Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98212 total results. Showing results 31001 to 31020 «154715481549155015511552155315541555Next ›Last » Member compensated after sensitive and confidential information leak In April 2015 the member’s close family member, who was also a serving PCSO in her force at the time, was arrested and charged in connection with a serious crime. She found this deeply distressing and it caused her to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 14/2/2023 News Toronto police spending $337K on a podcast to avoid perception they’re making ‘copaganda’ CANADA: Toronto police are spending more than $300,000 worth of taxpayer money on a podcast with a limited audience. CBC News (Canada) 14/2/2023 News Hampshire Police Federation helps increase Boot Allowance for special constables to £70 Last year the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) welcomed special constables to its 139,000-strong membership following a successful campaign. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 14/2/2023 News Cllr Tom Conaghan calls for additional gardaí and CCTV for Donegal Town REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Fears that minor incidents of anti-social behaviour in Donegal Town could escalate if not checked now have been aired by local councillor, Tom Conaghan. Donegal Live (Republic of Ireland) 14/2/2023 News Police have ‘blood on their hands’ after missing chances to stop Wayne Couzens, say women’s groups Campaigners say Sarah Everard’s murder was ‘entirely preventable’ if police had sooner resolved investigations into Couzens’s indecent exposure offences and identified him as a police officer i News 14/2/2023 News Concern over border stations as Louth bucks trend in garda staffing levels REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: More gardai are needed for rural Louth garda stations close to the border, local councillors have stated this week. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 14/2/2023 News Police Scotland officer Martyn Coulter not guilty of raping woman and child Constable cleared of raping woman and six-year-old girl by Edinburgh jury The Guardian 14/2/2023 News GSOC warns new Garda watchdog lacks institutional independence REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Ireland’s proposed new police ombudsman will not have institutional independence under the government’s current legislative plans, the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) has warned. Irish Legal News (Republic of Ireland) 14/2/2023 News Income and Calling the Police: Examining a Nuanced Relationship Toward Theoretical Refinement Victims from different demographic populations are known to variably depend on police, and this appears to be the case when considering people of different income classes, an important marker of SES. The attendant research, however, is inconsistent on this point. The purpose of the current work, then, was to clarify any link between victim income and calls to the police, as well as determine any nuance belonging to a possible observed relationship. Toward this end, several theoretical frameworks were reviewed and vetted to determine which provided the most credible explanation for the findings generated using the 2019 NCVS combined with logistic regression and a marginal modeling procedure. The results revealed that victim income is associated with police calls, and that this relationship is best characterized as nonlinear. Furthermore, there are currently no theories that fully account for the results produced through this work, and consequently, an alternative explanation, the tipping point of desperation, is offered to account for the findings that can advance the strengths of existing explanations. It ends with discussion of theoretical and practical implications. Victims and Offenders 14/2/2023 Research article ‘Setting benchmarks and breaking chains’: public opinions of female police officers While many benefits of women in policing have been recognised, sworn female officers have remained mostly underrepresented within the workforce. Recently, policing organisations have sought to rectify this with the implementation of gender targets. However, this aim to increase female officers has been met with resistance and scepticism. This study examines the main support and concerns held by the public regarding women in policing. To do this, 3562 phrases within 3210 public comments were thematically analysed from an Australian Federal Police Facebook recruitment campaign that targeted women. Results showed that most of the comments were positive in nature with three main themes emerging: individual, institutional, and societal perspectives. Furthermore, the findings revealed that there appears to be a shift in public opinions from individual perspective concerns (such as emotional and physical capabilities) to a societal perspective including the balancing of power and the breaking of chains. These findings help to inform policing authorities in the design of gender target campaigns and strategies. Specifically, by knowing the public concerns about women in policing, authorities can address these concerns by rethinking policies and practices, and educating the public about any common misconceptions about female officers. Furthermore, the supportive reasons can be used to promote positive relationships between police and the community enhancing trust and confidence in the police. Policing and Society 14/2/2023 Research article Police Extortion and Drug Dealers’ Negotiation Strategies: Exploring the Accounts of Street-Level Dealers in Nigeria This study explores police extortion and the negotiation strategies of dealers in street drug markets. Analysis of 31 in-depth interviews with male retail drug dealers in Uyo, Nigeria, framed by the theoretical concept of habitus, revealed how bribery and collusion with corrupt police officers offered protection from raids and arrests. Connivance with police was a double-edged sword; it also fostered exploitation of dealers by police officers. Police extortion, motivated by greed and opportunism, undermined profit from drug trade. Dealers negotiated police extortion by walking-away from exploitative collusions and forming new ones, and temporarily desisting from selling drugs to reduce the risk of arrest by vindictive police officers. I argue that street market policing, driven by greed and self-interest, encouraged bribery, extortion, and criminal alliances that effectively redirected policing from the goals of crime control and public order to personal enrichment of police officers. On the other hand, the negotiation of extortion through street habitus suggests that drug dealers are not passive victims of police predation. Improved oversight over patrolling officers and providing viable alternative livelihoods for dealers are suggested as measures for addressing police corruption and retail drug trade. International Criminal Justice Review - Subscription at source 14/2/2023 Research article Vulnerability, resilience, and rape: Uncovering the hidden work of police officers during rape investigations Drawing on original empirical data comprising police interviews and case file analysis, this article seeks to better understand the policing responses to cases of rape and specifically, the ways in which officers assist victims in the context of two themes – encouraging engagement with the investigative process and ensuring victim safety and general welfare. This work – which we call ‘hidden work’ as it is often neglected in the research literature – involves victim care, multi-agency working, provision of practical assistance, along with efforts to protect victims from physical and psychological harm. This article reaffirms key observations in the existing literature that emphasise the importance of victim welfare and engagement as part of a police investigation. A focus on victim care can be seen as an end in itself but also as a strategy that may carry benefit to the police themselves in the pursuance of performance goals should a victim remain engaged with the criminal justice process. However, the central argument in this paper is that traditional measures of police performance, such as detection and arrest rates, miss a significant amount of police activity which are important to rape victims and that a broader range of considerations should be factored into discussion of police performance. This is suggested not to diminish or downplay the significance of traditional measures of performance, or indeed to minimise police shortcomings in these areas, but to facilitate a more nuanced discussion of some of the realities of investigative work in the complex field of sexual offences. The article concludes by arguing that much of this hidden work should be included in formal assessments of police performance alongside traditional key performance indicators. International Review of Victimology 14/2/2023 Research article Abuse of position for a sexual purpose: It can’t be just about vetting In the wake of recent corruption and misconduct scandals in UK policing, the issue of vetting failures has been highlighted as an enabler for bad actors entering and remaining in the police service; but as Policing Insight’s Ian Wiggett reports, while more resources and new approaches to risk can partly alleviate the problem, a much wider review of recruitment, training and standards is required. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/2/2023 Analysis, Feature Resourcing by incident type, England, 2021 to 2023 New analysis of resourcing by incident type. Home Office 14/2/2023 Report Oscar Pistorious will be given 24-hour police protection if freed on parole next month SOUTH AFRICA: Oscar Pistorius will be given 24-hour police protection if he is freed from jail next month on parole after detectives were told that he faces threats to his life when he is freed, MailOnline can reveal on the 10th anniversary of Reeva Steenkamp's murder. Mail Online 14/2/2023 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/2/2023 News Wayne Couzens was on duty for Met when he flashed cyclist four months before Everard murder It has emerged takeaway staff had a vile nickname for Couzens due to his disturbing behaviour The Standard 14/2/2023 News Norfolk police officers face sex and domestic abuse claims Investigations are under way into allegations of sexual abuse and domestic violence against serving Norfolk police officers. Inquiries into 10 alleged cases of sexual abuse and three incidents of domestic violence involving officers and staff are being undertaken by the force’s professional standards department. Eastern Daily Press 14/2/2023 News The right to film police misconduct AUSTRALIA: Witness photos and videos can hold law enforcement to account. Two programs, Copwatch and Fair Play, support minority communities with using this method to address police misconduct safely and legally. Law Society Journal (Australia) 14/2/2023 Feature AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw: Opening statement Supplementary Budget Estimates AUSTRALIA: Good evening Chair and committee members. First, I want to acknowledge the senseless tragedy in Queensland in late 2022. The AFP also acknowledges the motion of condolence by the Parliament and the wreaths laid by the Prime Minister and Attorney-General at the National Policing Memorial. We are one police family, and the AFP stands shoulder-to-shoulder with our brothers and sisters in blue at Queensland Police. The past year has highlighted how the AFP’s unique international network significantly contributes to Australia’s first line of defence. While the AFP works closely with state police and other law enforcement agencies, it is important I explain how we are different. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 14/2/2023 Feature, Opinion «154715481549155015511552155315541555Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events