Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98273 total results. Showing results 31221 to 31240 «155815591560156115621563156415651566Next ›Last » Public data on suspended police officers varies in Ontario. Experts say that needs to change CANADA: A police constable in Brantford, Ont., has been on a paid suspension since Oct. 18, CBC Hamilton has learned — but the Brantford Police Service won't name the officer, who makes $95,500 per year, or give the reason for the suspension. CBC News (Canada) 10/2/2023 News Police chief says events since convoy prove a change of approach CANADA: Ottawa's police chief says the force has beefed up communication with its oversight board and city hall ahead of major events to avoid the lack of coordination seen during last year's convoy protest. CBC News (Canada) 10/2/2023 News York Regional Police seek $14.7M budget boost amid rising crime CANADA: Police say 3.9% increase is needed to address rise in violent crime — the region saw the most homicides in its history last year — including hiring more officers. [AUDIO] Newmarket Today (Canada) 10/2/2023 News New Assistant Garda Commissioner for North West region REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A long-serving Garda chief will be promoted to the role of Assistant Commissioner in An Garda Síochána. Donegal Daily (Republic of Ireland) 10/2/2023 News PSNI brings pioneering intelligence expertise and experience to pan-European research project Police forces globally must embrace new technologies to remain at the cutting edge of gathering, processing and prioritising intelligence; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth spoke to Det Supt Brian Hanna of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), and Graham Kissock, PSNI’s Head of International Programmes, about developing the force’s intelligence capabilities through participation in a new pan-European network of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/2/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion Labour Court rules Garda age limit for new recruits discriminatory REPUBLIC IF IRELAND: The current Garda age limit of 35 for new job applicants is discriminatory on the grounds of age, the Labour Court has ruled. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 10/2/2023 News Policing Authority appoints Assistant Commissioner in the Garda Síochána REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Policing Authority is pleased to announce that, at its Authority meeting last month, it appointed Chief Superintendent Cliona Richardson to the rank of Assistant Commissioner in the Garda Síochána. Policing Authority (Republic of Ireland) 10/2/2023 News The Need for Relationship-Based Policing USA: ver the last several years, law enforcement has acknowledged the need to improve trust and build relationships within their communities. Police departments have relied on community- oriented policing (COP) to address this need; however, police can do more to strengthen these efforts. Research has shown that while community policing is beneficial for improving public satisfaction, there is still a need for a formal COP model (Gill et al., 2014). Law enforcement needs a systematic, evidence-based foundation for teaching officers to build relationships before a crisis occurs, and relationship-based policing can meet this need. National Policing Institute (USA) 10/2/2023 Feature, Opinion Seven Russian ransomware criminals sanctioned in joint UK/US crackdown on international cybercrime Seven Russian cyber criminals linked to the group behind some of the most damaging ransomware attacks on the UK in recent years, have been sanctioned by the Government in a coordinated action with US authorities. Police Professional 10/2/2023 News Police employee leaked confidential files that ended up on Facebook NEW ZEALAND: A police employee who used intelligence software to pry into the lives of people her friend thought were suspicious has been sentenced to 80 hours community work. Kayla Watson also took photos of four people’s secure police files and sent them to her friend, who then posted them in a Facebook chat group. NewstalkZB (New Zealand) 10/2/2023 News Off-duty Tasmanian police officer Todd Apted found guilty of assaulting man in Newnham street AUSTRALIA: A jury in northern Tasmania has found an off-duty police officer guilty of assaulting a man and perverting the course of justice. Todd Barry Apted, 52, has been on trial in the Supreme Court in Launceston over an altercation in Newnham in August 2020. It was alleged he got into a fight with Juma Obeid, a then-24-year-old of African descent, in Tompsons Lane. The 12-member jury took less than three hours to reach a unanimous verdict on the assault charge and a majority verdict on the perverting the course of justice charge. ABC News (Australia) 10/2/2023 News Queensland police to use US military drones in crime fight AUSTRALIA: High-tech drones, exported only through the approval of the US government, will be used by Queensland police to track criminals and fleeing offenders – including children – in an Australian first. Queensland Acting Deputy Commissioner Mark Wheeler made the announcement on Friday, explaining the technology would be used for “surveilling” and providing situational awareness for officers on the ground. Brisbane Times (Australia) 10/2/2023 News Victorian government must overhaul bail laws to create ‘meaningful’ change, legal groups say AUSTRALIA: Changes to Victoria’s bail laws would be nothing more than cosmetic if the government does not scrap the “reverse onus” bail provisions that have led to a near doubling of Aboriginal women in custody, legal groups have warned. The Victorian government has committed to reforming the Bail Act after a damning coroner’s report into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson found it was “incompatible” with the state’s charter of human rights and discriminatory towards First Nations people. The Guardian 10/2/2023 News How can policing and the criminal justice system better utilise out-of-court disposals? Out-of-court disposals (OOCDs) and diversionary interventions can keep people out of the criminal justice system, and reduce pressures on police, courts and prisons, but the approach is inconsistent and can lack funding; ahead of the introduction of a new two-tier OOCD framework, Meg Jones, Director of social justice charity Cranstoun, looks at what the changes will mean, what works well, and the challenges facing the approach. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/2/2023 Analysis, Feature Serving MPS officer charged with rape A serving Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has been charged with rape by Essex Police. Police Professional 10/2/2023 News Gross misconduct proven against former officer who sent ‘sexual’ messages to vulnerable women A former Northamptonshire Police officer who sent “sexual and flirtatious messages” to two vulnerable women he met on duty would have been dismissed had he not already resigned. Police Professional 10/2/2023 News UK government rejects call to resentence prisoners detained indefinitely Almost 3,000 people still behind bars in England and Wales under ‘imprisonment for public protection’ scheme abolished in 2012 The Guardian 9/2/2023 News ‘Missed opportunity’ as government rejects review of IPP sentences The Government’s decision to reject a review of Imprisonment for Public Protections (IPP) sentences is a “missed opportunity”, the Justice Committee has said. Police Professional 9/2/2023 News Report on the operation of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 Home Office report on the operation of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016. Home Office 9/2/2023 Report Number of people killed with a knife in 2021/22 highest for 76 years The number of people killed with a knife in England and Wales in 2021/22 was the highest on record for 76 years. Police Professional 9/2/2023 News «155815591560156115621563156415651566Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events