gun violence—which fosters a preoccupation with danger and wide latitude to use preemptive force—and ethnoracial inequality and discord. The latter seems to be tied to another fundamental difference between the United States and most other developed nations—the “radically decentralized structure of U.S. policing” (Bayley & Stenning 2016). Hyperlocalism limits the influence of external oversight, along with expertise and resources for effective training, policy implementation, and accountability. However, elevated rates of FPV among some Latin American countries with relatively centralized policing demonstrate that decentralization is not a necessary condition for high FPV. Likewise, relatively low FPV in Spain and Chile suggests that achieving low FPV is also possible without the extensive resources and training that appear to suppress FPV in wealthy Northern European nations. Annual Review of Criminology 25/1/2023 Research article The importance of screening for speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in police custody People who have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) are more prevalent in criminal justice settings than in the wider population. Previous research focusing primarily on young people and the prison population has led to calls for early interventions and screening, particularly in youth justice settings. NHS Liaison and Diversion (L&D) referrals in a single police force region in England were screened for SLCN over a period of three months. The results indicate a need for early identification of SLCN for all age groups, and for those with no previous SLCN-related diagnoses. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 25/1/2023 Research article Concerns over ‘frontline abstractions’ hampering Taser training David Hamilton told Police Oracle that resourcing pressures left some training courses 'running empty', hindering plans to grow the number of Taser trained officers. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/1/2023 News Celebrating difference and the diverse contribution of people with disabilities We interviewed Inspector Tracy Betts, who is hoping to inspire change nationally in her new role as interim president of the Disabled Police Association. Police Professional 25/1/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion Exclusive survey shows just 1 in 9 women fully trust the police A survey for Good Morning Britain reveals that almost a third of women have a worse impression of the police than this time last year. ITV News 25/1/2023 News, Video Specialist equipment to be placed in police vehicles after rise in knife crime across Staffordshire Specialist equipment to help tackle a rise in knife crime across Staffordshire are being placed in police vehicles. Knife wands – hand held metal detectors used for searches – will be introduced for officers along with bleed kits to help victims. It comes after a performance report revealed a 23.7% increase in knife crime in the Staffordshire Police area in recent months compared to the previous year. Lichfield Live 25/1/2023 News Sussex Police mental health work revealed Sussex Police spent more than 11,000 officer hours dealing with people suffering from mental health issues in the last three months of 2022. The figures were shared by Deputy Chief Constable Dave McLaren during a meeting with Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne on Friday. The Argus 25/1/2023 News West Midlands Police told to do more to improve minorities recruitment A police chief has pledged "further action" after his force fell behind on a target to recruit officers from ethnic minority groups. Express & Star 25/1/2023 News Guernsey Police aims to build trust after survey findings Guernsey Police is working to improve trust within the community after the results of a sexual offences survey. The survey asked for anonymous reports of sexual assault, violence, intimidation and inappropriate behaviour and had 984 responses. A total of 111 people reported their incident while 619 did not. More than a third of respondents said they had not reported an assault due to a lack of trust in the police or the wider criminal justice system. BBC 25/1/2023 News Met Police officer attached to north London school admits child sexual offences PC Hussain Chehab was removed from ‘safer schools’ role in Enfield after allegations came to light The Standard 25/1/2023 News NSW Government proposes Right To Ask scheme AUSTRALIA: If re-elected, the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government has committed to implementing a new scheme that allows people to find out if their partner has a history of domestic violence offences. The Right To Ask scheme would allow NSW police to disclose information to a person over the phone or through an online portal about their partner’s prior domestic or violence offences. Strict privacy controls would operate, and criminal penalties would apply for malicious applications. The service would be offered in multiple languages and facilitate referral to domestic violence support services where necessary. Law Society Journal (Australia) 25/1/2023 News «159815991600160116021603160416051606Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events