Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98289 total results. Showing results 31581 to 31600 «157615771578157915801581158215831584Next ›Last » Sheku Bayoh inquiry: Police could have been ‘more honest’ with family about death An inquiry is examining the circumstances of the death of Sheku Bayoh who died after being restrained by police in May 2015 The Independent 2/2/2023 News Devon and Cornwall Police rated inadequate in several areas, report finds Devon and Cornwall Police has been told to make urgent improvements after it was found to be inadequate in several areas in a report from the police inspectorate. BBC 2/2/2023 News Property and cash restrained as alleged money laundering group charged AUSTRALIA: The AFP has charged nine members of an international money laundering organisation and restrained more than $150 million in Sydney property, cash and luxury items. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 2/2/2023 News Property grab: AFP smashes alleged $10 billion Chinese money-laundering operation AUSTRALIA: Federal agents have dismantled an alleged Chinese-Australian money laundering organisation that moved an estimated $10 billion offshore while amassing a blue-chip property portfolio comprising Sydney mansions, a luxury city building and hundreds of acres of land near Sydney’s second airport. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 2/2/2023 News Black British Army veteran accuses police of racially profiling him after he is stopped by officers more than 40 times in 10 years A restaurateur and former British soldier has accused police of racially profiling him after being stopped more than forty times in 10 years. Mail Online 1/2/2023 News Something ‘rotten’ in policing, warns bishop following scandals The Bishop of Manchester said the spate of shocking revelations involving rogue officers was about ‘more than a series of bad apples’ Express & Star 1/2/2023 News Met under pressure not to rehire retired officers with misconduct record Mayor says officers with misconduct proven against them during career should not return to force The Guardian 1/2/2023 News California police face scrutiny after killing double amputee UNITED STATES: The police killing of a wheelchair user who allegedly refused to drop a butcher's knife is under investigation by authorities in California. BBC 1/2/2023 News PFNI Fed Chair: “tasers should be issued as standard” It follows an incident last night where an officer was slashed on the neck. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/2/2023 News A degree doesn’t make an excellent police officer In 2016 the College of Policing introduced new recruitment pathways that required applicants to have a degree or get one on the job. The Times - Subscription at source 1/2/2023 Feature, Opinion Kent Police: Unison blames staff shortage for unanswered 101 calls Nearly 40% of 101 calls to Kent Police went unanswered over an eight month period, according to a report. According to the document being considered by Kent's Police and Crime Panel on Wednesday, only 61.23% were answered from April to November in 2022, compared with 90% in 2019. Unions are blaming a recruitment crisis caused by low pay. Kent Police said it had recruited more staff and reduced the number of unanswered calls since November. BBC 1/2/2023 News Garda use of body cameras and facial recognition technology debated in Dáil REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Simon Harris says he intends to bring amendment to Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Bill 2022 at committee stage on use of facial recognition technology The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 1/2/2023 News ‘A starting point’: Victoria police chief reacts to changes in drug laws CANADA: Victoria Police Chief Del Manak and SOLID Outreach’s director of programming Fred Cameron both believe the decriminalization of small amounts of illicit narcotics and opioids is a step in the right direction. As of Tuesday (Jan. 31), police in British Columbia won’t arrest, charge or seize the drugs of adults in possession of up to 2.5 grams of heroin, cocaine, crack, crystal meth, MDMA or fentanyl. “We’re on board with it,” Manak said. “We’re going to do everything that we can to make sure that it’s successful.” Saanich News (Canada) 1/2/2023 News Australian Federal Police dismantle alleged international criminal syndicate based in Sydney AUSTRALIA: Nine people have been arrested and millions of dollars' worth of Sydney homes, cryptocurrency and luxury items seized after federal police crushed a syndicate allegedly offering money laundering at an "industrial scale". The Australian Federal Police (AFP) says the group, headed by a 43-year-old Vaucluse man, acted as an "underground bank" allowing organised crime gangs in Australia and abroad to access funds held around the world. ABC News (Australia) 1/2/2023 News Every London borough to get senior officer to lead local policing, says MPS Every London borough will get a senior officer to lead local policing as part of the Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) drive to have its strongest ever neighbourhood policing presence. Police Professional 1/2/2023 News MoJ predicts ‘potential tripling’ in use of courtroom video technology for vulnerable victims Vulnerable victims in up to 4,600 cases involving crimes including sexual abuse and rape will be able to avoid giving their evidence in a full courtroom every year according to new estimates from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). Police Professional 1/2/2023 News Record number of police recruits begin training AUSTRALIA: The Rockliff Liberal Government is boosting police numbers to a record high of 1,449 by June 2026. Tasmanian Government 1/2/2023 News Policing Minister says tackling retail crime is a priority Policing Minister Chris Philp has said he is “committed” to tackling retail crime and that it is a priority for the Government. Police Professional 1/2/2023 News Man arrested on suspicion of attempted murder of officers A man in his twenties has been arrested on suspicion of the attempted murder of two police officers in south Belfast. Police Professional 1/2/2023 News Rise in violent offences reported NEW ZEALAND: Invercargill leaders are voicing their concerns about a rise in violent crime in the city, and police statistics show an increase of more than 30% in reports of offences involving victims in the last year. Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) 1/2/2023 News «157615771578157915801581158215831584Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events