Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 31881 to 31900 «159115921593159415951596159715981599Next ›Last » David Carrick raped me, reveals Met police officer A Metropolitan Police officer has revealed she was raped by David Carrick two decades ago but did not come forward because she feared she would not be believed. The woman told The Times that she had been horrified to learn that Carrick, a firearms officer, went on to attack a number of other women, making him one of Britain’s worst sex offenders. The Times 27/1/2023 News The problem for the state government as police recruits dwindle AUSTRALIA: The rate of police officers leaving the force in Queensland is higher than pre-COVID, it has been revealed. [AUDIO] 4BC (Australia) 27/1/2023 News Inside the police investigation over the missing High Country campers AUSTRALIA: When police first arrived at the doorstep of Gregory Lynn’s family home in Caroline Springs, he was already a person of interest in one of the state’s most high-profile police investigations. The Age (Australia) 27/1/2023 News South Australian men face court for proceeds of crime offences AUSTRALIA: Two South Australian men are scheduled to face the Adelaide Magistrates Court today (27 January, 2023) after the AFP charged them with proceeds of crime offences. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 27/1/2023 News Whangārei cafe burgled twice in one week amid spate of retail crimes NEW ZEALAND: Retail crime has been rampant in Whangārei over the last week, with one cafe in Tikipunga burgled twice in four days. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 27/1/2023 News Operation Bridge: Suspects arrested following Manawatū aggravated robberies NEW ZEALAND: Manawatū Police have made a further three arrests in relation to a serious incident today. New Zealand Police 27/1/2023 News Thunder Bay police seek $3.5M to expand force while board looks to triple members’ pay REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: As Thunder Bay city council strives to trim the tax levy in its proposed 2023 budget, the Thunder Bay Police Service and Thunder Bay Police Services Board made their cases Wednesday night for significant increases to their funding. CBC News (Canada) 27/1/2023 News Hersh: Since the convoy, the veneer of police accountability has shattered CANADA: The Ottawa People’s Commission and the Public Order Emergency Commission heard many accounts of the Ottawa Police's deeply dysfunctional inner workings. Little has been done about this. Ottawa Citizen (Canada) 27/1/2023 Feature, Opinion International effort leads to Ransomware group infrastructure takedown CANADA: Region of Peel – After a multi-year cross-border investigation into numerous cyber-attacks against governments, businesses, and individuals in the United States, Europe, and Canada, an international law enforcement operation involving 12 countries has resulted in an infrastructure takedown and domain seizure of the HIVE ransomware group. Peel Regional Police (Canada) 27/1/2023 News Forces need to focus on the ‘barrel’ as much as the ‘bad apples’ to tackle unethical behaviour Policing cultures and issues over poor and unethical behaviour have been a concern for police forces around the world, with many pointing to the misconduct of individual ‘bad apples’; but research by organisational ethicist Dr Eva Tsahuridu of Victoria Police Registration and Services Board highlights the influence of organisational factors on poor behaviour and the need to address them, as Policing Insight’s Keith Potter reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/1/2023 Analysis, Feature ‘We hacked the hackers’: Gardaí assist in operation to bring down ransomware gang REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda National Cyber Crime Bureau has been part of an internationally supported operation targeting the Hive Ransomware Group. Breaking News (Republic of Ireland) 27/1/2023 News €130 million bill for Garda overtime bill in 2022 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Eight Gardaí were paid over €50,000 euro each in overtime last year. Today FM (Republic of Ireland) 27/1/2023 News Volume on lawyer’s defence role at garda stations REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: ‘Criminal Defence Representation at Garda Stations’ will be published by Bloomsbury Professional next month. Law Society Gazette Ireland 27/1/2023 News New Project CARA website to support police response to domestic abuse A new website has been developed to help police forces deliver Project CARA, the risk-assessed response to domestic abuse. Police Professional 27/1/2023 News Number of sex offences hits highest annual figure recorded by police in England and Wales Sexual offences have hit the highest level recorded by the police in a 12-month period, according to the latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures. Police Professional 27/1/2023 News Online sexual abuse imagery of primary school children has soared by 1,000 per cent since lockdown Imagery of primary school aged children sexually abusing themselves on camera has soared by more than 1,000 per cent since the UK went into lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic, new data shows. Police Professional 27/1/2023 News Greater Manchester Police: Ninety-eight officers accused of sex offences Ninety-eight officers from England's second largest police force are being investigated or face misconduct hearings over alleged sexual offences. BBC 27/1/2023 News Lincolnshire Police to cut PSCO numbers by nearly half Lincolnshire Police has announced it will slash the number of PCSOs by 45% because of a £3.4m funding gap. BBC 27/1/2023 News Taking Oral Evidence in Chile from Child Victims in Priority Groups: Challenges for the Practice and Training of Justice Professionals In Chile, Law 21.057 established in 2019 that, for criminal cases in which there is a child or adolescent victim of a sexual or other serious crime, professionals who take the evidence from the victim during the investigative interview and court testimony are required to be specially trained as interviewers and intermediaries, respectively. Although Chile has been progressively moving into a child-friendly justice system, the expertise and training on how to address victims who have particular communicative, emotional, cultural, or social needs have been rather limited. This study explores the challenges experienced by investigative interviewers and intermediaries with child victims from priority groups, through the lens of their instructors. The term “priority groups” encompasses people who require special protection because of a condition that puts them at a disadvantage. Using purposive sampling, 12 of the most experienced instructors were recruited, and five semi-structured group interviews were conducted remotely. Through thematic data analysis, eight categories of challenges were found. First, the study identified particular difficulties experienced by professionals with six groups of children and adolescents who are here called priority victims or members of priority groups: (1.1) preschool children, (1.2) victims with neurodevelopmental disorders, (1.3) victims with psychiatric disorders, (1.4) reluctant victims, (1.5) Indigenous and migrant victims, and (1.6) victims in complex contexts/crimes. Secondly, the analysis identified cross-cutting challenges for the professionals related to (2.1) difficulties remaining after their initial training, and (2.2) the unavailability of background information about the victims before the proceedings. The article emphasizes the need to strengthen advanced competences and training content regarding priority groups, to reinforce initial skills, and to refine guidelines to assess and address these victims adequately, in order to facilitate their access to justice. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 27/1/2023 Research article North Yorkshire Police reveal they are using lie detector tests to target sex offenders North Yorkshire Police are using lie detector tests to target suspected and convicted sex offenders across the county. York Mix 27/1/2023 News «159115921593159415951596159715981599Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events